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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Auckland cafe Crave hit by four break-ins in 10 days – by same suspects

Crave Cafe news
Image – Crave Cafe / Facebook.

Crave Cafe in Morningside, Auckland, has been targeted by thieves four times within just ten days, with losses exceeding $25,000 in cash and valuables.

The cafe’s manager Nigel Cottle told media that the same individuals likely committed all four burglaries due to the similar methods and timings of the incidents. The first burglary happened on May 14, marking the cafe’s first break-in in five years, where about $1,000 was stolen. Despite additional security measures the thieves continued their raids, culminating in the theft of a large safe thought too heavy to move.

Cottle posted on the cafe’s Facebook page:

We are upset that we have to post these images from our cctv of the 2 people who have broken into Crave for the 4th time in 10 days! Last night, they managed to take our super heavy safe that we thought was unmoveable.

We try and operate off a high trust model, where we assume the best in people and take it on the chin when we are ripped off. We now don’t know how to stop this. We have fixed/ upgraded all our alarm, camera, and lock systems, but it isn’t enough.

Overall, over $25,000 worth of items and cash have been stolen in the 4 robberies so far.
If you recognize any of the ppl, clothing, or shoes you see in the photos, please get in touch. The police have been very responsive and have been actively patrolling outside overnights, but it still isn’t enough.

We can’t afford to hire an overnight security guard, but it might be the only thing we can do.

Thanks to all of you who have expressed support. It has really made a difference. Our staff feel supported, and it has been a great reminder that people care.

Kia kaha
Nigel and the Crave crew

Crave Cafe news
Image – Crave Cafe / Facebook.

The local community has shown strong support, as the eartery operates as a social enterprise reinvesting all profits back into the neighbourhood. Cottle expressed a mix of frustration and hope, acknowledging the challenge of maintaining trust in the face of repeated thefts but vowing not to let the situation defeat their mission.

Crave news
Image – Crave Cafe / Facebook.

Police say they are actively investigating, and area commander Inspector Alisse Robertson has called for anyone with information to come forward to assist in catching the culprits.

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  1. This is why shop keepers need to have firearms…
    For those after-hours break-ins, we recommend a booby trap or two, with continual surveillance cameras that allow a shop owner to detonate the booby trap via mobile phone when they get an alert that their business(es) have been broken into.
    The posts that are going up in front of the shops to prevent ram raids should also have explosive reactive armour when they are raised-up out of the ground, or installed at the close of a business day!
    Posting a notice of a business / home being booby-trapped or defended with deadly force will absolve the owner(s) of responsibility of harm to the criminal(s) doing the break-ins, vandalising, burglaries, and arson!

  2. “The police have been very responsive and have been actively patrolling outside overnights, but it still isn’t enough.”
    4 breakins in 10 days while police is patrolling outside that cafe?
    Is it April 1st?
    Stabbings in broad daylight while police patrol bus stations?
    NZ police is a joke, unless it comes to violence against unarmed protesters.
    What has become of police who were part of society, the cops that you could trust to do their proper jobs properly?
    What has become of Godzone?
    Where is my beautiful New Zealand?


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