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Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Job hunting public servants struggle amid cuts and stagnant economy

Public service news

Thousands of public servants in New Zealand are facing a bleak job market as over 6,000 public sector positions are being cut amid government cost-saving measures.

The Wellington job market is reported to be at its worst since 2009 according to a report in legacy media, with little economic growth anticipated. Many affected workers are finding it challenging to secure new employment locally and are increasingly looking abroad for opportunities.

‘Red’, a Ministry for Social Development staffer, told media they had opted for voluntary redundancy and secured a job in Melbourne, citing better support for the social sector in Victoria. Similarly, other public servants are relocating to Australia, where their skills are ‘more appreciated’, and more job opportunities were available.

Asher Wilson-Goldman, a former employee of the now-defunct Let’s Get Wellington Moving, told media there was fierce competition for limited positions in his field, exacerbating the difficulties for those seeking work in the public sector. Concerns are rising about the long-term impact on the New Zealand public service, with many qualified and experienced workers leaving the country or the sector entirely.

Recruitment experts, like Robert Walters NZ and Australia chief executive Shay Peters, note that the private sector is also struggling, making it hard for public servants to transition. The job market outlook remains grim, with both permanent and contract roles being significantly reduced.

Image credit: Amy Hirschi

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  1. This kind of thing is happening world wide, the globalist are slowly destroying the economy using any means necessary in order to achieve their goal of a totalitarian dictatorship. The current wars are just so they can scoop up what little cash is left to the masses. War is always good for the globalist and it also helps with their depopulation agenda. As klaus schwab said “in the future you will own nothing and be happy about it’ I think what he really means is you will have to be some what happy about it because we will give you no choice.

  2. The grotesque mismanagement of our society, constantly wasting money kow towing to foreign interests, has left our local economy emaciated and weak. Australia has more meat on its bones, so this kind of incompetence is more readily absorbed and does not have such a pronounced impact, on peoples lives. Still, its reprehensible that people have to move to foreign nations, just to have a sustainable life. It demonstrates how badly the political mainstream has failed Kiwi’s. Suffice to say, anyone voting mainstream is letting themselves and everyone else, down.

    • It’s about time the old school national voters woke up and put their vote with either ACT or NZ first. Also I think a new party full of REAL freedom warriors is needed- REFORM NZ.

      Get everyone to put differences aside, get Brian Tamaki, Sue Grey, Simon OConnor, Peter Williams, Corina Shields, Rodney Hide, Liz Gunn, Matt King……etc etc then we are cooking with gas. Get the Globalists and their paid off sycophants of the left and the centre parties OUT. If you’re not right then you’re NOT RIGHT! 💪

  3. Those ‘government employees’ who worked at CYFS taking children away from good parents, those ACC weenies who continued to deny a sick or injured person benefits because they were not politically-correct, profiled, (ACC keeps two separate records on applicants; one official, the other political / ‘Not To Help’ by the PTB), and those MSD and DIA-types who continued to put up red tape preventing NZ Citizens from their rightful, legal entitlements can now experience exactly what their victims have!!!
    Besides, AI is running a course that will make us all obsolete!
    Welcome to tent city, motherf@#****!!!!!!!!!

  4. Not surprising they’ve managed to find another tit in Victoria to suck from.(This tit’s all dried up man!) I wonder how or if they they enjoy it there? Certainly not where I’d like to be currently.

  5. “skills” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 most of these people don’t know what real work is. Welcome to your new world.

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


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