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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Push for unipolar world ‘turning ugly’ – Putin

Unipolar world news

The Russian president discussed key foreign policy issues with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

Current attempts to push for a unipolar world “have taken an absolutely ugly form lately, which the overwhelming majority of nations of the planet find unacceptable,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

The remark came as he met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Russia and China “stand together for a just, democratic, multipolar world order based on international law and the central role of the UN, and not on some rules that somebody invented and attempts to impose on others without even explaining what they are,” Putin said.

The administration of US President Joe Biden has been using the phrase “rules-based world order” to describe the way it prefers the world to operate.

During the meeting, Putin thanked Xi for China’s balanced stance on the crisis in Ukraine. China has criticized Russia for having attacked the country, but blamed the US for triggering the escalation by its push to expand NATO.

Putin also reiterated Russia’s support of the ‘one China’ policy and Beijing’s claim of sovereignty over the island of Taiwan. The Chinese government has accused the US of undermining its territorial integrity by increasingly treating Taipei as a separate nation rather than a self-governing part of China.

Putin praised the SCO as “a forum for constructive and creative cooperation.” He remarked that the members of the group have different cultural traditions, economic models and foreign policy priorities. Their willingness to work together as equal partners respecting each other has helped bolster the SCO’s prominence in a relatively short period of time, the Russian leader remarked.

“It is now the biggest regional organization in the world, uniting a vast geographic space and about half of our planet’s population,” Putin stressed.

The SCO is an economic integration and trust-building organization that unites a number of Eurasian nations, including Russia and China. The list of its other permanent members includes India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. During the ongoing summit of the leaders of member states, Iran signed a commitment to upgrade its status from an observer to a full member.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Multipolar world can no longer stopped evemn if the deep state rersorts to tactical nuclear attacks. In a matter of 5 years, USD will be just another currency.

  2. In reality, the Russian economy is declining.
    Which will soon accelerate.
    Not what Pepe Escobar dishes out.
    And is starting to impact China, which is facing secondary sanctions by supporting Russia.
    The war has gone on too long for Russia.
    Which has not turned out to be some sort of Blitzkrieg
    Russia is facing among other things an oil price cap and oil tanker insurance problems, restricting their passage through port availability.
    And logistics of available tankers presented through turnaround times for those tankers.
    Russia must keep producing and selling vasta amounts of oil, which if wells have to be capped will create massive problems that could take years to recover.
    Which one wonders is behind the lock downs in China to stifle production to compensate for local and global slowdown
    And create further disruptions through availability in supply chains to the US
    Russia does not possess the necessary infrastructure to liquify and mass produce LNG.
    Nato’s strategy is to keep the war going.
    Keep the pressure on.
    And break Russia through sanctions which are starting to bite.
    But resultant no doubt will be a hot war
    Russia in Bible Prophecy


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