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Biden backtracks on ‘threat’ to America

Biden extremism news

One day after condemning Trump supporters as an extremist threat to America, the president has walked back his attack.

US President Joe Biden has apparently made a 180-degree turn on the alleged dangers posed by Donald Trump supporters, saying he doesn’t consider his predecessor’s backers to be a threat to America.

“I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden told reporters on Friday at the White House. “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it’s used, refuses to acknowledge an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which the rule you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”

The comment was a far cry from the political rhetoric that Biden has used in recent days, including a scathing speech he gave on Thursday night at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. He argued that “MAGA forces” – referring to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan – are an existential threat to American democracy.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Biden said in the speech. He added in a Twitter post that “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

Biden altered that message dramatically on Friday, saying he was only talking about people who fail to condemn political violence, those who try to manipulate electoral outcomes and those who refuse to acknowledge the results of an election.

“When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the Capitol,” Biden said. “They weren’t voting for overruling an election. They were voting for a philosophy he put forward.”

However, just last week, Biden likened Trump’s “MAGA philosophy” to “semi-fascism.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre essentially confirmed the president’s view when challenged on his controversial attack, saying Biden is “never going to shy away from calling out what he sees.”

Biden is apparently trying to stoke fear of pro-Trump Republicans as this November’s midterm congressional elections approach. But the strategy may be risky, given reaction to past condemnations of large voting blocs. For instance, Hillary Clinton may have helped energize her opponent’s supporters when she said during the 2016 presidential election that half of Trump backers belong in “the basket of deplorables.”

More than 74 million Americans voted for then-President Trump in the 2020 election. A Yahoo/YouGov poll conducted late last month found that 54% of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents prefer Trump as the Republican nominee for president in 2024. Biden, by comparison, is preferred as a 2024 candidate by just 32% of Democrats.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Biden “what time is it..?
    Biden “is that morning or afternoon..”
    Afternoon, the sun is shining.
    Biden “what day is it today..”
    Biden “and what month..”
    Biden ” and it’s still 1998 isn’t it..”
    No, it’s 2022.
    Biden “it can’t be 2022..!”
    Why not
    Biden “what did you say the time was again..”

  2. So true words from the leader of the free world. “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it’s used, refuses to acknowledge an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which the rule you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”

    Yes, I remember that all happening. Quest is when?

  3. Mattias Desmet said it right in his book that people in positions of control use giving people what they want as the direction to go in. But in America’s case – if not the world – that means being told by mass media that following clowns over the cliff is a good idea. Biden remember, is the guy that has the finger that pushes the Red nuclear war Button. A little like saying the end of the world is a great last resort.
    But the greater threat comes from those that believe they’re doing the right thing. Belief systems are hard to change. America is ruled by those that allow the media-number masses to believe clowns and actors know what they’re doing.
    A famous American once said – paraphrased: if voting was at all meaningful, it would be outlawed.

  4. I do not believe voting is meaningful at all, so I stopped voting years ago. Doing this has not done me any good, yet I found participating in elections to be doing the same. SO WHY BOTHER?

    I believe I am watching the ~end~ of democracy, which raises the question ~what the hell are we to replace it with?~


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