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Thursday, October 24, 2024


Three Waters

Labour’s Three Waters legislation repealed

The Coalition Government’s legislative plan to address longstanding issues with local water infrastructure and service delivery took an important step today, with the repeal...

Three Waters legislation to be repealed

The Government will restore council ownership and control of water assets to give much needed clarity to the local government sector by repealing and...

An Open Letter to all Members of Parliament for the term 2023-2026, Part One

As a member of parliament you have a duty to represent all New Zealanders — the true sovereigns of this country. You are answerable...

Winston will withdraw NZ from UN declaration on indigenous rights, won’t ‘return Labour to power’

Major policy announcements were made this weekend via the party's website and at a speech by leader Winston Peters today in Pukekohe. 'New Zealand First...

Watch: ‘Stop Co-Governance’ meeting in Palmerston North draws protest crowd

About 150 protesters gathered outside the meeting venue in Palmerston North last night. One protester named Victoria managed to get inside the building, but was...

Fed Farmers’ concerns ‘remain unresolved’ following Three Waters rebrand

Federated Farmers President Andrew Hoggard told members the government's announcement this week appeared to be a 'superficial reset' rather than a real reset. 'Yes, they’ve...

Three Waters changes a ‘hollow rebrand’

Local Government Minister Kieran McAnulty has announced major changes to NZ's 'affordable water reforms'  - The Waters today. In a press release he said the...

‘Government takes new direction with policy refocus’ – Hipkins

“The Government is refocusing its priorities to put the cost of living front and centre of our new direction,” Chris Hipkins said. “I said the...

Mahuta introduces 130 pages of Three Waters changes just hours after law is passed

The controversial Three Waters Entities Bill has not even received Royal Assent. The Three Waters Bill passed its final reading in parliament on 8 December....

Bryce Edwards: Labour needs Mahuta to go, but she’s too powerful

The pressure on Jacinda Ardern to sack Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta is building. But Mahuta is too powerful within the Labour Party to...

Government to remove entrenchment from Three Waters legislation

The Government will fix the Water Services Entities Bill this week by removing the entrenchment clause that was voted on during committee stages, Leader...

3 Waters Entrenchment ‘Undemocratic’ and ‘Constitutionally Inappropriate’ – NZ Law Society

The New Zealand Law Society has written to the Minister of Local Government expressing its concern regarding the use of an entrenchment clause in...

‘Labour f**ks the constitution’ – David Farrar

Last week Labour and Greens included 'entrenchment' provisions for some parts of the Water Services Utilities Bill (ie. the proposed 'Three Waters Act'). This means...

Fed Farmers respond to 3 Waters ‘misinformation’

In a statement to members today, Federated Farmers President Andrew Hoggard clarified the organisation's Three Waters stance. Hoggard wrote, 'Some media interviews on the debate...

Three Waters: ‘Changes make water reforms more workable for communities and councils’ says Mahuta

The Government has welcomed proposed recommendations to improve the workability of water reform legislation, says Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta. 'At a time when the...

Mayors put forward new three waters proposal

The Mayors of Auckland and Christchurch have put forward a joint proposal to make progress on the divisive “three waters” issue and achieve consensus. Auckland’s...

Wayne Brown tells Watercare and Council CEO to stop working on Three Waters

The incoming Auckland Mayor made his views clear in a letter sent to Watercare Chairwoman Margaret Devlin and Auckland Council CEO Jim Stabback. In a...

‘Scathing’ Auditor-General’s Report – Scrap Three Waters now says National

The Office of the Auditor-General has delivered a scathing indictment of the Government’s Three Waters reforms and the Government should now abandon them, says...

‘New Zealand, it’s time to say no to their bulls**t’ – Hutch of NZ Freedom Mini calls on kiwis to make a stand

If you have been following the New Zealand freedom movement, chances are you will have seen the distinctive yellow mini. It was present at the...

Three Waters: Another theft of democracy? Goodbye local control?

If the New Zealand government's major changes to the water sector go ahead it will merge the water services owned and operated by 67...

‘More co-governance, bureaucracy in new Three Waters bill’ – ACT

“Far from pulling back from co-governance in Three Waters, Labour has doubled down,” says ACT’s Local Government spokesperson Simon Court. “, the Government introduced its...

Three Waters: ‘New legislation to improve water services and protect community ownership’ – Mahuta

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta says the Water Services Entities Bill is the first of several pieces of legislation to establish a new system...

Stop 3 Waters Roadshow Itinerary announced

The 'Stop 3 Waters Roadshow' organised the Taxpayers' Union will begin its nationwide tour on Friday. The purpose of the roadshow is to hear and...

Watch: Voices For Freedom – Hear our Voices, What’s happening in Clutha? Proposed bylaws likely to restrict locals’ waterway access

In this video Tane Webster of Voices For Freedom talks to Brodie Dodds about the Clutha District Council's proposed bylaws to restrict access to...

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