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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Wayne Brown wins Auckland mayoralty – Local Govt Election results

The former Far North District Council mayor defeated leftist Labour candidate Efeso Collins.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s endorsement of Efeso Collins proved to be the ‘kiss of death’, as experienced businessman and local body politician Wayne Brown won the Auckland mayoralty by a significant margin – almost 60,000 votes. Brown has been declared ‘provisional winner’ of the race. Full results are available on the Auckland Council website.

Elsewhere Phil Mauger has won the Christchurch mayoralty with a 4,000 majority over nearest rival David Meates.

Former Invercargill Deputy Mayor Nobby Clark has won the Invercargill mayoralty race, defeating long-time encumbent Tim Shadbolt.

Andy Thomas has won the race for Rangitikei mayor for a 4th straight term, while Neil Brown wins Ashburton, and David Trewavas wins Taupo.

Gary Caffell wins the Masterton Mayoralty on his third attempt, while Bryan Cadogan wins Clutha and Andrew Tripe emerged victorious in Whanganui.

Up-to-date results are available on the RNZ live blog.

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  1. Wayne – congrats. A few ideas:

    1) let the shopkeepers install their bollards ASAFP. Fast track it if you have to. The ram raids are getting out of hand.

    2) If possible could you look into the timing of traffic lights across Auckland? 3mins to wait, followed by a literal 6 second window of green arrow is not enough time to get the traffic flowing. It’s no wonder there are traffic jams, curb hoppers and accidents every morning.

    3) Would you please for the love of God find out why the cops feel the need to fly a chopper over Howick again and again and again and again every night between 23:00 -03:00? What are they looking for exactly? It’s night time so I presume they can’t see anything anyway since they never have a spotlight etc. Or is the mission literally just to wake all three year old toddlers multiple times a night? I’ve Tried ringing the Auckland Council number but all they do is politely tell you to piss off as they’re not responsible. I bet if let off a few bottle rockets next time I’d find out very quickly who’s in charge of it…

    • Unquaccinated we live in the Waikato and have the same issues with helicopters flying at night. People round here are saying that they are spraying the air with their toxic shit from the skys that’s why it is done under the cover of darkness. Australia have huge Chem trails in their sky’s so might pay to look up for these patterns occurring here.

  2. Hooray! Maybe this is the beginning of the demise of the leftist and woke Sh**heads. Got your airline ticket booked Jabcinda?

  3. I saw Wiles comment on Wayne Brown
    “Siouxsie Wiles comment on Wayne Brown
    Gutted for Auckland. We need a mayor who reflects our vibrant city & has transformational ideas that deal with climate change & the other challenges we face. Instead we’ve got Wayne Brown.”
    We need less people like her in our lives. She is part of the evil crew who destroyed peoples lives.

  4. Haha! Good job. Good to see people giving the PM a clear message too. We ain’t buying all that woke cr@p.

    Not sure how I feel about the Rotorua mayor yet as she was always in the previous mayors club but had distanced herself of late. I hope she sorts this place out. Goodness knows we need it.

    As for the council- well that sends a clear message we are over the previous lot. As for the outgoing mayors claims that the results showed that a Maori ward was needed. What lies. We have never voted on race here, just on ability. This was always proven by the balanced representation. I predicted we would end up with less Maori in council if they bought in Maori seats and what do you know I was right. The rural people are really p1ssed off as they only had 2 candidates to vote for and couldn’t vote for general ward. The whole system is broken now. 5 minutes down the road people had 6 candidates to choose from and one of the general ward people who lives rural couldn’t even vote for themselves!

    Well, good luck to our town we are going to need it, they couldn’t do much worse than the previous lot. The ones who were part of the mayors voting power block are gone. Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Bye.

  5. Please terminate Interest and Tax. There is no basis for either now that the Crown doesn’t exist only its pretend people who gathering funds for their habits.

  6. Please terminate Interest and Tax. There is no basis for either now that the Crown doesn’t exist only its pretend people who gathering funds for their habits.


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