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Ardern and Seymour berated on social media for jab and mandate posts

Two politicians, two social media platforms, one message, same response.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and ACT Party leader David Seymour have been lambasted on social media for recent posts supporting COVID ‘vaccine’ boosters and jab mandates.

Ardern and Seymour news

On 3 January Seymour tweeted the ACT Party’s position on vaccine passes. While he supported freedom of choice in relation taking the vaccine, he backed the idea of vaccine passes because, in his opinion, businesses and their staff ‘demanded it’, and had the right to determine who came onto their property.

The original tweet has been deleted, along with its comments, presumably because the vast majority of them disagreed with Seymour and were anti-mandate and anti-lockdown.

In an Instagram post yesterday, Jacinda Ardern announced that COVID boosters were now available at a reduced period of four months following vaccination.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern)

The response from commenters was brutal and overwhelming. Daily Telegraph New Zealand has reproduced some of them below (user names removed):

Something tells me there’s gonna be a lot more “anti-vaxxers” in NZ this year ????

Hmmmm , looks like people are finally questioning things . Good work people


Got mine today ????

No thanks

Booking today! ????
19h64 likesReply

Oh boy. Do we have to, can I just die ????


Can we get an immunity blood test before we decide to get a booster? Cause if my immunity is sweet then no thanks.

When this all started, it was only 1 dose is all we needed. now we up to our 3rd and other countries on their 4th… now it’s just anything goes????????‍♂️


I’ve said no to the first two, I’ll pass on the 3rd and subsequent shots ????

48 shots for summer chur!! ????

What the hell is up with miq? No spots for Jan or Feb or flights from australia even in March loaded. You ruined thousands of kiwis trying to get home to their loved ones then don’t even give them the opportunity for miq but allow the privileged to come through

You haven’t even opened up yet-why would people bother?

I’ll pass.

What a joke.

People r still buying into this bullshit ???????? ffs.


Been there done that… got the pass 🙂

Oh dear trouble in paradise looks like the vaccinated have been WOKE!

In Chile we are going through the four booster. ..

Sooo our vaccine passes will expire early next i guess??? ????????????

Just another “conspiracy” coming true ????????

At this rate I’d rather get COVID.

Yes get it because it’s much better than the first two that didn’t work ????????

When I’m able to go see my family abroad I’ll get it happily, but not until then or a major domestic outbreak as I don’t want to waste the short term immunity on a closed border.

Why aren’t you promoting early treatment to covid.

stay safe, don’t be Australia
20h78 likesReply

Ffs ????

Will anyone not taking the booster be limited as people who are currently unvaccinated are?

When will you open the borders to nz visits living in the states? My mum has dementia and I haven’t seen her in 2 years?

Getting mine next week! Thank you for all you are doing to keep us safe @jacindaardern ❤️????

I will pass ????

I live in the UK and the cases have never been higher at the minute, yet more than 3/4 of the population have been vaccinated and now they are talking about a forth jab. I’m 16 and all I can say is, if you have to be pressured into 3 injections in 1 year for a non deadly virus, and then for it to still be ineffective, I would maybe start to be slightly suspicious…????????

No. I’ll pass thanks. ????????

Not in this lifetime jacindaardern

Yeah, keep boosting up because it’s clearly working.

You just shut down nz for another few months, not ruining” people holiday plans” as Hipkins said but ruining people mental health, seperating families.. 1200 spots miq tomorrow is a joke..

Prime Minister, My father fought for New Zealand in WW2, was captured and became a prisoner of war and was eventually freed by the Americans, he fought for the freedom of this country we call home, he also voted Labour all his life, as have I (now aged 74) for the most part (never again) and I can tell you that you are losing voters in droves because of the MIQ system being so unfair. my Dad would now be turning in his grave at the thought that his grandson (whose father is terminally ill) is now unable to return to his country of birth. And yet you continue to let so called famous overseas people to freely come and go and “spread the love” without it seems no consequences when they break the isolation rules.

Have a happy New (freedom) year everyone. ????????????????

What an insensitive post! Having a great summer keeping thousands of NZer separated from their families! When will you acknowledge the 1 millions NZ citizens out of the country!


Get FARKED honestly

In Australia despite the booster you can still get omicron.

nup..done w this…double vaxxed and DONE.

Aren’t they saying omicron isn’t much more than a cold…?

What a joke ????

My bong gives me a better immune system than this shit????

How many more until my free pizza voucher?

Can Dimension get one?

dont the first 2 work or something?

This is embarrassing

How about opening the borders?


Oh dear, the lies are really obvious now. ‘2 shots for summer Bro’.

Maybe & that’s about as honest a ‘Maybe as what you politician wanna be GPs are shovelling. #FirstDoNoHarm That’s all you have done in 2021, HARM!!! Once you start acknowledging those your vaccine has killed and those who are now living with ticking timebombs in their chests, those the Crown sent letters to telling them they were not allowed to go public. May their loss and their illnesses rest on your conscience & in your heart for the rest of your life. I hope NZ’ers wake up to your growing bank balance while you many are suffering, I hope they wake up and realise you are from the school of Klaus Schwab, graduated with high honours. #GenocideCriminals #TheGreatReset there’s too much corruption & greed in the world to want to undo the damage to our earth & to humanity…you so called world leaders, just soooooo much easier to cull the numbers of humanity and only the strong survive…your plan works if all humanity remains gullible, believes your bull. Conspiracy theory or not?

