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Ashley Bloomfield to step down in July

Full text of Press Release from the Public Service Commission regarding Bloomfield’s resignation.

Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes has today announced the Director-General of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, has chosen to step down at the end of July.

The Commissioner said Dr Bloomfield had done an outstanding job leading the Government’s health response to COVID-19 and the vaccination rollout.

Ashley Bloomfield resignation news

Dr Bloomfield signalled with the Commissioner late last year he intended to step down before his term officially ended on 11 June 2023.

New Zealand is in a strong position because of its response to COVID-19 and its high vaccination rates. Dr Bloomfield has played a vital role in New Zealand’s success. At this stage in the Government’s COVID-19 response, and at the beginning of significant changes to the health and disability sector, Dr Bloomfield feels July is a good time to step away and have an extended break.

“Dr Bloomfield has worked tirelessly for more than two years to keep New Zealanders safe from coronavirus,” said Mr Hughes.

“Dr Bloomfield has demonstrated remarkable resilience and courage in leading the health system’s overall response to COVID-19. That response has saved lives.

“I thank Dr Bloomfield for his commitment to public service, his spirit of service to the community and his exceptional contribution to New Zealand’s COVID-19 response. I know many New Zealanders will also be thankful for the job he has done.

“Dr Bloomfield always wanted to stay until New Zealand was in a good place with coronavirus. That time is now.”

The Commissioner will appoint an acting Director-General before Dr Bloomfield finishes on 29 July 2022.

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  1. He wont be missed by the public, and he will be forgotten in a few years.

    His name will remain in the immoral side of history for promoting experimental gene therapy, illegal mandates, loss of jobs, division of soceity, politicalising the medical profession, subservient to Big Pharma, and an educated fool.

    • I agree, he won’t be forgotten any time soon. The damage is done. The time for him to do the right thing has long since passed. Maybe he’s decided to take an overseas post?

      Maybe he could replace Tedros who isn’t even a medical doctor?

  2. Just my personal opinion here. I believe Bloomfield is a nice guy but maybe too weak to stand up for things he knew were wrong, the classic ‘yes’ man

    • Yeah I feel a bit the same. He’s looked “Hunted” for a while!
      But lesson to be learnt here, I would say he morally knew what he was doing was wrong, but, weak or not, towed the line.
      May God have mercy on him.

  3. Slow clap from the thousands of folk denied jab exemptions plus the many thousands of people who have had adverse reactions.
    What a legacy he leaves, having had to play (his choice) the political game with arden.
    Just be gone.

    • He was managed through by Ardern, the UN and WEF. His credentials were needed for plausibility every day as Ardern told us to be kind at the same time vaccines [that wouldn’t stop us spreading the plague or catching it] were to be forced on us in order for us to keep our jobs. No wonder domestic unrest is such a big concern here and in the US.

  4. Bloomfield had almost no mercy whatsoever for all the many people who applied, desperately pleaded, for vaccine exemptions for legitimate health reasons, nor for those who are vaccine injured and those who were barred from their professions, lost jobs and homes and relationships.

    Bloomfield was utterly ruthless, almost cruel, unscientific and unfair in his decisions to do this. We can consult the public record. He also fully encouraged, coerced, the injecting of adults, children and pregnant women with the untrialled Pfizer experimental gene therapy.

    Pray God we don’t have another ‘weak’ ‘yes man’ or woman in that role, if this was even Bloomfield’s problem. Civil servants, regardless how far up the tree they believe themselves, need to remember at all times they’re paid by the tax payer and are NOT there to serve the govt, the PM, a ruling ideology or a pharmaceutical company’s profit margins however binding that contract. They are appointed and accept whichever position to SERVE the PEOPLE of NZ with the best possible science and/or means at their disposal. This is not the case with Bloomfield, who will have now earned many hundreds of thousands of salary dollars. While many many thousands of far more capable and qualified New Zealanders are without work, have lost their homes and savings, and still cannot return to their professions because of decisions made by Bloomfield and others.

    Sadly for Bloomfield and his family, he will leave deep ongoing wounds in many people’s lives as his legacy and will not be remembered well by a great many In New Zealand. This was all his choice.

