Anyone vying for a conflict with Russia or Iran should be disqualified from government, the former Fox News host has said.
Donald Trump’s enemies in Washington, DC are trying to instigate a world war before his inauguration in January, political commentator Tucker Carlson has claimed. A global conflict would prevent the incoming president from exposing their crimes, the former Fox host has insisted.
Carlson is a supporter of Trump’s agenda to fix America’s problems and disengage the country from foreign conflicts, which helped him secure a second presidential term earlier this month.
“Permanent Washington doesn’t care about domestic policy,” the former Fox News host told the Redacted political talk show on Monday. “What they care about is exercising power abroad: killing people, because it makes them feel like God, and making money. And that’s where the money is, trillions of dollars.”
The group “is basically everyone in DC in both parties,” he added. Carlson claimed they want Trump “to take the country to war either against Russia, or, far more likely, Iran.” The pro-war clique in the US capital perceives this scenario as “the only way to stop Trump and the disclosure that a Trump administration will bring,” he said.
An attack on Iran would result in a world war just as certainly as an escalation of tensions with Russia, Carlson added.
“This is not 2002. Iran is now part of a coalition that includes the biggest economies in the world and the largest militaries in the world,” he pointed out, naming Russia, China and Türkiye as likely backers of Tehran.
Anyone supporting the continuation of the Ukraine conflict lacks “the requisite wisdom to lead my country,” Carlson said.
“Anybody who would even consider having a war with Russia or Iran should not be in any position of power at all, in this administration or any other administration,” he added, describing the test as “super simple.”
Trump claimed during his campaign that he could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours. After his electoral victory, outgoing President Joe Biden authorized strikes with long-range Western missiles deep inside Russia, which Moscow warned in advance would cross a red line.
Moscow reacted by firing a new hypersonic missile at a military plant in Ukraine. The Oreshnik is understood to be nuclear-capable and have sufficient range to strike any target in Europe. President Vladimir Putin has claimed that Western anti-ballistic missile systems cannot intercept it.
Everybody is bleating and has been mesmerized into believing Vaxx Daddy Captain Warp Speed Drumph is anti war
That is BS
He wants to shut down the war in Ukraine and transfer that to a new theater of operations that being a war encompassing an attack on Iran
To make occupied Palestine Great again
Which will immediately involve Russia China and North Korea
And is a war the US cannot win
And invariably and most probably would go nuclear
Russia China know where all US Aircraft carriers are at all times
Dinosaurs that feature on the geo political chess board of Jurassic Park
Whether in fact Drumph makes it to inauguration and what happens in the interim will play out and remains to be seen
NZ is being set up in joining AUKUS
More Uncle Sam brown tongue butt licking
And something we do not need nor want
China could drop NZ like a hot turd
And with the mill stone of debt left around the neck of NZ by Ardern and ‘her’ economic whizz kid Grant Robertson where would that leave Us?
Something about a Creek and no paddle
Anachronistic thinking if they don’t believe prolonging this, would see it go nuclear….then there wont be any “elites”…. My belief its the party’s most likely to initiate a nuclear strike are the weaker players, namely the USA and especially the defunct UK…….the latter started the second world war.
Please explain how the UK started WW2. Thank you..
There’s this amazing thing called the internet that will tell you almost everything you need know. Suffice to say the Brits declared war on Germany, initiating WWII…..that’s a fact…at the behest of a man, Churchill who was little more than a warmonger, who would never accept withdraws from a battle field, even when it was inherently necessary. Just take a look at comments from his military, especially generals.
Hitler was a British Agent
WW2 was an economic war being an extension of WW1 which never ended
Germany was out producing Britain with better quality cheaper goods
And the sun was setting on the British Empire
Which Churchill ended up losing
And in bankrupting Britain
All wars are banker wars
Follow the money
you could also read ” the Tower of Basel” by Adam Lebor.
All explained :all ( jewish)banking tricks . Which politicians and bank(ers) were involved.
Sources of publication ( internet links) all referenced
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