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Wally Richards
Wally Richardshttp://www.gardenews.co.nz
Wally Richards has been a gardening columnist for over 30 years. Check his websites - for gardening news and tips visit www.gardenews.co.nz. For mail order products visit www.0800466464.co.nz. Wally also has a gardening problem help line on 0800 466 464.

Gardening with Wally Richards: Two topics – where it went wrong and about using Neem tree granules

Healthy gardening opinion

I find it an intriguing aspect of Nature how plants, soil, insects and bacteria all work in harmony in a natural setting, aiding and abetting one another in perfect balance.

They are all interconnected and having similar but different DNA in their make up which is our connection to Nature.

But when mankind interferes with the balance; temporally preventing Nature from doing its thing, but given time without interference Nature will restore quickly the balance to how it naturally should be.

When we interfere; through lack of understanding or greed we upset the natural balance of things and create problems.

An example is modern agriculture where the commercial grower or farmer wants to get more out of their land to increase their ‘bottom line’ which really means making more money by having their crops or grass growing bigger and faster, but in doing so they create problems which erodes their ‘bottom line’.

By applying superphosphate and man made nitrogen fertilisers they increase the speed and size of growth of vegetables and pasture.

This methodology destroys the soil life and weakens the health of the plants.

Nature has its cleaners which we call insect pests and plant diseases; they are always waiting to do their work which is to remove the sickly plants to make way for the healthy ones.

The commercial grower and the farmer look with dismay as their crops and grasses are attacked and so they apply chemical poisons to control the pests and diseases which further weaken the plants and making them unhealthy to eat.

Forced growth equals lack of nutritional values which means people and animals/stock that eat these chemically saturated foods become what they eat, unhealthy and sickly though lack of good nutrition and overtime will eventually require medical intervention.

To make matters even worse when we and the animals are consuming the chemicals in the food chain our health suffers, we gain weight and we shorten our life span as our wallets are drained of our money to pay for man made remedies to relieve the symptoms.

[Note] Relieve the Symptoms, not cure; as there is no money to be made from cures.

Look at a picture of people at the beach in the 50’s and 60’s, slim and fit. Now days that’s changed to fat, sickly looking and unfit. The reason is simple, it is what we eat.

This has taken place in our lifetime and and too many people have not woken up to the fact.

It was well known when superphosphate and high nitrogen fertilisers was introduced that animals and people would become unhealthily and the fertiliser companies, the chemical companies and the medical, pharmaceutical companies would profit greatly.

Now in NZ we face an additional food problem and that is the allowing of Genetic Engineering or GMO plants that are grown for food. Or as we have already in our food chain GMO’s that are used in food processing.

But with no labelling to advise us because if we knew most people would not buy.

A GMO is created when the DNA of a plant is spliced with the DNA of another organism, resulting in an entirely new organism (never before seen in Nature) .

Scientific studies have shown the GMOs wreak havoc on our bodies and can lead to serious diseases such as infertility, autism, organ failure and cancer.

If you eat GM (genetically modified) food, you are literally taking foreign proteins and DNA into your body, which then start to replace your own DNA.

Thus, as horrible as it sounds, by eating GMO food, you are literally participating in genetically modifying yourself! (Remember ..You Are What You Eat!)

Biotechnology companies such as Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Pioneer, Syngenta and BASF, are now referred to as Big Biotech.

The major shareholders of these all these industries (Big Phama, chemical and fertiliser) are the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard investment companies.

[BlackRock and Vanguard are among the largest names in global asset management. Vanguard has over £8 trillion in assets under management (AUM), while BlackRock has over £9.2 trillion in AUM.]

This is a fact and not a conspiracy theory. They profit while we and all other life forces suffer.

But we can resist them and change things back to the way we and Nature are meant to be. Grow your own food as much as possible, it’s natural and that is what keeps you healthy.

I think I have mentioned this previously and I will repeat; how one farmer I know of, turned the tables and took the farm he had purchased into a wonderful, profitable farm.

He simply refused to follow the previous farmers agricultural practices of applying superphosphate to the pastures and instead used serpentine lime.

What happened was within a season or so the earthworms returned, the soil life responded and multiplied and his grasses grew lush green and healthy, his stock was healthy and was producing more.

While across the road the farmer there, still using super, had lack luster grasses and poor cattle.

When it is allowed, Nature will return to how it should be, and will do so quickly when we stop killing the soil life and only use natural products such as animal manures, blood & Bone, Wallys Fish Fertiliser,

Wallys BioPhos, (Reactive rock phosphate broken down naturally by microbes not acid like superphosphate) Wallys Neem Tree Granules, Wallys Unlocking the Soil (Minerals from rock dust), Wallys Ocean Solids (Minerals from the sea) and Wallys Calcium & Health (serpentine lime with added elements like selenium and boron.)

Stop destroying the worms and soil life by using chlorinated tap water, instead remove the chlorine which is there to kill microbes/bacteria by using one of Wallys 10 micron Carbon bonded filters on the outside tap to water the garden.

Your vegetables that you then grow will be full of natural health and nutrition and you will be healthier, lose excess weight, think clearer, have a better state of mind. Current health issues will be relieved and you will stay looking younger and live longer.

Neem Granules

Sprinkle Wallys Neem Tree granules around your vegetables and put a little in the planting hole when you are planting any thing.

Wallys Neem Tree Granules is a great soil conditioner and at the same time helps to deter pest insects.

For instance if when planting your winter brassicas, cabbages etc put a few smaller Neem Granules in the planting hole and some larger ones on the soil by the seedling.

The oil in the Neem Granules is taken up into the foliage and when white butterfly caterpillars or Soldier worms hatch out and take a bite of the leaf, they get a dose of the Neem properties and stop eating, to starve to death quickly.

On your cabbage you will see on the outer leaves little holes where they took one bite.

You have citrus trees? Well then sprinkle some Wallys Neem Tree Granules under the tree and give a light watering to get them started. Within a period of about 6-8 weeks any pests in the tree will be gone like magic including borer.

Landscapers tell me that when they use Wallys Neem Tree Granules around the gardens and trees and shrubs they look after, the plants are healthier and have far less insect problems.

Many gardeners tell me the same and they swear by them for all their gardens. You don’t need much just about 50 grams per square metre. Thus 1 kilo will do 20 Square metres of gardens and only need to apply it a couple of times of the year.

It will take care of root mealy bugs, root nematodes, grass grubs and other soil pest insects that can ruin our tubers, bulbs and roots of plants.

Hanging little gauze bags with Wallys Neem Granules in them will create a smell on your preferred plants that makes it harder for pests to find their host plants.

Use Wallys Neem Granules and garden naturally with the minerals we have written about and spray your plants with Magic Botanic Liquid once or twice a week and you will be amazed and healthy.

Image credit: Pixabay

Products mentioned are from Wallys Range of products and can be found in some garden shops or by Mail Order on www.0800466464.co.nz

Problems ring me at: Phone 0800 466464
Garden Pages and News at www.gardenews.co.nz
Shar Pei pages at www.sharpei.co.nz
Mail Order products at www.0800466464.co.nz

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