UNICEF has decried the Israel-Hamas war, saying its worst fears about the staggering child death toll are being realized.
The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reiterated its call for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, saying the conflict is killing thousands of kids in Gaza and putting many more at risk from the violence and a water crisis.
“Gaza has become a graveyard for thousands of children,” UNICEF spokesman James Elder told reporters on Tuesday in Geneva, “It’s a living hell for everyone else.” He noted that more than 3,450 children in the Palestinian enclave have already been killed, and the death toll rises significantly every day.
Elder made his comments as Israel escalated its ground offensive in Gaza in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks that killed an estimated 1,400 people on October 7. Gaza’s water system also has been crippled by the conflict, contributing to an overall death toll of more than 8,000 in the territory.
“The threats to children go beyond bombs and mortars,” Elder said. He added that Gaza’s water production capacity has been cut to 5% of its normal level, putting more than 1 million children at risk of dying from dehydration. Many children have been sickened by drinking salty water out of desperation.
Elder noted that even before the latest war between Israel and Hamas, more than three-fourths of Gaza’s children were identified as needing mental health support because of the trauma they had faced. “When the fighting stops, the cost to children and their communities will be borne out for generations to come,” he said.
With Gaza’s children “living through a nightmare,” the UNICEF spokesman said, Israel must end its siege of the territory. He called for all access crossings into Gaza to be open, allowing for the safe passage of food, water, fuel, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid. “And if there is no ceasefire – no water, no medicine, and no release of abducted children – then we hurtle toward even greater horrors afflicting innocent children.”
Israel’s government has blasted the UN, arguing that the body has not sufficiently condemned the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. West Jerusalem’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, announced on Monday that members of his delegation would respond by donning yellow stars, alluding to the labels that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust. “From this day on, each time you look at me, you will remember what staying silent in the face of evil means,” he said in a speech to the UN Security Council.
israel is exterminating not only aldults, but new generations of palestinians on purpose.
A war crime on a scale never seen and supported by the US government and the jewish population/governments of western society. Shameless cruelty. Seen before though
The current Middle East Crisis has been orchestrated by the US Govt. on behalf of the Corrupt Bankters to push their profit making agendas no matter what the cost to humanity all over the globe. The US Govt has been overtaken and are now controlled by a Deep State of Criminals making it the most Corrupt Dangerous and biggest Rogue Nation on earth. Going forward the rest of the world is starting to wake up and recognise this deception which unfortunately may lead lead to a WWIII scenario. If you dont own property best you cut them off at the quick and move to a Brics country (not China). This will cut down their monetary turnover it may not sound like much but if all the countries in the Brics Nations and those who want to and are joining they will eventually make up 2/3 rds of the worlds population. Goodbye west and they know it. Thats why they want 15 minute cities CBDCs for total control after the Nuclear ash settles. But they are so dumbass they haven’t worked out yet that they wont be around either. Thats how dumbass they are.
The vaccines did not work on reducing the herd of “useless eaters” – humanity is too resilient. The climate change scenario with its 15-minute cities is faltering. Therefore, in desperation, they are trying the WW3 scenario.
I think at some level the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October were allowed to happen such that Israel could then completely clear out Gaza and push them into Egypt. This would then kick up a proverbial hornet’s nest in Arab (Islamic) countries, thus forcing their leaders to go to war with Israel, and then the rest of the world would choose sides.
As 95 percent of humanity are killed off in WW3 by nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biogenic weapons, “rods of God” from space and more conventional hardware then the global cabal would easily be able to control the destitute, thirsty, starving people that remain – give them “pods” to live in and “bugs” to eat.
The Georgia Guide Stones (before they were demolished) were quite specific that only 500 million people were required alive: That would mean creating circumstances that result in the deaths of 15 out of every 16 people on Earth.
ZIONISM = The Plague Of The Planet
ISRAEL = A ****hole Country
MOSSAD = World Terrorist
J*** = The Chosen People To Bring Hatred Upon Themselves
NETANYAHU = War Criminal
Israel gave them to to flee but hamas put up blockades so they couldn’t leave. Surrounding nations also declared they wont accept refugees.
Hamas dont care about the Palestinians if they’re fine with using them as human shields for international clout. Why would they structure their tunnels under hospitals and schools if they cared? It’s terrible.
Spark, you better spark up on historical connotations and the soul of the Palestine People.
Create a scenario in your head if you are able to, where either North- or South island is annexed by …… (insert your choice of adversaries here, in cohorts of fascist UN). The remainder of Kiwis is treated like prisoners in their own country, where one of the most sophisticated military and surveillance entities is geard to subjugate (and that term is putting it lightly) the whole Kiwi people, now pretty much pushed into the ‘other’ island.
Then allow for plenty of killings of civilians, just because THEY can, totally shielded by anything resembling world justice (forget the UN).
Then, in the occupied island (no, that’s NOT the one THEY totally stole from Kiwis. It would be the other island), you have settlers of the adversary stealing YOUR farm/house/paddock/orchard, and YOU get beaten or killed trying to defend of what’s left of YOUR lifelyhood and YOUR family’s meagre survival earnings.
Then envision a few determined Kiwi warriors taking up arms (the few they can muster or fabricate) and them embarking on a partisan warfare? So YOU would not be in support of these Kiwi Warriors?
So YOU say “givvem all New Zealand Godzone” just so that THE ADVERSARIES don’t kill more Kiwis???
I would invite these (MY) Kiwi warriors to dig a tunnel right under my a***…em sorry…house!
YOU Sparky need to ge your morals straight and YOUR allegiance to YOUR people too, if I may say.
But you are quite likelly some nincomp**p half-wit or (((immigrant))), who couldn’t care less for the soul of a people.
spark, that is the way the viet cong regained control of their country and pushed the US enemy out.
tunnel, terrorists attacks, you name it.
HAMAS is a libarating army as the jews oppress Gaza and have stolen most of the land palestinian owned. Palestinians are treated as vermine by Jews
I agree with you Spark. It is strange that Egypt and Jordan make excuses not to accept Palestinians. Also, they are held in camps in Syria and Lebanon where they are not allowed citizenship, and this is after 75 years.
Perhaps the other Arabs realize that the Palestinians are the troublemakers in the Middle East and do not want them upsetting the delicate balance in their own countries where the leaders try to keep calm within a country that contains many tribes and different flavours of Islam (Sunni, Shia and others).
There is an expression in Arab countries that explains the animus that they have for each other:
Me, my brothers and my cousins against the stranger.
Me and my brothers against my cousins.
Me against my brothers.
There is this layered hatred that goes to the outermost people that they can fight: Fight the stranger, but if there is none then fight the cousins, and if there are none then I’ll fight my brothers. Add to this the Jihad imperative within Islam and the hatred of “the infidel” and in particular Jews and you have a very toxic cocktail of behaviour.
If you are the same ‘Mark’ commenting as above, you contradict yourself.
“…This would then kick up a proverbial hornet’s nest in Arab (Islamic) countries,…”
why should other “arabs” country take the palestinians on ?
After the war Great Britain refused jewish refugees from europe.
During WOII Switzerland also refused refugees from europe .
All “europeans” and christians though.
The palestinians used to live in an area called palestine. Their houses, cattle and means of living were taken away through terrorism and abuse by jews. These jews call themselve ” israeli” and are nothing but scum playing victim