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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Trump lays out plan to ‘shatter’ the Deep State

In a video address released during the campaign but re-circulating on social media, president-elect Donald Trump outlined a comprehensive plan to dismantle the nefarious US “Deep State” within the federal government, aiming to shift power away from Washington’s bureaucrats and unelected, unaccountable actors, and return it to the American people.

Trump’s plan, if enacted, would overhaul federal agencies, introduce strict reforms on intelligence practices, and crack down on government corruption. He said the approach is aimed at restoring democracy by combating “Washington corruption.”

The plan consists of ten key actions, beginning with reissuing a 2020 executive order to empower the president to remove bureaucrats deemed corrupt or “rogue.”

Further, Trump pledged to restructure national security and intelligence agencies to prevent political targeting, particularly of conservatives, Christians, and other groups.

Reform of the FISA courts and a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to expose government abuses are also central to his agenda.

Other measures include an independent auditing system for intelligence agencies, stricter rules for government leakers, and relocating parts of the federal bureaucracy outside Washington.

Trump also aims to ban federal employees from taking jobs with companies they regulate and push for congressional term limits through a constitutional amendment.

With this plan Trump claims he will “shatter the Deep State” and restore a government truly “for the people.”

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  1. Mostly sounds good except for the comment about “leakers”, does he mean whistle blowers, if so, this is very much business as usual….

    • I think high level leaks e.g. as what was used against from his own office during his previous term. However, it’s risky in my view

  2. The United States is not a country, it is a corporation, and the president is president of the corporation of the United States. He and his elected officials work for the corporation, not for the American people.
    Since the United States is a corporation, who owns the corporation of the United States? The United States is just another Crown colony. Crown colonies are controlled by the Empire of the three City States.
    The District of Columbia, (like the City State of London and the Vatican City State), a third city state was officially created in 1871, with the passage of the Act of 1871. That city state is called the District of Columbia and is located on 10sq miles of land in the heart of Washington. The District of Columbia flies its own flag, and has its own independent constitution. The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman law known as Lex Fori, which bears no resemblance to the US Constitution. When congress passed the Act of 1871, it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interests of American Citizens. Although geographically separate, the City States of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called Empire of the City. The flag of Washington’s district of Columbia has three red stars. One for each city state in the Three City Empire. This Corporate Empire of three city states controls the world economically, through London’s inner city, militarily through the District of Columbia, and spiritually through the Vatican.
    Good luck Trump, you are going to need it.

    • Cudos to your comment. You are well informed.
      You touch on one of the most important but generally unknown subjects: Corporate law vs Common law.
      Common Law is the old english law, but developed so much Case Law that it had become convoluted and the king in some cases stepped in to make fair decisions, and ruled, which became Equity Law, which cannot exist without Common Law, but equity added ‘fairness’.
      What is prevalent now is corporate law (i.e public law, i.e. admiralty law/maritime law) which functions on contract law. All agreements are contracts. And that goes for New Zealand too.
      All corporations operate under Commerce and Contract Law. Every public entity is a corporation:
      Your council
      the government
      Ministry of Health
      Ministry of Education,…
      Contract law (all corporations) needs to create joinder/contract/agreements. Without it, they have no jurisdiction over you. “Privity of contract” forbids inclusion of others who are not mentioned. Where people give their power away unknowingly is by joinder or entering contracts by silent acquiescense.
      For example, by handing over your driver license as ID to a cop or anyone else, you agree to joinder with the birth certificate entity the system created and owns (hence they can tell YOU, the person, the ALL CAPITAL NAME what you can and cannot do). If you identify with their creation, you are owned.
      You also enter a contract by silent acquiescens for example when mail arrives with your name in ALL CAPS letters and you belive it is addressed to you, the man or woman.
      The corporate system owns us and treats us as chattel when we believe in all the titles they give us. Mr/ Mrs, doctor, farmer, resident, driver, employer/employee, landlord/tenant, person, voter, ….
      Read legislation and it NEVER talks about men and women. And it only rarely talks about people. And one of these legislations is mighty important to remember:
      Criminal Procedure Act sec 381 Payment of fees, fines, etc
      (2) Section 364 and this section override every enactment …..having the effect of granting people of any description, …. protection or immunity from criminal or civil liability (or both).
      So as long as we are identifying as man or woman, as one of the people, we are free. Make no mistake, the cops and councils and politicians have learnt to coerce you with threats and fear. Learning to be out of fear is vital.
      To gain insight of how insiduous the governments of the world are (and how New Zealand is in a very special place to counter that) get the book “Who is the Government” https://www.whoisthegovernment.com/product-page/who-is-the-government
      It is a book written by the NZ farmer Ewan Campbell. What the system did to him you can witness on “60 Minutes”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GDm3Y9wAuA

  3. If President Trump can clean out the corrupt Deep State it will go a long way to rebuilding this once mighty empire. The key protagonists like Obamas, Clinton’s, Pelosi, Wrays, Garland, Biden’ have been terribly destructive to this once great nation.

  4. 🥉🐂💩
    The wrestler billionaire will promise everything and deliver nothing.
    He had the chance.
    Don’t get sucked in again. WE must act. Not let some effluescent puppet loudmouth hog the limelight with lipservice.

  5. They’re being suspiciously civil about this election loss.

    I think the MOTHER of all false flags is coming, well before his 20 January inauguration.

    Bank on it.

  6. Trupmet goes blah blah blahdy blah. This overblown wtestler says a lot of things. Sadly there are no actions which follow.
    How long before the homogenised mass wake up to the rort?
    They’re ALL patsies. WE have to save OUR planet from THEM.

  7. This could be very amusing.

    Personally I’m hoping to see Gates, Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna etc get their comeuppance for the covid scamdemic.

    Alternatively Trump may be full of it, and we’ve simply been duped yet again.

    We’ll see.


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