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Three Waters: Another theft of democracy? Goodbye local control?

Three Waters theft of democracy news

If the New Zealand government’s major changes to the water sector go ahead it will merge the water services owned and operated by 67 local authorities into four unelected mega-entities.

Three Waters (the Water Services Entities Bill) is being described by many as another theft of democracy. Just as we saw suppression of open scientific discussion regards Covid 19 – the Government is pushing forward with its Three Waters reform at full speed – against the independent strategic analysis of the crucial “Unsound Evidence” Castalia report.

There is overwhelming opposition, yet the government is sticking with a “we know best” attitude offering $3 million to councils for water assets worth $100 million. Yes, you read that right!

Why should you be concerned about this? In essence they are taking local water assets by force and culling the voices of ratepayers on the bottom rung of multiple levels of bureaucracy. We need to defend local control, and defeat the intended removal of our local voice, and property rights. We need to do this fast: submissions close on this Bill on 22 July. See the end of this article for how do it.

Here is a brief run down on what Three Waters is

  • The Water Services Entities Bill centralises 67 local authorities and all their water assets in a new government organisation. It confiscates the local infrastructure control of
    the “Three Waters.”
    – Tap water
    – Waste water
    – Storm water
    As you know elected local, regional, and unitary councils in New Zealand take care of these assets on our behalf. Our rates pay for them. They are ours.
  • Ardern says people still have “ownership” of their water assets and infrastructure. But when you cannot manage your assets without a higher authority having to approve that, how can that be rights of ownership? Currently this “ownership” question is being pursed in the courts.

Stories the media want to bury about Three Waters

  1. Christchurch councillor Sam MacDonald uncovered through the Official Information Act the preposterous $34 million the government spent on trying to convince us Three Waters was a good idea. That taxpayer’s money was spent when not a cent went into water infrastructure in any part of the country. Add the $3m offered to councils for $100 million assets and the theft from ratepayers is enormous.
  2. The LGNZ (Local Government NZ) is like a club local councils pay to belong to that lobbies for local council interests. Local councils pay them $6 million a year to safeguard our interests. Sadly, LGNZ did the opposite and gave Three Waters the thumbs up to the Government with ‘diddly squat’ consultation with the local councils. LGNZ agreed (on your behalf) to “not actively oppose such an approach” if the Govt chose to legislate Three Waters reform. So – shouldn’t all local councils’ membership in the LGNZ need to be questioned? Surely a hot election topic!
  3. The strategic Castalia report is being ignored. These independent researchers undertook economies of scale analysis for Local Government NZ. It exposed the faulty assumption that amalgamation is a necessary ingredient in achieving financing and scale benefits. Their analysis also highlighted numerous lessons missed from overseas. Not only did LGNZ ignore these findings they chose to side with the government ahead of the warnings of the report and ahead of the local councils it exists to serve. (see Link)
  4. Where is the vigorous debate about the problems with control by four new (unelected) co-governing entities? All the billions of dollars of assets from all the councils around the country will be under the control of these entities. They will decide how much you will pay for your water on top of the rates you pay to your council. The price could change at any time, there is no price cap. They will also decide where the money goes. Communities that have been responsible could end up paying for those that have been irresponsible over the years with their funds. There are multiple issues but the most important for every local community is the lack of accountability. In a democracy, Local Councils that are ineffective can be voted out. The members of the new Three Waters entity will be appointed NOT elected.
  5. The claim that “At least 34,000 New Zealanders become ill from drinking tap water every year.” is a false statement used by the government. The figure comes from a 14-year-old report that used British figures to estimate the incidence of waterborne gastro-intestinal disease. Ministry of Health annual water quality audits and regular surveillance reports from the Institute of Environments Science and Research show otherwise. There is no crisis that warrants this massive overhaul to a centralised hierarchical system.
  6. The media are not touching the potential eruption of division between Maori iwi, and between Māori and pakeha that could happen due to lack of consultation and participation. Communication and participation IS the key problem here: the structure of management of the Three Waters hierarchy must be carefully explained beyond ideology to avert division amongst all kiwis – and most importantly maintain the voice of local communities in the new system design.

