19.1 C
Saturday, February 22, 2025


Jack Freestone

Writer, surfer, criminal defence barrister in a previous life. Author of The Fake Celebrity in China, Laowai, Cusala, The Control Sickness, & numerous stories.

Is Christmas what we really think it is?

I always found it interesting that Santa was an anagram of Satan. In fact, I wrote about this in my novella The Control Sickness way...

The New World Order by H. G. Wells – The Freemasonry of Science

Like most teenagers of my time, I enjoyed the writing of British author H G Wells. Especially The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine,...

Meditation, the Pineal Gland and Claustrum oil

I started meditating really by chance, back in 1987. A karate blackbelt moved into our student flat in Dunedin. He was an interesting guy, and I...

Is hypnotism the key to our woes? According to the BBC that could be a possibility

When I was 20, I went to a hypnotist in Auckland, New Zealand, to try to give up smoking. The hypnotist was an old guy,...

Are the Freemasons and Illuminati Flat-Earthers?

An interesting video has been circulating of a Freemason describing the Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hHhqsFOMDM Before people start to call me a crazy Flat Earther, please note, that...

What happened to Joseph Gregory Hallett?

When I first started listening to Gregory Hallett, I was fascinated by his historical claims, and put aside his declarations that he was the...

Jack Freestone reviews movies and TV series which seem to have predicted the ‘COVID plandemic’

New Zealand author Jack Freestone looks at one TV series, one TV episode, and two movies which seem to have in some way predicted...
