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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Popular Now

French election results trigger riots

Turmoil erupted after the left-wing New Popular Front coalition emerged victorious.

Riots, clashes, and looting broke out across France as left-wing supporters flooded the streets to celebrate the New Popular Front coalition’s victory over the right-wing National Rally and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrists on Sunday.

Over 30,000 riot police officers, including 5,000 in Paris alone, were deployed across France to prevent violence as political tensions rose ahead of the election showdown between the right and left.

Shortly after preliminary results were announced on Sunday night, riots sparked at the New Popular Front rally in downtown Paris, with Nantes, Lyon, Marseille, and Rennes soon joining in.

The crowd gathered at Republic Square, firing fireworks and chanting: “Young people, screw the National Front!”

Police desperately tried to disperse the crowd with tear gas as a hooded and masked mob started throwing bottles, erecting barricades, and setting bikes on fire. At least one officer was reportedly injured by a Molotov cocktail.

In video footage posted online, police are seen charging towards the center of the square

Multiple fire brigades were deployed to extinguish the fires set by rioters.

Paris restaurants, banks, and other venues had attempted to secure their windows with wooden panels ahead of the election day, but the mob still reportedly looted several shops.

After the square was cleared by the police, piles of rubbish and broken windows remained.

French President Emmanuel Macron called snap elections last month after the right-wing National Rally party (RN) performed strongly at the EU parliamentary vote, beating his Renaissance Party with twice as many votes. Despite leading the first round of elections by securing 33% of the vote, the RN suffered a setback, coming third with 143 seats in the second round. The left-wing New Popular Front bloc emerged as the winner with 182 seats but no absolute majority. Macron’s bloc trailed in second place with 168 seats.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Election margins do not change that much in a couple of weeks ! Especially when the people are alive to the issues.

    Other than the citizens rioting, there is nothing new to fiddling with the votes except to say. Civil war takes a large step closer.

  2. Up go the barricades, per Les’Miserable’-style…quickly followed by the Guillotines?
    This is how BLM, ANTIFA, Western European and the French Far-Left Coalitions behave, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE A MANIPULATED WIN!
    The French methodology of (s)elections haven’t changed since Napoleon, and were truly exploited by the Vichy Regime in World War Two.
    Now these are exploited by Israel…and in the U.K. we will probably see an Arab Migrant uprising similar to what we have seen in Paris in due course due to Starmer’s wife being J3wi$h, and the Labour Government is controlled by the Israelis and the Zionist Banksters in the ”Çity of London’.

  3. Welcome to “whose country is it anyway”, the show where everything’s made up and elections don’t matter.

    Now playing in a western democracy near YOU!

  4. Ha ha…I said this would happen and sure enough…its not who casts the votes, its who counts them…France will continue down the road to ruin….

    • The ruin is planned by you know whom.
      The vulture larry fink is a regular and welkom guest at the Elysee. Macron already sold tge country’ s ” jewels” e.i. most important industrial know how to our ” friend and ally” the US vulture.
      Now with ” left wing” in power, taxes are going to rise and increase to level never seen. The middel class is finished

  5. The French Flag is being changed to one that has been used repeatedly over the last century- to that of the colour white, indicating surrender.
    Western Nations have come to the aid of the French and bailed them out of World Wars One & Two, and Indochina.
    The French mainland is now lost to the migrant hordes, it’s territories in the Pacific will disappear in the next three years, and they have already been run out of Africa.
    & BTW- not one peep out of the French Government with regards to condemning the Gaza Genocide, War Crimes, violations of the Geneva Convention, and the Mossad working hand-in-hand with French Jesuits to keep the favoured status pointed always toward Israel.


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