When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fail – think of it, ALWAYS. – Mahatma Gandhi.
Recently, I spoke at the Roadshow24 Event in Queenstown on 11 November, an event created by the amazing Donna Clapham who used her unique talents to bring it to four areas (Dunedin Queenstown, Nelson and Wellington) of our country. I was asked to speak on my recent article, Erasing an Orchestrated Litany of Lies, although there were also some key additional sections I added to the original article. An audio of this talk is attached, along with extra information that, due to time constraints, was omitted at the Roadshow. It takes about 30 minutes to listen to, so make yourself a cuppa and join me for the wild ride! I hope it uplifts, inspires and helps bring reassurance, too.
A general transcript of the audio follows, although you’ll find there are some extra pieces in this as well!
The general text of the talk is divided into five separate sections:
- Why it is so important to know our history ¬– or be condemned to repeat it. This is illustrated with two historical examples that link to what we are facing today.
- Who is orchestrating the current Litany of Lies and Why.
- What they plan next.
- What we can do about it.
- The powerful tools we have in our tool-kit, that they don’t, and how we can utilise the unlimited power of the human spirit. (My favourite bit!)
Section One: Know your history – or be condemned to repeat it
On 28 November 1979, an Air NZ flight crashed into Mt Erebus in Antarctica killing all 257 onboard. It still leaves a scar on our Nation that a limp apology over 40 years later has done nothing to resolve.
The night before the flight someone in Air NZ changed the flight path coordinates from straight up McMurdo Sound to one that headed directly for Mt Erebus. The pilots had already been briefed. They were not notified of any change. At the time of the accident they were flying in cloud.
Justice Mahon conducted the Inquiry into the crash and found corruption, subterfuge, lies by bureaucratic depts, top executives in Air NZ and the government, leading right up to the PM. Crucial evidence went missing, including a log-book with full details found next to the chief pilot’s body that was faithfully handed in by rescuers, just as it was found, but which later turned up minus the vital information. Homes of the deceased pilots were broken into the night after the tragedy, in a search for documents. The pilots were unjustly blamed for the crash, but Justice Mahon spoke for them, restoring their fine reputations when their voices had been forever silenced.
In the key part of his summary, Justice Mahon said: “No judicial officer ever wishes to be compelled to say that he has listened to evidence which is false. He always prefers to say, as the hundreds of judgments which I have written will illustrate, that he cannot accept the relevant explanation, or that he prefers a contrary version set out in the evidence.
“But in this case, the palpably false sections of evidence which I heard could not have been the result of any mistake, or faulty recollection. They originated, I am compelled to say, in a pre-determined plan of deception. They were very clearly part of an attempt to conceal a series of disastrous administrative blunders and so, in regard to the particular items of evidence to which I have referred, I am forced reluctantly to say that I had to listen to an orchestrated litany of lies.”
He was immediately attacked through a vicious black propaganda campaign. (Does this sound familiar to what we see today?) But Kiwis recognised Justice Mahon as a great man who stood for truth and justice, unafraid to call those in power to account. Justice Mahon died five years later.
If only we had more Judges like him today.
The tragedy is that this recent corruption was just the tip of an ancient iceberg as almost all rulers have been corrupted for centuries, right back to 2AD – according to Dr David Martin in a recent interview on Man In America.) Dr Martin is blunt, factual, upfront and yet also manages to offer tangible hope and positivity.
The second example is World War II. Hitler, according to his book, Mein Kampf, stated: “In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility.” It was his view that most people were comfortable telling small lies, but uncomfortable perpetuating big lies. “It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. . . Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” Goebbels — Hitler’s Nazi Minister for Propaganda — concurred and said, “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.” It was Goebbels who controlled the media.
Today (with both examples) it is a similar playbook, with blatant, colossal lies and coverups accompanied by vicious attacks on any who questioned or disagreed. It was aided by a complicit mainstream media, which made it difficult for many to be able to confront the magnitude of lies so evil.
“Safe and effective” applied to an experimental jab— the polar opposite of what it is — is one of the greatest lies ever told. This repetitive phrase was implanted into the minds of many who believed it, because a government would surely not say it — and keep saying it — otherwise would they?
Yes, they would. Yes, they did. Yes, they still do.
