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Friday, June 28, 2024

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Northland power outage continues as Transpower works to repair fallen pylon

Some Northlanders remain without power after a major pylon toppled on Thursday, initially cutting electricity to nearly 100,000 properties.

By midnight Thursday, power was restored for most, but 177 properties still faced blackouts expected to persist throughout Friday.

Transpower is urging residents north of Warkworth to minimise electricity use during peak hours, and complete restoration is not anticipated until at least this afternoon.

The incident has caused significant disruption, including cold showers for many households due to hot water shutoffs by Northpower and Top Energy to conserve limited supply. At least one school, Kaitaia Primary, closed due to the unreliable power supply. The cause of the pylon’s fall remains unknown, prompting frustration among local leaders and residents who are already dealing with extended infrastructure issues, including long-term highway closures.

Far North Mayor Moko Tepania and Whangārei Mayor Vince Cocurullo both told state media they were frustrated by the situation and praised the resilience of the affected communities.

Video of a fallen pylon circulated on social media yesterday.

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  1. As part of the Infrastructure Upgrades; place the power lines underground so that this toppling of unsightly pylons won’t occur, and the lines are protected from open sabotage, laser cutting (DEW’s), and EMP’s.
    Building homes directly under these pylons is endangering health from the RF and the event of power lines snapping and the pylons falling directly onto the homes.

    • If you put them under ground Judith Collins digger will find them and the result will be the same, there is no cure for stupidity. This all smells like DEI.


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