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Annual food price increase remains high at 12.1 percent

Food price news

Food prices were 12.1 percent higher in May 2023 than they were in May 2022, according to figures released by Stats NZ yesterday.

In May 2023, the annual increase was due to rises across all the broad food categories Stats NZ measures. Compared with May 2022, listed in order of contribution to the overall movement:

  • grocery food prices increased by 12.7 percent
  • fruit and vegetables prices increased by 18.4 percent
  • restaurant meals and ready-to-eat food prices increased by 8.7 percent
  • meat, poultry, and fish prices increased by 11.7 percent
  • non-alcoholic beverage prices increased by 11.6 percent.

“Increasing prices for fresh eggs, potato chips, and lollies were the largest drivers within grocery food,” consumer prices manager James Mitchell said.

The second-largest contributor to the annual movement was fruit and vegetables. The increase was driven by avocados, kūmara, potatoes, and tomatoes.

Monthly change

Monthly food prices rose 0.3 percent in May 2023 compared with April 2023. After adjusting for seasonal effects, they were up 0.5 percent.

“Prices for non-alcoholic beverages such as soft drinks, energy drinks, and bottled water increased 4.5 percent in May, contributing the most to the overall monthly rise,” Mitchell said.

“Decreasing prices for fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes, mandarins, and kiwifruit mostly offset the non-alcoholic beverages movement.”

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Source:Stats NZ

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  1. Mitchel is talking crap, supermarkets are ripping us off and by the way what has Hipkins done about it like he said he would? Nothing of course, he’s doing as he’s told still by Ardern who his elbow deep up is arse controlling him.

  2. The largest driver for prices is inflation, which was (wo)man made by the colossal ineptitude of this government and its fascist covid tyranny (remember, fascism is the amalgamation of government and (pharma-) corporates).
    Government sold your children for the debt they bought your votes with.

    • Exactly the Labour Govt is just a shrill for the WEF. By pushing the great big ‘covid’ lie as a cover the lockdowns and mandates caused many to lose their jobs houses and livelihoods. This inherently drove up the price of every commodity pushed out small business but made big windfalls for big pharma and big corporations. Add in the sabotage of the Refinery the UNs push for more immigration and you begin to create the perfect storm to crush the population. The exact path the Govt have been following for the last 6 years. You will eat bugs you will own nothing you will be happy bought to you by the WEFs sick satanistic agenda. Wake up NZ. Dont vote for any current serving Politician. TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK.

  3. And yet; there hasn’t been any price cap ceilings put on goods and services with price freezes, NOR from produce, medications, and *petrol being exempted from GST.. (post-the lifting of the Road Tax & Usage deferral…)

    • Exactly! There should be as you say price caps, and price freezes.
      This is how Nixon halted inflation in the U.S. and reinstituted private gold ownership as a hedge against private debt.
      Only problem was the Rothschild’s PRIVATELY-OWNED Federal Reserve ‘Bank’ didn’t enter the gold market, and the U.S. Treasury Gold in Fort Knox is rumoured to have disappeared (to Israel perhaps???)
      Goldman Sachs is manipulating the gold prices, and the prices for other strategic and precious metals.
      But again; a price freeze and price capping would halt inflation in it’s tracks, but the PTB do NOT want to do this- they want all of us Goyim to wither on the vine and die, as per the Deagel Forecast for 2025 outlines!
      Be ready for door-to-door confiscations of food, firearms, computers, phones, and items of precious metal being seized during a declared ‘Force Majeur’ that will steal everything you have, or will ever hope to have. (source; Tony Hilder from ‘Millennium 2000’ and WEF Zionist Nazi Klaus Schwab “You vill own n-n-n-nothing, and like it!”)

      • perhaps they will try to take away what you have not hidden.
        One can always resist. Not openly to avoid violence but resist nonetheless.
        It is always possible to exchange goods and services among small organized communities.
        No one can control everybody.


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