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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Fact-checking Bloomfield’s press conference 16 November 2021

This morning Dr. Ashley Bloomfield hosted a press conference and explained how the government felt vaccination rates will affect outcomes. Guy Hatchard PhD fact checks Bloomfield’s assertions.

  • Dr. Bloomfield says that vaccination confers immunity on household members and reduces the chance of transmission:
    Ambiguous support. The initial reduction in transmission is minor. At first the vaccine provides some protection against transmission. BUT a huge Swedish study cited by Bloomfield actually concludes that the protection conferred by vaccination declines rapidly. There is a lot of data from many studies on this.
    Interpretation: Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic Covid-19 infection wanes progressively over time across all subgroups, but at different rates according to type of vaccine, and faster for men and older frail individuals. The effectiveness against severe illness seems to remain relatively high through 9 months, although not for men, older frail individuals, and individuals with comorbidities.
  • Dr. Bloomfield says that the risk of hospitalisation and death is reduced by vaccination.
    True, BUT in the long-term protection from vaccination wears off as above, especially for some groups. Vaccinated individuals with comorbidities remain most at risk whether they are vaccinated or not. UK data is ambiguous and it remains the case that Europe with its high vaccination rates, is currently experiencing a rising fourth wave of covid.
  • Professor Nikki Turner says ‘The side effect profile has been clearly delineated.’
    False. Adverse reaction reporting is not mandatory in New Zealand and elsewhere. Whistleblowers in the USA from within the VAERS system have said adverse effects are grossly under reported. Reports within NZ and overseas indicate that many doctors are dismissing adverse reactions without reporting them. No long term testing of vaccine adverse effects has been completed. The public has been given a completely false impression of vaccine safety.
  • Dr Bloomfield says that ‘vaccination of the under 12s would be a really good opportunity to protect our children.’
    False. The UK medical advisory committee on vaccination recommended against vaccinating 5-12 year olds, the risks of serious illness are negligible, but the risks of serious adverse reactions to vaccination are relatively high, especially for males. The ongoing studies in the USA cited by Bloomfield are very short and small, and crucially incomplete. According to safety standards previously used for childhood vaccinations, studies are liable to remain incomplete for a long time.
  • Professor Nikki Turner says ‘from the more recent data over 50 percent still have symptoms up to six months later.’
    False A study published in the Lancet shows that in a down under setting 80% of those infected recovered within a month, but only about 5% continued to experience symptoms 3 months later.

You can purchase a copy of Guy’s book ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’ from Amazon.com.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of dailytelegraph.co.nz.

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  1. have you sheep looked at whats in the vats. oh ok coivd was man made made the so called a vats man made in 6mths how long does it take for vats to go thought before its safe ??? and this one was faster than a ribbit on it’s first date

  2. You quoted Nikki out of context and referenced an old unrelated study.

    “Dr Turner said about 1 to 2 percent of unvaccinated people would die, and from the more recent data over 50 percent still have symptoms up to six months later”.

    The study referenced to apparently disprove the claim was from data collected Between April and July 2020. Well before Delta variant. And does not record vaccination status (it was pre-vaccine so guy can assume zero vaccinated).

    Even though I doubt that figure as well, the referenced study is too old to be relevant does little to prove your assumption.

    • Hi Robert Yes I was aware of the age of the study. A recent Oxford study finds 37% of covid patients with symptoms up to 6 months. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-09-29-over-third-covid-19-patients-diagnosed-least-one-long-covid-symptom However this study does not account for the severity of symptoms. It concludes that the prevalence of persistent symptoms is only about 1.5 times that of influenza. I think my point is that saying 50% of people will have a form of long covid is fear mongering. The media has run a lot of horror stories about long covid which are not representative of the condition at large. I also have a suspicion that our our outdoor lifestyle in NZ will positively affect outcomes, the Australian study seems to confirm this. I am very aware that there are large uncertainties concerning covid outcomes, very definite statements such as those advanced in the press conference are polarising and unrepresentative of the ongoing scientific dialogue. Thanks for commenting

      • Hi I’m in nz ????What do u mean about ur suspicions in our outdoor lifestyles?? I’m intrigued, ????Is it better for us or does this work against us. I’ve been well aware of the high levels at play working towards a so called… “sustainable future”..
        It’s interesting too that Agenda 30 indicates a feminine society, and males seem to have a different response to covid jab… it’s not theoretically a vaccine as it is a gene manipulation.
        I’d b interested in ur thoughts.

  3. For a last resort by desperate doctors to save the lives of very old and sick people, it makes sense. But normally, this inoculation would be forbidden until trial tests were completed. I think there is medical provision to prescribe uncompleted trial test medicines in times of medical emergency. So yes, there is an argument for prescribing it when many lives are threatened. But prescribing it for healthy populations and making it mandatory makes no sense at all unless there is a political agenda.

    • No, those are the very people that the jab will kill. This jab should never be given to anyone. It has very toxic ingredients such as alc-0315 which pubchem states medical attention should be sought if it gets into your eyes or onto your skin. Imagine what it does once in your bloodstream – it has to be processed by the liver. The liver is the seat of immunity, basically this will slowly degrade anyone’s immunity and take down the very sick or elderly very fast

  4. Lloyd there is definitely a political agenda in my mind. Reading a lot of info this is Control ! All about control and you only have to watch The PM of NZ , her hand gestures, the bobbing of her head . The teeth smile. = dictator mannerisms! Been noted . This vax is not a cure! Control of populations the world over

    • The nations that are bankrupt and deeply in debt with the world banks are where the jab is rolled out, and it’s no coincidence that houses are too expensive for most people to buy now. In the end only the govt will be able to buy houses thru its large scale asset purchase schemes with the reserve bank. People who die from the jab are literally being liquidated for their assets

  5. Brilliant Guy thanks for your time & expertise on this most important of subjects I look forward to meeting you at some point. Kindest David Holden, Medical Scientist and Specialist in Naturopathic Oncology

  6. The only two documents to look at;

    Medsafe Risk Management document – states plainly No Long Term Safety Data, an important risk of VAED – Vaccine associated enhanced disease. Medsafe is a doctors bible and what they should be referring to, but they ignore it.

    Also, look up covid under Ministry of Health website, it quite clearly states that covid is a mild disease for most people, and that children rarely become very ill from it (with the exception of asthmatics and those with serious illness), and mainly affects the very elderly and those with serious comorbidities

    And thats it. Anyone who has said otherwise is deluded, brainwashed, willfully ignorant, financially compromised, scared of what others will think, or downright evil

    • I’ve discovered that when you bring these documents to a doctor or other jabbers attention, they blank out and double-down on how ‘dangerous’ covid is for children. They really are their own worst enemy

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