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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Ardern receives damehood at Windsor Castle

Former PM Jacinda Ardern has officially been made a Dame in a ceremony held in the UK.

She was appointed Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours.

The honours were announced shortly after her resignation as prime minister in “recognition of her significant contributions to the state”, and has sparked controversy among many New Zealanders, many of whom view her as one of the country’s most ineffective prime ministers.

Critics argue that her leadership, particularly during her second term, was marked by divisive policies, economic mismanagement, and an inability to address pressing issues such as housing and healthcare. Her resignation was a result of mounting public dissatisfaction which saw her popularity plummet to record lows.

Last week it was announced that Ardern would formally receive her damehood from Prince William during a ceremony at Windsor Castle in London. Prince William, accompanied by his wife Kate, praised Ardern in a social media post, calling her “a friend”, an “extraordinary advocate”, and now a Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

“It was a privilege to present you with this deserved award at Windsor today!” Prince William wrote.

In a video shared alongside the post, Dame Jacinda expressed her deep gratitude, calling the recognition a great honor. “I feel really humbled by the chance to be here with my family. I see it as an acknowledgment of them, of everyone I worked with, and of every New Zealander who supported me,” she said.

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    • I was thinking she’s had them recapped because they seem bigger than ever.

      She is dwarfed by Prince William, is he 6’1″? I’m pretty sure we were lead to believe she was tallish. Nah not here. She’s short. And that dress makes her look like a little girl. Princess Jacinda, awe! How lovely.🤮
      Everything about her is a lie.

  1. Spread a little kindness
    Shut down free speech
    The truth must be controlled with a bodyguard of lies
    Such a nauseating and despicable creature to be reviled

  2. The mule-faced monster: New Zealand’s first apartheid leader and ideologue.
    Shame on his Feudalist Highness for awarding a prize to the world’s first fascist equine.

  3. A foreign award (if you can call it that), issued in a foreign country, by a foreign dignitary…what more need be said….

  4. This is just a fellow globalist recognizing their own, No surprise here. Birds of an evil feather flock together. Just more proof we should have kicked the globalist royal family to the curb decades ago.

  5. So they pin a bit of tin on a dreadful woman and call it an honour. They get the head of Serco to do it. So appropriate.
    I read the same article in The Daily Mail and took the time to read the comments – from Canada, the Uk, the USA and a couple from NZ. Not one was in any way congratulatory. It seems everyone knows what happened in New Zealand, terrible things of which she was the instigator, now a death toll with many children included, a devastated economy where nothing runs any more thanks to her introduction of DEI and legislating racial separatism, and yet this caricature of a woman talks once again of kindness. She is nothing more than a hypocrite and a liar.
    Silly Prince Willy, you will be judged by the company you keep.

  6. More reasons to cut the strings to the Empire…just as Oz has explored in the past.
    Imagine Australia becoming a Republic,…
    The Aussie invitation for NZ to join with Oz still stands from the offer of 1911…
    Imagine both Oz & NZ becoming Republics and then NZ accepting the offer to join with Australia…Aussie Passports, Citizenship via default, and government services provided without stifling restrictions.
    The economy would strengthen, health care would expand and become affordable, and defence would expand proportionately and exponentially.
    Add the saving grace of Greater Australia declaring Armed Neutrality, and trade would continue in the event of war.
    North Island would become the Province of Aotearoa, and South Island would become the Province of New Zealand.
    After the Royals bestowing and conferring a Damehood to such a communist totalitarian dictatoress who has all but destroyed New Zealand, the ‘House of Gotha-Sax-Coburg’ aka ‘House of Windsor’ has lost most of it’s credibility among many Kiwis and Aussies alike!
    Getting away from the Zionist-controlled banking community known as ‘The City of London’ and it’s NZ Reserve Bank affiliate would not be missed!

  7. leave my little precious kind and caring Cindy alone, she brought unity to the down trodden and marginalised especially in the rainbow community and all the at risk from genocide Transgender identifiers by the right wing bigoted haters. She saved hundreds of thousands from the deadly covid pandemic by kindly offering them the 100% proven safe and effective jab and kept us safe from harm with lovely masks and safe distances from the conspiracy theorists. my pronouns are kind/care.

  8. Jacinda is never at home because she’s got a target on her back. There’s a heck of a lot of Kiwis out there that hate her guts for what she’s done to our country. We’re left with a whole lot of Karen’s and Ken’s who love to watch the 6pm news, still bat for the red team, would dob their neighbours in at the drop of a hat and act hysterically around the (gasp) un-vd. They plague our society with their ‘style’ of kindness modelled by their idol Cindy🤮

  9. Reported today rnz;

    ‘Never seen such a sustained period of financial stress’

    That is Jacindas governments complete fault. And all the politicians that supported the covid response after mid 2020.

    All on them.

    We could have continued with our lives, protected the vulnerable and elderly and provided all different treatments.

    Instead we got fear and division. Division between the scared and the not.

    Thanks for nothing William.

  10. Notice who Ja sin da trolled around with in the ‘Pacific Conferences’ ? none other than KS, a R. NZ needs to dump the Reserve Bank become a Republic as an independent Nation and break free from outside NGOs influences, or carry on being a slave to the system they have become enshrined to.


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