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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Tim Webb releases ‘Gayford Dossier’ on Twitter

The dossier allegedly contains information relating to the Karel Sroubek controversy and points to a possible collusion between various actors to create a cover-up.


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  1. Well, well. What’s that saying again..? Oh yes.
    If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck then it’s a Gayford. Sprung!

  2. This is criminal at the highest level!!!! I know families who have had their children removed for less than this!!! It’s a bloody disgrace!!! The coverups , the lies, the turning the head at a government level, the sweeping under the carpet by police and media, immigration is complicit in this corruption. Known criminals in serious drug crimes and trafficking, passport forgery and lovely little text messages between all the coke snorting junkies, a pardon for Clarke and his criminal associates, text messages from corrupt police suggesting rehab for the stoners, Ardern using her lies and power to protect herself and her position that should result in immediate dismissal!!! She is clearly unfit to govern. Maybe media ie hoskings, soper and others are desperate to shut it down and keep it quiet lest their sins be revealed, maybe they could be the A listers that the dossier speaks of, maybe the rabbit hole hoskings speaks of could consist of a sh*tload of high profile coke snorting individuals. Who knows!!! What we do know is that an independent inquiry is justified and we do know that media, police, and government won’t do it so who will?

  3. Hoskings “ going down a rabbit hole stuff” What’s wrong with him? Of course it’s rabbit hole stuff! Most criminal activities are almost always underground and you have to dig deep to get to the bottom of it. How cavalier of you hoskings this is a serious matter, this is corruption and coverup at a government level. Why aren’t you pushing for transparency?, why aren’t you advocating for truth ? If there is nothing to be found then okay but if we don’t investigate these crimes and shrug them off with a rabbit hole label we will never know. You are shrugging, you are sweeping, you are dismissing, there is already proven criminal activity here written in the dossier. I wonder at your quick dismissive response ???? Could it be that cocaine snorting partner of our pm is not news to you? you are also aware of the drug traffickers forged passport and pardon? What about the corrupt police smacking gayfords ars* and turning a blind eye for class a drugs? Surely even you should agree that it warrants a closer look.

    • He is only one sad pathetic opinion. Let’s hope Cam gets on to this, and it makes it to the Platform. Perhaps then we will know if the smoke is really a fire…

    • Hosking is a waste of time. He possibly even knows some of these people. As for the Platform, yeah I had high hopes, but Sean has gone all feral nasty on people who still want to talk about the vaccine. Fact is people are still traumatised by it and the way people treated other people. There are new revelations coming out about the vaccine side effects every day and it’s only going to get worse. Sean will lose the audience, many of whom only came to listen after we heard Paul Brennan interviewing Dr Matt Shelton. Sean needs to wake up if he wants this to be a success. The Platform isn’t tolerant and it’s not ‘the resistance’. If it was he wouldn’t belittle everyone who has a difference of opinion and he would give people with more knowledge on a subject than him a chance to speak to their knowledge WITHOUT INTERUPTION. I may not bother tuning in this week. Just remember guys, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I haven’t watched TV in over 2 years, and I no longer listen to Today FM or whatever the f@ck they are calling it these days. No one wants to listen to Tovas utter BS and mispronounced basic words, her squeaky annoying voice and propaganda fed to her by her mates in parliament, we don’t want to listen to duncan talking about the same Sh1t he was talking about 5 years ago and sounding like he’s about to have an orgasm and we don’t want to listen to Leah and Mark raving on about how F’king fabulous they each are or where they have been on holiday or how many rentals they have or where they went out for dinner on Friday night. The whole thing is a complete shell of its former self. A literal Sh1t show. I so miss Peter Williams. I want to listen to Rodney Hide. We want to talk about politics, we want freedom of speech and we want to be able to debate a subject without some rude narcissist shutting us down, and, if we aren’t going to get it from the traditional sources WE WILL GET IT ELSEWHERE.

      Remember? GO WOKE, GO BROKE.

  4. I checked with the “experts” at the Te Pūnaha Matatini; Centre for Science in Society, Te Herenga Waka.

    The suggested to smear Tim Webb using the following phrase bombs:

    ????Wild and dangerous mis-and disinformation; possibly Malinformation????

    ????Must be dismissed as conspiracy theory
    Online and offline harassment????

    ????Nothing but a memetic material????

    ????Another anti-vaxer, anti-mandate, INCEL, misogynist, hyper-masculine, anti-authoritarian,
    Identitarian hate crime????

    ????Complex meta-level scaffolding of disinformation operation by Russian agents????

    ????????Anti-democratic intended as an emotional contagions for online reflexive sharing
    and reactions????????

    ????An instrumentfor the spread of anger, antagonism and anxiety among kiwis????

    ????Misleading formation and cementing of attitudes, perceptions and behaviours without critical reflection????

    ????Strategic messaging and ideological framework of far right extremists????

    ????Intended to be highly violative, instigating kinetic violence on the leader loved by kiwis????

    ☭Russian tactic to amplify volatility
    offliine, by stoking anger, anxiety and antagonism, online ☭

    ????Self-proclaimed journalists, creating
    complex, confusing and chaotic environment in Aotearoa New Zealand ????

    ????Nothing but part of Russian mis- and disinformation ecologies are heavily laden with conspiratorialism????

    ????‍☠️QAnon, MAGA, or pro-Trump propaganda????‍☠️

    ????Profoundly toxic, hyper-masculinity,
    and deep misogyny????

    ????Designed to promote a pro-Kremlin narrative frame amongst wider community????

    ????Vicious, vulgar, and violative lie on the beloved leader????

    ????????Dog-whistling, encoded or thinly-veiled violent extremist rhetoric????????

    ????A lie from an exclusive, supremacist, xenophobic, racist, far-right and extremist ideologist????

    ????????Jargon and “complicated English words” are explained using emoticons as per the Orders received.????????

    • Thanks Smising Sue this is hilarious ???? Gosh the sticks and stones word salad that they have opted for is very lengthy ???? desperate even, and I might add there is a generous pinch of panic and paranoia. Well I guess sharing the contents of this dossier warrants coming out with all guns blazing, to hell with it they cry!!! Who cares about the truth!!! Just shut them up!!! Shred all the evidence!!! Cover there ars*s!!! Protect the leader at all costs!!! Once again the twats are pissing in the wrong pond???????? Tim didn’t write it ????

    • Thanks SmiisingSue. I didn’t know there was so many ways to assasinate someone in print, I have learnt so much. You take the ????and ????and naturally the chocolate fish for your superb effort. ????????

  5. I like the way they say he ‘wasn’t the subject of……’ I mean the subject would be the main criminal, and wouldn’t be in regards to the clients. So yeah technically that statement is true…….but read it carefully and it means nothing. Just more smoke and mirrors from the corrupt people running this country. They all need jail time for the corruption, the crimes, the deals, the lies, the deflection, the coverups and the hypocrisy. Makes me sick.

    Truth will always come out in the end…..just you watch.

  6. Hey folks … the “Dossier” was emailed to me by a hacker, whose name shall remain confidential, always. At the time, I was calling for ALL evidential information anyone had in the pursuit of truth over the Covid BS. I had a LOT of information come my way, and I’ve collected exponentially more over the course of the past year. No doubt I’ll be handing over what I have to the Daily Telegraph, in the pursuit of truth because it’s fair to say I’m farking fed up with our idiotic PM and her henchmen mistaking us all for fools.


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