Solar power provider SolarZero has ceased operations and entered liquidation due to unsustainable operating losses and liquidity challenges.
The company, owned by BlackRock Group’s GRP III Regional Holdings Ltd, offered solar systems with no upfront cost but multi-decade leases.
Liquidators from Grant Thornton have been appointed, and Verofi has been tasked with ensuring uninterrupted power services for customers. Despite efforts to restructure, no viable solution was found, impacting SolarZero’s 160 employees across New Zealand.
Image credit: Chirayu Trivedi
So just received millions of government (our) money and now goes broke, owned by Blackrock, um isn’t this called money laundering?
This company is owned by Blackrock…
Need I say more?
Plus…check out ANZ’s ownership and stock holders…!Fascism = government merging with corporatism.
Blackrock, Blackstone, Vanguard…ALL will be running every aspect of your lives via the WEF, WHO & NWO until they decide to kill you as forecasted for 2025 by Deagel!