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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Popular Now

WHO accused of spreading fake news on Mexican ‘Bird Flu’ case

Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer has refuted the World Health Organization’s (WHO) announcement that a 59-year-old man in Mexico died from a new strain of bird flu, A(H5N2).

This week the World Health Organization (WHO) reported the first human case of the H5N2 subtype of bird flu, allegedly resulting in the death of a 59-year-old with prior health complications in Mexico City.

Following the WHO’s announcement, Alcocer told media the man died due to kidney and respiratory failure, not avian influenza. He criticised the WHO’s statement, urging caution and calling it inaccurate. The WHO reported that the man had severe underlying conditions and developed acute symptoms before his death. Alcocer confirmed no evidence of human-to-human transmission and planned further discussions with the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases for more details.

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  1. Well how’s the WHO going to spread “misinformation” if their claims are refuted by real Drs?
    (Must hurry and get the censor algorithms installed!)

  2. He was morbidly obese, and was in a state penetentiary for God sake! What f_cken liars the WHO are. Apparently the scaremongering has started to work in this messed up sh*t hole here and people are /the dumb are falling for it as media broadcast this bullshit. A lot of people are hyperchondriacs and like to be the first ones. I think The Morena party have a bit of integrity and one should give them credit for calling the WHO out. I don’t think they are socialists as has been reported this is something that some people would like the dumb arses to believe. But we will have to wait and see with this new “La Presidenta” Sheinbaum. The other options were diabolical. There were a load of deaths incurred in the run up to the elections. Some corruption there.


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