So many Kiwis did not want it, but were faced with taking a jab against their will or losing their jobs and not being able to feed their families. It was medical rape. It was made worse by the sadistic torture of those who suffered serious side effects and when they appealed for help they were met with ridicule, shouted at, insulted, and told it was all in their head.
The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and the Nurses Council (NCNZ) prohibited doctors and nurses from giving patients fully informed consent. They were told: “There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice.”

You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders . . . Allegiance to it means partaking of this evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her own soul. —Mahatma Gandhi
But then there were the medical staff who considered the Hippocratic Oath, the Nuremberg Code and their own personal sense of ethics senior to all else, and spoke out regardless of the consequences. They were censured, ridiculed, de-registered, lost their careers and faced witch-hunt tribunals at enormous cost and stress and were required to be “re-educated” if they wanted to practice again. But those doctors, and other health professionals, formed NZDSOS and calmly stood firm, and became formidable opponents to the tyranny. They never gave up. They still don’t. Their integrity and honour remains intact.
Thank God for each and every one of them and their team.
There were attacks on all who spoke out. There were attempts to censor and ridicule and we were labelled “anti-vaxxers” as though it was blasphemy. It was straight from Goebbels’ playbook. If it was so safe, why did MPs, ACC, and over 11,000 health-workers receive exemptions? If it was really safe wouldn’t they be pushing us out of the way to get to the front of the queue?
Section 2. Who is doing this?
The World Health Organisation, (WHO) the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) all act as a front for the shadowy figures (the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Gates, Soros and various secret societies) who control them. There may even be others behind them.
Klaus Schwab of the WEF, boasts about infiltration of all governments, and Yuval Harari, his side-kick, chillingly talks about hacking human beings and manipulating them. He said that humans were to become extinct and the idea of having free-will and a soul is over. (Links in the full article).
They seek a totalitarian one-world government under the UN with total control through A.I. Their plan is to severely reduce the world population and control the rest through trans-humanism, artificial intelligence, and facial recognition. In this way, they plan to bring every remaining human under their control. (Unless we join together and peacefully say NO.)
The former prime minister of New Zealand was a WEF graduate and — without our consent — signed NZ up for the pilot A.I. project.
Section 3: What they plan next?
Basically, their plan is to tighten the thumb-screws on what they have already orchestrated, by creating more fear and terror and an increase of the destruction to businesses and countries that they have already caused. They will probably attempt to create more orchestrated “smoke and mirrors” events designed to divide New Zealanders further, using race, gender, culture, the colour of one’s skin, and a division of views on “climate change” rhetoric. They will continue their “dismantling” to ” build back better” knowing that it isn’t anything but the intended destruction of more businesses, farming, properties, countries, and lives, at which point they will offer their “solution” of a one-world government and totalitarian control. (No thankyou.)
The common denominator in each of their playbooks is that they create the “problem” and they provide the “solution” to the problem of their creation through lies, subterfuge and propaganda. This is threaded through all of their chaos. Join the dots. For example: They create a “deadly disease”, use their owned-media to drum up terror, herd populations to take an experimental jab, ban all other successful options, while censoring those who speak out.
They will probably try to continue with further chemtrails to poison the food and water, and more false alarms about “climate change”, like the net-zero idiocy. A brief common-sense look at “zero CO2” tells us all we need to know, as the most basic biology tells us we exhale CO2, and plants and trees inhale it. So, what is alive without CO2?
After sufficient manufactured fear and chaos they will likely attempt to usher in a New World Order and a One World government under the corrupt UN, and herd the population to accept Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) with a Universal Basic Income (UBI). They will attempt to steal all natural resources and property. If you don’t comply, you don’t eat. Unless we peacefully say NO.
THE PROBLEM FOR THEM is that millions realise they were deceived. They will peacefully not comply. They are few. We are many. They can only achieve their goals with our acquiescence. As Gandhi said, ‘The truth makes you a soldier’. (Albeit a peaceful one).

Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologise for being correct or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. — Mahatma Gandhi.
Section 4: What can we do?
It remains vital that we peacefully continue to call them to account and also support all who are doing this, such as NZDSOS and the alternative media including; the Daily Telegraph NZ, RCR, FreeNZ, Counterspin and many, many, others.
