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Friday, October 18, 2024

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ACT Member’s Bill proposes exclusion of ‘climate change’ considerations from regional council consents

Climate change news
Mark Cameron (Inset).

The ACT Party has introduced a bill to prevent regional councils from factoring in the negative impacts of ‘climate change’ when making consenting decisions.

ACT MP Mark Cameron argues that local governments should focus on fundamental responsibilities rather than trying to address global climate issues. He contends that the current consenting regime, which includes stringent emission reduction targets, is hindering productivity across various industries such as farming, construction, and heavy industry. Cameron believes that these constraints are unnecessary and detrimental to the economic progress of everyday New Zealanders, asserting that so-called ‘climate change’ should be managed on an international level instead.

Speaking to state media today, Cameron criticised the regional councils for their “interference” in local affairs, particularly regarding emissions profiles. He described the situation as “robbing Peter to give to Paul,” suggesting that while New Zealand should participate in global efforts to reduce emissions, the current approach at the council level is counterproductive.

He highlighted that while national targets have been agreed upon, the operationalisation at the local level is excessively burdensome and stifles productivity.

Despite past controversial comments about climate change, Cameron emphasised to state media that he acknowledges the reality of ‘climate change’ but advocates for a different mechanism to address it, aligning his stance with the interests of rural New Zealand.

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  1. Good on him although he shouldn’t clip msm’s ticket on agreeing about the reality of climate change when most people know better.

    • Well done and I agree. It is a form of blackmail though isn’t it? Vilified if you disagree. I think it was well done that he said it’s not the council’s business to bring it upon themselves to lay heavy expenses to locals, implying that it’s a rort.

  2. Why do we even have so many councils and regiuonal councils? Do we even need a mayor and twlve councillors? Why can’t the CEO (Town Clerk) take over mayoral duties which are mainly ceremonial?
    It seems not so long ago that the mayor got an honorarium of $5,000 p.a. and councillors were paid only for the meetings they attended. Now they are on salaries. For what?
    Every council in New Zealand, regional, local and is there another one called environmental(?) needs to be trimmed back. All they do is make more and more rules and regulations to justify their existence. No wonder the ratepayers are getting continual rates increases.

  3. There’s no way it passes. The state religion must be upheld and defended at all costs.

    Also, if climate-obsessed local councils aren’t able to prattle on about Muh net zero, they’d need to start reporting on what ACTUAL tangible results they’ve produced to serve their constituents.

  4. Yep, good idea.

    ‘Climate change’ is obviously a criminal scam designed to defraud tax-payers.

    Unfortunately many dim-witted propagandised/indoctrinated New Zealanders actually believe it.

  5. Here in Australia our contribution to CO2 works out at 0.0000208% and NZ is about half that, we’re at Net Zero which means that plants are starving, the world is run by evil scientists and idiots.


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