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Friday, June 28, 2024

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Construction industry concerns over Kāinga Ora’s revamp and project delays

Construction industry news
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The construction industry in New Zealand is facing significant issues due to the government’s revamp of Kāinga Ora, the largest home builder in the country, which currently has 5,299 homes under construction.

A recent review by Sir Bill English recommended a board refresh and a turnaround plan for Kāinga Ora, resulting in 3,001 consented homes being placed under review. The delay has raised alarms within the industry, as it could force many tradies out of business due to the uncertainty and potential reduction in available work.

Tommy Honey from the NZ Construction Industry Council told legacy media the industry’s worries about the lack of clear signals from the government on when the situation will improve.

Additionally, the construction sector is already struggling, with residential building consents down 24% from the previous year. Housing Minister Chris Bishop has acknowledged these concerns and indicated that private Community Housing Providers might play a larger role, with $140 million allocated to them in the latest budget.

Speaking to legacy media, Paul Gilberd from Community Housing Aotearoa confirmed their readiness to deliver the promised 1,500 homes. Despite this, any pause in Kāinga Ora’s building activities remains a major issue, given its dominant role in the social housing market. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development emphasised that while there is no current provision for growth in the Kāinga Ora portfolio, the focus will shift to renewing ageing stock based on priority and available financing.

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    • It is housing New Zealand, I feel there is a bigger picture here, 1) there is a housing Cruces, people living in cars, 2) the government has a bill going through parliament to open borders, look at what’s happening in America, it makes you wonder.
      Also there is something called UBI Universal Basic Income which is supposed to be worldwide as part of the agenda 2023, I won’t go to deep, but there is a lot of facts about this online WEF is a good website it has a lot of information, anyway you have a wonderful day, remember question everything, it all comes back to “who’s making the money, follow the money and it’s clear.blessings to you.


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