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Ukrainian MP claims F-16 was downed by Patriot

F-16 news
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Mariana Bezuglaya believes the military may be hiding the true cause of the incident.

The Ukrainian military has officially confirmed the loss of a Western-supplied F-16 fighter jet along with its pilot but has not disclosed the cause of the incident.

According to Ukraine’s General Staff, the incident occurred when F-16 fighters were deployed “together with units of the anti-aircraft missile forces” to repel a coordinated Russian strike earlier this week. At some point, “communication with one of the aircraft was lost” before it was confirmed that it “crashed.”

The Defense Ministry in Kiev has established a special commission to investigate the incident’s cause, but Ukrainian MP Mariana Bezuglaya believes the military might be trying to downplay it.

“According to my information, the F-16 piloted by Aleksey ‘Moonfish’ Mes was hit by a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system due to discoordination between units,” Bezuglaya wrote on Telegram, noting that all official reports thus far insist he merely “lost control.”

Ukraine confirms loss of first F-16READ MORE: Ukraine confirms loss of first F-16
“War is war, such episodes are possible. But a culture of lies… leads to a management system for military decisions that does not improve based on truthful, consistently collected analytics, but worsens and even collapses, as seen in the Pokrovsky direction,” she added.

A source within the Ukrainian Air Force told Voice of America that potential causes under examination include pilot error, technical malfunction, and “friendly fire” from Ukrainian air defenses. Another source informed CNN that the Ukrainian Defense Forces do not believe pilot error was the cause.

On Monday, Russia conducted a “massive high-precision attack” using long-range air- and sea-based weapons and drones, targeting energy facilities crucial to Ukraine’s defense industrial complex, as well as several airfields storing Western-supplied munitions, according to the Defense Ministry.

The Ukrainian Air Force claimed that fallen pilot Aleksey Mes, callsign ‘Moonfish’, one of the few trained in the West to fly F-16s, managed to shoot down “three cruise missiles and one strike UAV.” The Air Force has also remained silent on the cause of the incident.

When asked if there was “any chance that this F-16 was brought down by friendly fire from one of the Ukrainian Patriot missiles,” Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh responded, “That would really be something for the Ukrainians to address.”

“The United States has not been asked to participate in any investigation into this incident,” Singh added. “So, in terms of whether this pilot was killed as a result of friendly fire, I just can’t speak to that.”

Bezuglaya is a member of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Servant of the People party and serves as the deputy chair of the parliamentary subcommittee on national security. Her repeated criticism of senior military officials has earned her a place on the notorious Ukrainian website Mirotvorets, often referred to as a “kill list.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. https://banned.video/watch?id=66d235c141bef096b60bdcdb
    The bubble in many Israeli-compromised Western Nations is about to burst- economically, politically, socially, and religion-wise.
    Chabad Rabbi Schneerson began the plan for the Russian / Ukraine War back in 1994.
    J3w#$$ Victoria Nuland and the Obama Cabinet planned the coup in the Ukraine in 2014. This has continued under the J3wi$h Biden Cabinet (7% of the population, but 78% of Cabinet positions filled and run by…J3w$…!
    The Zionists once again have White Slavic Men fighting other White Slavic Men.
    The Ukraine is a Zionist run corrupt country headed up by AshkeNAZI Talmudic J3w$!!!
    Russia is a Russian Orthodox Christian Nation led by a Russian Orthodox Christian President.
    Israel and it’s insane war criminal and deluded President will not stop until the Samson Option is enacted.
    What the J3w$ are doing in Palestine will expand and then go global.
    That is based on the projected maps of ‘Greater Israel’ and ‘Khazaria’ re-formed.
    In the meantime, the Western Governments are going to collapse before Christmas, no thanks to Israeli and the Mossad compromising those governments with bribery, blackmail, and frame-ups of their leaders and corporate NGO heads.


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