    • This man/creature is part of axis evil, along with Jabcinda, Hipkins, Robertson that have that have done so much damage to NZers, physically and otherwise. He masqueraded as a medical professionals, yet he had no real health advice to give. He was caught lying number of times and justified his edicts by referring to vague overseas studies. He couldn’t give a hoot about NZers who were desperate not to take the poison but every single time he denied them. People who were injured by the first jab, were denied exemptions and he forced more poison into them. Just think about it, someone else owns your body, your life.
      There is simply no justification for his criminal actions. He is partly responsible for the those who are now dying everyday because of the jabs. It’s conveniently announced as Covid deaths. (First it was, “Omicron is a weak variant” to “Omicron is a game changer” What mumbo jumbo. And the vast majority swallowed it hook line & sinker. Astonishing, truly astonishing.

      He is definitely jumping ship, aware what’s coming next. He will bail and get an advisory/consultancy role with Pfizer to escape investigation. People like him and Cindy don’t work for us, just show them the mulla!!

  5. As more of Pfizer’s crime papers released under US court order we find that NZ health new of the devastating side effects but Gloomfield still forced the genocide on us. No surprise he’s running now

    • Also the director of public health Dr Caroline McElnay, and public health deputy director Dr Niki Stefanogiannis

  6. Luxon wants us to send lethal weapons to Ukraine. He surely meant these three public health officials as part of the lethal weapons package.

    • I wouldn’t trust him as far as you could throw him. Probably just another plant for the WEF like Simon Bridges was.

      The only option for New Zealand is to get another large strong third party who make it very clear they are not part of the WEF and gave not sold our health sovereignty to the WHO.

      I hope Matt King can them up with other strong brave people and lead us out of this swamp. All people running for Parliament need to declare their association with these evil overseas institutions that every day New Zealanders want no part of.

  7. I’ll have to list my Ashley Bloomfield tea towel on TradeMe. Boo hoo. The associates leaving with him speaks volumes. Rats leaving the sinking ship. There’s nothing to this government beyond covid as a means to control the team of five million and telling us to be kind while some of us lose our jobs.
    Ardern’s crowd has borrowed billions, instituted a school lunch program (did that even go out for tender?), reached a consensus on housing with National – which has become the moderate wing of the Labour Party and spent hundreds of millions on revamping over 350 maraes around the country. Three waters is a problem so they’ve gathered a couple of billion dollars to pay off Councils in order to slam through legislation. The media’s been bought for $55m and is now a government department. What a clusterf*#%.

    • This was all done creating dollars from thin air, and the burden of this fiat currency expansion is on the shoulders of home buyers and younger people for years to come. More slaves were created to serve the Big Corps.

  8. Who cares? All he did was spout government (read ‘Ardern’) propaganda. He’s a mealy mouthed weasel and I say good riddance.

  9. I would love to know the total in his bank account on leaving office in July!

    There was a whisper that Bloomfield is being considered for a knighthood due to the ‘brilliant’ work he has carried out over the past two years, keeping all Kiwis safe.
    Hopefully the Queen will be very careful with her sword if he ever gets to kneel in front of her.

    • Most wealth is hidden in stocks and houses, and the “goodwill” being subservient to the Big Corps pays off later on with powerful positions. War criminals Tony Blair and Obama made MORE wealth after leaving office remember.

  10. What is needed now is a good Nazi hunter, as that is what I classify doomfield as. A Nazi, only following orders. Let’s hope that Nuremberg II gets him and all the others before we are signed onto the new “treaties” being created behind our backs by the WHO during this lull…. a bye… Stay awake people, I am sure there will be more tricks coming down the back passage of all these cretons who think they own us….

  11. My request is for all sources of ‘following the science’ – therefore these would be scientific sources, data and trials – be made fully available to the public, including the names, roles and qualifications of all govt decision-making and internal-external consultants-experts, advertising agencies, media explainers and outlets, et cetera, and everyone paid and the amounts, in the govt’s COVID science, response and vaccine mandate roll out.

    We also need to see, as a matter of legal and ethical public importance, the entire contract and signatories in the contract signed on behalf of New Zealand with Pfizer, and other COVID vaccine manufacturers, and also all the science info and any directives such companies provided.


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