It is equally important that we continue to keep speaking out because it creates space for others to do the same and enlightens Kiwis on what is really happening. Those orchestrating the chaos are desperate for only their perception to be known, which is a key tool of dictatorship. Yet, there are unlimited opportunities for us to communicate, no matter who we are or where we are and a word here and there by each of us can create ripples that are able to positively change the world. Here are a few examples:
Chance Encounters: I have heard; “if people aren’t awake now they never will be.” This may give a feeling that it is of no use to communicate, but it is ALWAYS the best idea to communicate. Each of us is in contact with many others and has a sphere of influence. A few examples follow:
Recently I made a chance comment at the tail-end of a conversation between two cashiers at a hardware store. (It was sequitur to their chat at the time and was something to do with the poisoning of our water with fluoride.) They stared at me, speechless. Just as I was thinking I had got that perception wrong, one pointed to me and said, “That’s our girl!” Ten minutes later, with the queue rapidly growing behind me, I left the store (with my plant) and two cashiers at their stations who now joyfully had the links to NZDSOS, the alternative media, and Fluoride Free. They were absolutely delighted to get this information and hadn’t heard of any of these websites previously, but both were acutely aware of the apparent march towards totalitarianism, and now knew where to find further information. I was extremely heartened by this, as earlier in the day I had been trying to communicate to someone of such issues, who did not want to know. But here, totally unexpectedly, a chance comment opened an opportunity to give information to two souls, thirsty for knowledge. Wow! It was like a gust of fresh air! Maybe I should start up a sausage sizzle outside that store on Saturdays!
My husband Charlie was also met by two young builders who wanted to know more about where to get assistance for jab injuries from trusted medical staff, after being betrayed by the usual system. (This was after a few chance comments Charlie had recently made to them.) They were so keen to know that they arrived at our place after knock-off time to learn more. About an hour later, Charlie emerged from the chat having given out vital websites packed with information that they could study. And of course when he is in the mountains with clients he has a captive audience, too!
All it takes is caring for the one in front of you.
I have also heard, “It’s OK for him to say “communicate” but he is a doctor, people would laugh at me and say, “What do you know?” Not true. We do know. We know that no one knows the contents. We know thousands are ill and many have died. So why would we put it into our blood and keep doing it? It is so important to communicate from our own reality. Remember each of us has a sphere of influence.
I have been told: “Your articles are of no use, they just go to those who agree with you.” Not so! I have the notoriety of having been among those Kiwis who have been reported to the top office in the country. I‘m in good company! I have also been told to never stop writing my articles — so I have found it better not to pay too much attention to what another may say to dissuade me from what I know to be right for me. I follow my heart. You probably do, too, which is great. That’s just as it should be.
Often, a light touch is all that is needed and to have a conversation based on what is real to the other person. This is powerful. A friend of mine said she was at a tea-break with colleagues and mentioned there was a lot of illness about these days, to which she received immediate agreement. She then pondered aloud that she had realised that it all seemed to have occurred since the jab . . . There was silence as the other staff thought about it and then, gradually, they came to the same conclusion with comments like, “That’s when our business started suffering.” “Heck, never thought of that before….” “Yes, you’re right…”
Speaking out, standing strong to what each of us knows to be right, along with peaceful non-compliance, is more powerful than we realise. Speaking truth is very powerful. It is also incredibly important to give hope to those who have been misled and lied to, or felt forced to take it because of the threat to their jobs. There is hope. The NZDSOS clinic offers help and there are international doctors and health experts that also offer detox solutions. (Dr Ardis and his group, and Jonathan Otto – all based in the US – seem worth a look.) Do what makes sense to you. Follow your heart, your inner knowing.
Tyranny can only exist through obedience. They are few. We are many.
Section 5. The powerful tools we have that they don’t and how we can use them
It is sometimes easy to forget that we have tools in our tool kit that are beyond the reach of those who seek to destroy us. It involves utilising the unlimited power of the human spirit.
To be able to do this, it is vitally important to remember who we really are. That is, Spiritual Beings. Infinite. Divine Sparks. Eternal. It is the body that is perceived to die. We don’t. Ask those who have had a Near Death Experience (NDE). I have. Many years ago, when I worked as a Staff Sister in Coronary Care (CCU) it was part of my job to bring patients back after they had a cardiac arrest. Afterwards, as they recovered, I would sometimes ask if they remembered anything between the time their heart stopped and when we got it beating again. Usually they would look at me and then hesitantly say that yes they did remember but hadn’t want to say anything as they thought their recall would be invalidated. I encouraged them to talk about it and they were happy to do so when they knew they were in a safe space and would be listened to with respect. They spoke of that “in-between time” with joy. When we know that we (as spiritual beings) don’t die, then fear has no place in our hearts.
