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German right to form new European alliance – media

German political news

The AfD has reportedly rallied a group of anti-globalist right-wing parties who want to end the Ukraine conflict.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party will meet with like-minded right-wingers in Strasbourg this week to form a new bloc in the European Parliament, German news magazine Der Spiegel has reported. According to the outlet, the new faction will champion national sovereignty and call for negotiations with Russia.

The AfD will host “the constitutive meeting of a new parliamentary group” in EU Parliament buildings on Thursday, Der Spiegel reported on Saturday, citing an email exchange between the party and the parliament’s administration.

According to the news site’s sources, the new group will be named ‘The Sovereignists’ and could include right-wing parties such as Bulgaria’s Vazrazhdane, Poland’s Konfederacja, Hungary’s Mi Hazank Mozgalom, Slovakia’s Hnutie Republika, Se Acabo La Fiesta from Spain, NIKH from Greece, and SOS Romania.

With more than 700 seats in the European Parliament, parties generally join blocs along ideological lines. Most right-wing parties are members of the Identity and Democracy (ID) or European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) blocs, which are dominated by France’s National Rally and Italy’s Brothers of Italy respectively.

The AfD was expelled from the ID faction before this month’s European elections, primarily over remarks by its lead candidate, Maximilian Krah, who told multiple news outlets that he didn’t believe every member of Adolf Hitler’s SS “was automatically a criminal.” National Rally leader Marine Le Pen was instrumental in the AfD’s expulsion, threatening to withdraw from the bloc unless Krah’s party was booted out.

As such, the AfD has been rendered powerless in the legislature, despite increasing its seats from 11 to 15.

The Sovereignists’ platform will reportedly be based on the ‘Sofia Declaration’, issued by Vazrazhdane in April. This manifesto states that European civilization is being “threatened by the aggression of globalist ideologies,” and labels the EU a “dictatorship of bureaucracy.” The document calls for peace talks to end the Ukraine conflict, and for the reformation of the EU as a looser union of “equal and sovereign states.”

In a statement after the AfD’s expulsion from the ID group, Vazrazhdane leader Kostadin Kostadinov offered to team up with the German rightists and form a “truly conservative and sovereignist” faction.

It is not yet clear who will lead the new group, although Krah and AfD lawmaker Rene Aust agreed in January that Aust would lead the party’s delegation in Strasbourg while Krah would serve as deputy leader. As the AfD will be the largest party in the Sovereignist bloc, Krah and Aust will likely occupy senior roles.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Ah, but france is ruled by j****. And the same owns the media and thus the public opinion. Marine Le Pen knows it and needs their ” approval” if she wants to take part in politics.

  2. Petty and short-sighted of Le Pen to be holding purity tests at a time when the right should be uniting. The globalist EU are the real enemy. At this point they’re an actual existential threat to humanity. The things they have planned for our children and grandchildren in the not too distant future are nothing short of tyrannical. The kind of tyranny that short little moustached men a hundred years ago could only dream of.

    Who gives a toss if a German dude somewhere thinks there’s a chance that perhaps not every Nazi was a goose stepping caricature from Indiana Jones.

    In any case he’s very likely correct in his estimation; there were Nazis who served in the war as (what they believed was) a matter of honour, because of conscription or peer pressure, because they’d been told their children would suffer if they didn’t, or simply because it’s what was expected of them. Others never even went to the front, and worked instead as analysts, accountants, lawyers and doctors because they physically couldn’t go to war. There were women who worked the steel mills and factories, pressing metal into bullets, same as in Britain at the time. What’s the odds some of them were just caught up in the war propaganda, the social engineering and fake news coming from their government; it’s not like there haven’t been any RECENT examples of that sort of phenomenon (cough cough, Covid). It’s not like the guy’s combed his hair forward and started waving his palm at everyone, he’s just made a statement that’s probably true.

    Or does Le Pen really believe an entire nation were just a bunch of evil racists, because that’s PRECISELY the charge that the modern leftist MSM unfairly level at her and her own supporters. One would think she’d know better.

    I’ve admired her for years now, but I sincerely hope she’s not going to be France’s version of another Boris Johnson / Giorgia Meloni type backstabber.

    • The european parliament is farcical. Has no power at all. Neither has any ” alliance” in the EU mock ” democratie”.
      Everything is decided by the EU commission in Bruxelles (being Uncle Sam and its J*** banksters).
      The only one resisting is Orban, but has to give in some time, otherwise he goes without MONEY.
      Thank to politicians of any ” colour” who implemented the €uro it is now the BCE ( printing” money”)and the usual usury lenders who hold power over million europeans. That is how the european tax payer is hold prisoner and has financed the biggests scams from the 21st century : pfizer and the ukraine war.
      And not to forget the energy price never seen at this hight and bankrupting bakers and butchers

  3. Read this a day or so back on another site. Its good to see these so called radical party’s coming together. As if things like limited immigration, ending wars and ensuring local prosperity are somehow extreme. I suppose they are in the eyes of the real radicals, the globalists and their MSM henchmen.


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