So many unanswered questions

  • Is this the beginning of the centralisation of much much more?
  • Is Ardern relying on the apathy around local politics to centralise control and ownership of water services? If so – let’s change that.
  • Isn’t it time we become active in local politics, made our local councils better and stronger so grass roots control of our own local assets is not lost?
  • Being informed, then following through active debate at a local level is normal in major change like this. Shouldn’t something as large as this involve a Referendum?
  • Why has the LGNZ let NZ local councils down? Shouldn’t we defund them?
  • National does not approve of Three Waters, and say if it is elected in 2023, it will repeal and replace it. But what will they replace it with? We need to hear from them what they are planning. We do not want just another form of centralisation. Shouldn’t we keep politicians to task, and not be satisfied with generalities?

Sometimes it seems like our politicians are asleep at the wheel. No one in parliament stood up against the tyranny of Three Waters until it is actually very nearly in place. Just like they did not question the illegality of the mandates.

What can you do right now?

Defunding LGNZ voids the Heads of Agreement Memorandum signed by LGNZ (on behalf of your council) with the Central Government.

Ask questions of your councillors in person (go in supportive groups) contact your local MP and share your concerns with people around you, so they can pass it on. Flood the government with letters of concern. Write a submission for this legislation before July 22nd.

The good news?
Ironically this could be the end of the apathy in local politics and the beginning of a revival in strong community involvement. So, let’s concentrate on that positive resolve!

Let’s be a strong community for local democracy, and our own local water governance.
Submissions must be in for this legislation by 22 July. A draft submission can be found here.

This 1:10 video ‘Stop Three Waters’ Roadshow on July 9th is worth seeing. Good on you Christchurch!

Useful links

  • https://www.democracyaction.org.nz/three_waters_reform
  • https://www.communities4localdemocracy.co.nz
  • The Castalia Report. Unsound Evidence: Follow the links in this article to the Castalia report.

Opinion by Jennie Hatherley

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  1. Under the NWO agenda, all essesntials will be owned by the gloabalist elites. Water is essential and cannot be owned by the public through their local councils. The newly created centralised body is just a conduit to transfer all the water resources to Globalists. This will happen when our economy is collapsed. Like banks, we will all be told that we need to sell the water assets for better management and overcome the economic collapse. This will happen at the time of choosing by the Globalists. Agent Jacinda and subagent Mahuta will implement the first step of centalising the control of water assets. 2030 is still away, and the economic collpase will happen by then.

    I will notbe surpised of private water collection is banned or taxed in the name of “public health” in the future. Michael Baker will start talking about the unsafe water collection and consumption when public become too indifferent to the current plandemic lol. There are so many low life sciuence prostituting fake academics out there who will be willing to sell our freedom and liberty for 30 silver coins.

  2. Water collection has been banned via State Governments in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.

    Stand by to have your water metered, charged massive rates per litre, and in the event you have low ‘social credit’, the bastards will cut-off your water so you will not be able to cook, bathe/shower, wash clothes, drink, or flush the toilet!!

    Jabcinda is a typical ex-Mormon (a church founded by 32 degree Freemason Joseph Smith and his brother Hiram) with a Masonic Scholarship-funded education. Seeing that she was also the leader of the Young Socialist International for 2 years in a row, the veneer is now coming off in the NWO / WEF / IMF catchphrases that are designed to deflect questions and issues away from the real, cryptic meaning that she so often uses to detract and confuse the voting public.

    Luxom would simply continue the same NWO / WEF / IMF policies under the guidance of former PM and Zionist Banker (the Smiling Assassin) “Sir???’John Key!

    Vote for the minor political parties ie Outdoors & Freedom Party, Matt King’s party, etc.

    And you can be assurred that IF the minor parties got into majority seated power, Operation Katipo and martial law would be declared by the PTB to stop and nullify the majors being thrown out of power, and the election declared insolvent.

    Those in the military had better have a good think about this before they choose to ‘follow the diatribe’ and unlawful orders that seek to overthrow a duly-elected minor party government that becomes the majority!

    • Most areas of government services supported by ‘Rates’ are ineffective anyway, and the NGO’s (ie St. Johns, Kiwi Kids, etc) have more results.
      If I had the chance, my ‘Rates’ would be minimal 30% for water, sewer, fire & police protection, council services, and the remaining 70% to the NGO of my choice.
      But…I don’t see that happening anytime soon…!

      • They should be called taxes and not rates. Rates are spent on what rate payers want but taxes are spent on what the politicians/rulers want. Given that only a third of the “rates” foes to essential services, two-thirds are spent by system pigs for the benefit of realtors, business class who have slimy assoication with these pigs.

  3. So, Jabinda says we will still have ownership of our water. Thank heavens for that. I was getting a bit concerned that she might be telling fibs like she does about jabs, masks and mandates. Whew, another reason for panic averted…


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