That’s why those who seek world control are keen on us identifying with anything but that, as it is something out of their control. They cannot negatively affect us at this level of knowledge and understanding. They want us in fear and terror — the lower vibrational field in which they operate. Higher vibrational levels are something with which they cannot compete.

There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes. – Leo Tolstoy
Some of the qualities of spirit – high vibrational levels – are love, compassion, understanding, caring, courage, speaking truth, the ability to positively create – and the joy of doing so – as well as doing what is right, within your heart. Laughter and a sense of humour are also great tools. Fear-mongering becomes powerless when it is met with humour and laughter.
Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea is an MD PhD and has written two books on Transhumanism. She also has a sub-stack – Humanity United Now. She has viewed thousands of blood samples of the jabbed and unjabbed under Deep Field Microscopy and recently noted that the one thing that technocratic transhumanist futurists do not have is the spiritual knowledge that we are already immortal beings. She said that they are terrified of death and pursue their dream of immortality uploaded into the cloud with a vengeance.
She said in a recent sub-stack that regardless of what is in your blood, it is virtually impotent in the presence of positivity and LOVE. . . There is no force (quality) more powerful in any universe than love. And, she added, “They don’t have it.“ Dr Ana also mentioned that they cannot create. They just seek to destroy.
In a recent interview between Dr Ana, and Cathy O’Brien (an MKUltra survivor) they concurred that a key way these transhumanist futurists attempt to entrap is through fear and terror, which is a low vibrational field where they exist, and they concluded that this is why it is so important for us to be as positive as possible. She explained that the world is made up of wavelengths and what we put out is what we attract back. Upper level vibrations attract similar back and have power, as they don’t entangle us in lower vibration reception. The transhumanists have no access to these upper level vibrations, so in that higher wavelength band we are out of their reach.
For many, a great example of this is the wonderful uplifting vibrations at Camp Freedom. Despite maximum provocation — such as turning the sprinklers on when the area was already deluged with rain and having the police randomly turn up and aggressively shuffle forwards at random hours in various forms of riot-dress, amongst a host of other hostilities — all who were there met each challenge with love. There was unity. We were simply there to peacefully protest the mandates and had the country with us from Cape Reinga to Bluff. Food was needed – and miraculously appeared from the Hare Krishna and volunteers, along with wonderful donations pouring in from all over NZ. The ground was drenched – and farmers turned up with hay to soak it up. Toilets and showers were needed – the plumbers arrived with portaloos and showers. It was miraculous and wonderful and full of magic and positivity. Just as our country should be – until paid stooges moved in and created mayhem. But the spirit of Camp Freedom remains undampened and vividly alive within each of us because of that love, that unity, and that spirit which we all experienced there. All of this demonstrates why it is so important to keep focused on positive vibrations of love, joy, compassion and gratitude.
In his most recent book, The Reveal, David Icke – who is worth listening to as he is currently banned from over 30 countries – said that although the mind may feel the fear, the heart will do it anyway. He urges people to listen to their hearts because with every heart that opens, every mind that awakens, the evil is weakened. He emphasised that it is important to keep the heart open as it links to spirit – who we really are.
He also mentioned a Native Indian proverb, “Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins”, but added there is a big point so often lost: “The heart doesn’t take shit. Love and wisdom are not spectators. Yes, they are highly selective [regarding what really matters] but . . . when the heart decides that it does matter it goes to work, and while it may see why someone acts as they do, this does not mean it will stand for it. . . .” The heart would not stay silent as a dystopian tyranny descended on the human family … the heart is beyond fear of consequences and what others may think or say about its stance. Love and wisdom of the heart have one guiding principle on which they never waver: To do what they know to be right.. . “
He said that no authority, no level of abuse or ridicule or threats can intimidate the heart or make it submit or deviate. “Do what we say!” Nope. “On your knees!” Nope. Don’t mess with the heart. “Once open, it’s not going anywhere. it will look evil in the eye and smile; but it will not budge or blink. How can it be made to submit when fear is the currency of control and the heart is without fear?. . . Love and wisdom speak their own truth, not someone else’s. They perceive life through the filter of fairness, justice, compassion and understanding. They say what they believe to be right no matter what the side.”
