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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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‘Darkness descending’: Tucker Carlson reacts to reports of Durov’s arrest

Telegram arrest news
Pavel Durov during an interview with Tucker Carlson on April 16, 2024 © Tucker Carlson on X.

The founder and CEO of Telegram was reportedly detained upon arriving in France on Saturday.

The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France is a warning to platforms that stand up to censorship, American journalist and political commentator Tucker Carlson has said.

According to French media, the Russian-born entrepreneur was detained at Paris-Le Bourget Airport on Saturday and will appear in court on Sunday evening. The French authorities had reportedly issued an arrest warrant, arguing that insufficient moderation allows for Telegram to be widely used by criminals.

The news of Durov’s apparent prosecution has raised concerns online, including suggestions that it could be politically motivated.

“Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company, Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech,” Carlson wrote on X on Saturday. “It was a Western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away.”

Durov’s arrest is “a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intel agencies,” Carlson argued. “Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world.”

Carlson recorded a rare interview with Durov in April, in which the Telegram owner spoke about his disagreements with the Russian government, as well as the pressure he faced in the US. He said that the American government had wanted him to set up a surveillance “backdoor” on his messaging service, and he refused.

X owner Elon Musk also condemned the reported arrest. “POV: It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme,” he wrote in a comment to the news story.

Telegram was launched in 2013 and currently has more than 950 million active monthly users. Durov is a native of St. Petersburg, Russia, but has been mostly been living in the UAE since the mid-2010s. He became a French and an Emirati citizen in 2021.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Darkness is not descending: It has been here for the last 5800 years. It is only now that we are noticing it. That’s why things appear worse than they really are. Because we are now noticing what is going on it means that things are really better for humanity and our future trajectory. We are waking up to the reality of “The Matrix” because we are living in it. We are taking the red pill and going deep into the rabbit hole. We are noticing who the “Agent Smiths” and “The Architects” really are and their manipulation of our consciousness, our perceived reality. By being aware of them then it is easier to defeat their agendas.

    What is really going on is a war for our consciousness [spiritual] in order to influence and control it, and our DNA [physical] in order to degrade it. We are now aware of both of these “attack vectors” and the “Agent Smiths” and “The Architects” are terrified.

    • And so they should be terrified. The Architects have arranged…..
      Corrupt judges
      Unjust wars
      Financial hardship on citizens
      Made it very hard for farmers to produce real food
      Put poison in our water and food.
      Imported violent people into various countries.
      Created COVID-19.
      Murdered people with injections.
      Wasted tax dollars on nonsense.
      Held fraudulent elections (USA)
      Carried on using a demented US president so they could use him to go to war.
      Ignored evidence of the covid jab murders.
      Controlled all Weston governments.

      Just imagine how pissed off you would be to be jailed for a false complaint.
      Just imagine how pissed off you would be to find out your child died from the covid injections.
      Just imagine how pissed off you would be if your business was destroyed because of government over spending (now sharply under spending) and lockdowns.
      Just imagine how pissed off people are who lost their home due to high interest rates.
      Just imagine how pissed off people are for not being able to buy enough good food, keep a roof over their head.

      Are these behaviors enough to turn a man or women into seeing their own justice right on the people they believed caused the harm.

      Is it enough to push the UK into civil war and to spread across Europe and other nations?

      YES !

      If I were the government, I would start to consider a better outcome for themselves, citizens welfare and not the Rothchild’s empire. If governments do not start acting like proper practical leaders, the anger of 9 billion people to spread across the world.

  2. I can now understan why Durov chose Dubai to establish his busines and live there.
    He is then freed from the nefarious influence of J$$$s in western governments.


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