Ah so much of that 6% up in here ???????? #getoutofhere

Yeah cool story how about you open the borders so New Zealanders can come back home

What a joke

All five of my triple jabbed brothers in laws family in Toronto have Omicron.

How about we start testing for antibodies? Friends got tested and had it July-2019! Before we even knew about this crap! Save us some dollars on jabs if a percentage of NZ have actually had it

I would defienatly rather get Covid-19 than have the god damn booster ????

jacinda Ardern once the most admired in the world …AMAZING HOW THE WORLD HAS FINALLY SEEN THROUGH HER LIES


Let’s get your 10th vaccines

The double vaxxed will join the ranks of the unvaxxed unless they take a shot every 4 months. This is shockingly sinister.

Insanity to promote this while we can’t look at the raw data from the trials until 55 years have passed

But when can we come back and isolate at home @jacindaardern ?!

If I just catch omicron Instead, does that count as a booster? I’ll be getting the antibodies either way

Absolute load of shit so I’ll pass thanks. Never felt so crook in my life after getting the second one.

More important, when are the borders open?

Slow down i havnt had my first yet

What happened to 2 shots ?? Now a booster which is 3rd shot!! And then a 4th too… no thanks.

So those under 18 are magically ‘safe’ from covid with the 2? Yet those over 18 need to have boosters every 4 months.

Anyone else find it amusing that we live in a world where people are proudly displaying a code to scan yo allow them privileges?

New Zealand is doing so much better than Australia. While you’ve recorded only about 40 new cases, Australia with its now open door policy to covid and (now given up on testing post six days isolation, plus running out of PCR testing capacity so now only people who are sick and living together) is recording 253,000+ current active cases and 3,223 locally acquired cases. Which we here in Australia know is just the top of the iceberg of all cases that aren’t being allowed to get tested. Sydney’s hospitals have so many staff away sick with covid and isolating that they can’t cope with normal surgeries and have nurses and theatre staff doing crazy overtime. Four shifts in a row is now the norm for the staff left carrying the load. It’s a nightmare-so please do not open up and keep on top of omicron as it breaks through even triple vaccination. Vaccinated people aren’t ending up in hospitals which is good but they’re still needing weeks to get better and stop testing positive. Stay safe NZ.


How about promoting eating healthy, the importance of exercise. No money in that I suppose!

You’ve got to be kidding


The only way to survive this is to NOT GET THE JABS! ????


Population 92% vaccinated, and still locked up. I’ll never ever forget your cruelty towards NZ citizens living overseas, who have already had their boosters! End the lottery of human misery and let citizens enter the country

Stop with the lies. Go get the jabs yourself!

No, I’m not having an amazing summer because someone I know died on Christmas Day the day after getting her booster.

I live in the U.S. I follow because I love Jacinda Ardern, but also because these comments give me a sense of the character of her country. Fully vaxxed / boosted and wouldn’t have it any other way.

NOPE. I got my 2 shots because it was needed in order to travel. I’ve done my part, now get on with yours and sort out MIQ and leave the vaccinated people alone.

New Zealand really is full of sheep ????????????


Cruel, controling PM. Hope people wake up soon and will not vote for you. Go away forever!

The largest scam on Earth ???? continues. Sleep well

What a joke! I’m a NZ citizen living in the states. Not vaccinated, had Covid, stayed at home to recover, didn’t die. People at risk – get vaccinated. All healthy folks with no preexisting conditions, you should be able to choose.

Where is the campaign to encourage people to stay healthy (vitamins, healthy food, sun, exercise)?

Wake up Kiwis! Is this really Science? Hmmmmm.


Don’t wanna get a booster shot but ik the horse will eventually mandate it for the next vaccine pass

Nuh! Had enough of your bullsheeeettttttt.

Lol love how politics can change scientific decisions just like that ????????

Hey guys you’re all being forced onto a subscription of regular drugs don’t you think it’s weird?

???????????? so many stupid people here! ????‍♀️ some of y’all would jump off a cliff to protect yourselves if that’s what this woman told you to do! ????‍♀️????‍♀️????

@zver_aveam8338 well obviously not if they’re taking their 4th! U dodo

Oh the third shot of the same product that failed twice? ????

And 4 months after your booster….? Is it 4th jab? Then 5th? 6th? How about telling people to eat organic whole foods, green leafy vegetables, zinc, vitamin D and exercise daily? Living in fear weakens your immune system and tells your body to produce cortisol and adrenalin – this in turn makes you stressed and more susceptible to becoming sick.

Just here for the comments ???? ???? Kiwis are Funny. Love them..! Vaccine on the other hand.. Argh, No Thanks.

I’ll take Covid over this booster shit

More people are dying from cancer, road deaths and even water related accidents. What’s really going on?

No thank you ????

As a public figure I think you should be telling the truth, not taking even MORE money from big pharma.

We won’t force you, ever. Yeah right..


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  1. Every time I look at Seymour all I see is Brick Tamland from Anchorman. Pfizer are never gonna love you David, no matter how much you embarrass yourself.

    What a massive twit.

  2. I wonder how many votes ACT have lost because Seymour is so out of touch and so ill informed about this ridiculous power grab scam. My bet is shed loads. ACT back down to around the 5% mark but the next election.

  3. There is a new forum set up for the vaccine injured and those who are interested in the dangers of the vaccine.
    they say its rare .com Remove the spaces.


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