So, as well as speaking truth, not complying, and “taking out the rubbish” (calling the destroyers to account – with love and wisdom) it is therapeutic to spend time on the joy of creating. An example of this is consciously making time for ourselves too, by doing things that lift the spirit, such as a walk in nature most days, and other outdoor activities such as climbing surfing, swimming, or music, art, writing – whatever uplifts and brings joy. It’s important to look after yourself as well.
It also seems very important to focus on creating the world we want. Yes, it is necessary to continue the actions of peacefully non-complying to tyranny, calling out the corruption and calling the perpetrators to account as well as actively supporting those at the forefront of this, but it is vitally important to positively create the world we want to live in and move towards that dream, too.
Magic happens in the world of positive creativity. My book, Matagouri and Other Pricks – the Journey to Aoraki Mount Cook, provides an example of this at a time we were facing an intense battle with a multi-million dollar monopoly and a government department to prevent us from building an historical mountain-theme café and restaurant in the National Park. At some of the darkest times of that corrupt debacle we camped out in the Park, or went for a picnic by a glacial river – and at night we would often dance to “Ghostbusters” replacing the word with “Monopolybusters” and Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down” classic, although we sang it a lot louder than Tom and with more gusto. It lifted our spirits. (And I see now how it emanated positive wavelengths.) In the midst of it all, rather than back down or propitiate, we decided to throw open the doors to even more positive creativity and what else we could dream up that would be utterly fantastic in the National Park. It was so therapeutic to be able to pour the coals on creating the future. We came up with the idea of a Health Spa – with organic food, roaring log-fires, a library filled with great books of adventure, a 20-metre salt-water swimming pool, classes for art, climbing, writing and other great bad-weather day activities. It was fantastic fun. We wrote those dreams up and submitted the concessions. It took another 10 years and a book, that told the story in an upbeat humorous way, but we eventually obtained those concessions, too. Then a trusted friend who loved the dream, and had the wherewithal to build it, purchased the Spa concession. He was just about to build when the covid debacle began, but it will still happen, along with the character-filled Old Mountaineers Inn we created at the same time. Also, as a footnote, after those rocky early years and some major staff turnovers, all of the businesses and DOC get along fairly well these days, which was a good outcome as well.
So, with that magic in mind, looking around today, it seems the perfect time for us to envisage a new health system. (Just as a start!) Imagine holistic health locations throughout the country (and in the country) where the injured can access real healing with an integrative approach – and with a section for all kiwis to improve and restore their health through fasting and detoxing naturally, through organic food with adjacent organic vegetable gardens and orchards – where they can access natural dentistry, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, holistic dentistry and other natural healing practices that genuinely heal. Where patients work together with trusted healers to restore their health. The field is wide open! Imagine schools where children are free from political agendas and influences but are able to focus and excel in fields for which they have a passion. And imagine our country being the organic food basket for the world! (Which also means clean, pure water and no toxic chemicals.) Positive and creative imagination can turn our country, and the world, into a Utopia.
Remember, the tool-kit of the spirit – of the heart – is incredibly powerful. Magic happens with it. So – let’s keep light, keep love in our hearts, and create the world we want, too.
THANK YOU – each one of you – for being here today.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope . . . and those ripples built a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. — Robert Kennedy.
All photos are © Mary Hobbs.
Thank you Mary for all your efforts, your articles are of massive benefit to us all!
Tomtom, you just made my day. So appreciated. Many thanks. M
I was unable to attend the roadshow so is great to hear /read a snippet. Thanks Mary
My pleasure. Hope you like it Cheryl.
Absolutely brilliant
Thank you CBH!
Thank you Mary, again.
Despite my efforts, (and I admit I was initially too direct) 2 of my three adult children took the jab. One because of the need to conform and fit in, and the other because of being able to travel with his foreign born spouse to visit much loved parents. That spouse spent three weeks post 2nd jab thinking their heart would explode and being told it was anxiety.
Just the other day that child shared a conversation they’d had with an RN friend that some 40% of colleagues taking the mandated shot had had significant ‘side effects’. I asked how come we hadn’t heard about this ( subtext ‘through MSM’) and their quiet reply was …”they’re just not talking about it mum.”
I have had hundreds of random conversations over the past five years with acquaintances and strangers…modifying my approach so as not to antagonise, or terrify.
Most people know…we just need to keep the conversations going.
Even my hard-core enthusiastically compliant child the other day shared that their spouse’s siblings family had gone through a biopsy for what was thought to be a cancerous lump on their tibia, a pre teen with sudden and temporary paralysis ( not the first case the GP had seen in the area) and the fit, active healthy living mum a week in hospital with very high heart rate and multi system inflammation that the doctors failed to ascertain the cause of.
They know Mary, they know.
Yes we were the enemy and we were villified and we will carry this forever…BUT…heaven help the government when the compliant , in enough numbers, realize the magnitude of what has been done to them.
This is the group that need our support now.
Forgive them for the way some of them treated them treated us, and encircle them with our reasoned knowledge and warm love.
I love your writing Mary, please keep it up.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I am so sorry that your family has been affected. I hope they are feeling better. The clinic at http://www.nzdsos.com have trusted professionals that may be able to help. The 40% is a shocking statistic to hear from the RN, who is right there to witness it. I also heard that some of the medical doctors still within the system remain blind to it, when it surrounds them. Perhaps they find that easier than confronting the truth. Good on you Unohoo for keeping the conversations going with compassion and care.
Indeed, they do know. And we are here, as you say, to help support them, for so many did it as it was inconceivable to them that a government would tell such colossal lies. Yes to helping them with kindness and compassion. New Zealanders united will create miracles. And I am so grateful that you enjoy my writing. Huge thanks.
Brilliant column, Mary. The greatest problem we face is, I believe, the innate decency of most people makes it difficult for people to accept that our rulers are sociopaths. Also, the sheer scale of the lies and deception by the glove puppet media
Thank you Martin. So appreciated.
What you say is true, but I hope they do come to realise soon, as their shoulders to the wheel of enlightening others will be very welcome.
Thank you again Martin.
Great speech and article Mary. I never knew that about the Erebus enquiry. A suggestion for you – watch the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told (on Rumble). All the best, keep up the good work : )
Thank you Merryn! Much appreciated! Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely watch that.
Thank you Mary, this article is most timely and an inspirational reminder of who we really are and how capable we are with fear banished and love in our hearts. For me personally this may be the best article I’ve read from you
Thank you Dan. That made my day. Much appreciated. Yes, we need to keep all that you say foremost each day. Thank you again.
One of many lessons from Bible: Liars are always revealed.
Thank you Harry. Yes, they are!
Very good article!
Thanks Allan. Appreciated!
You are amazing. Your articles so well written and informative. I share them on to many people. Thank you so much for your inspirational work!
Thank you Kara! So delighted to hear they are helpful.
Hi Mary brilliant article as always and I m sure that they all take a lot of your itme and effort !! We are indeed very fortunate ate to have you in our midst, and looking forward to your next master piece !!
Thank you Marg! Yes, about a month or so for each, with the research involved. So glad they are of help.
Hi Mary – I agree with Dan above, the best article from you I have read. So inspiring and educational as well. I often have people call me just to get some sort of encouragement from the bad news that discourages them. I say don’t watch the MSM news; haven’t you realised you only get half of it, there is no solution, only bad news? Or something like that. I also say well create your own reality – visualize it, and write it down, improve on it, but do not go along with the bad news. I know that what you create in your own mind goes out into the universe, as I have had experiences of it – and make it apply to the present – not tomorrow or the next day as they never come. Well done on your fight for what you had planned against that govt dept. Love and compassion are way above fear and the lower emotions – your article is so needed in this enforced reality some evil beings are trying to impose on mankind. Keep it up. Many blessings for the holiday season and into 2025 – we all need to put out positive energy and encourage the many around us who are struggling to survive. Your fantastic article does that.
Thank you Ro Ka! So appreciated. You’re right about the advice you give and putting it into practice. I am so glad this article is of help. Knowing those tools in the spiritual tool-kit is very handy in these times and so easy to sometimes forget. Feel free to share it with all you feel may be uplifted by it. ( I know you will) And warmest wishes to you also for Christmas and the New Year.