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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Billy TK Jnr and Vinny Eastwood prison sentences overturned on appeal

Billy TK news
Billy Te Kahika (L), Vinny Eastwood (R).

Freedom and justice campaigners Billy Te Kahika and Vinny Eastwood were sentenced to imprisonment earlier this year for breaking COVID lockdown laws in August 2021.

Te Kahika had organised a public protest outside TVNZ offices in downtown Auckland on the first day of New Zealand’s delta variant nationwide lockdown.

At a hearing in March this year he was found guilty by Judge Peter Winter in the District Court and sentenced to four months imprisonment. Co-defendant broadcaster Vinny Eastwood received a three month sentence for his part in the protest. The two were granted bail while they filed an appeal against the convictions and sentences.

In a decision released yesterday afternoon Justice Neil Campbell in the Auckland High Court upheld the convictions but overturned the prison sentences. He convicted and discharged the two men.

While Judge Winter had considered Te Kahika’s actions at the high-end for this type of offending, Justice Campbell disagreed.

‘I consider that this offending was well short of the most serious of its kind… At most, a starting point of a very short period of imprisonment, in the region of 14 days, would have been appropriate for each of Mr Te Kahika and Mr Eastwood.

‘Against his starting point, Mr Te Kahika is entitled to several allowances. He has no prior convictions. More significantly, he has spent much of his life making significant and varied contributions to his community.

‘I add that, even if the adjusted starting point had been a very short sentence of imprisonment, I consider that Judge Winter erred in not considering home detention or some other community-based sentence.’

Te Kahika told legacy media he was relieved after being told news of the successful appeal by his lawyers.

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  1. Epilogue to a politically motivated inspired and targeted witch hunt
    A complete waste of time resources and innocent of logic
    Which is the abyss NZ has descended into
    Speaking of brain dead manifested wokism
    Whanganui war memorial, Weeping Woman, to be removed after complaints of ‘racist stereotyping’
    How ridiculous is that?

  2. Billy and Vinny should have NEVER been sentenced OR arrested in the first place!
    They were exercising their rights in questioning the validity of vaccines, lock-downs, and the extreme globalist bias that the Masonic Judge Winter sentenced them to was notning less than a retaliatory measure for Billy & Vinny exposing the past truths!

  3. Judge Peter Winter should be fired immediately. He is clearly corrupt and/or incompetent, and obviously entirely unfit to hold public office.

    He should probably be deported asap to North Korea.

  4. There should never have been lockdowns or coerced vaccines. The governments duty is to provide guidance, i.e. “We think it might be good to stay indoors if you WANT to”, and so on.

    When you have Ardern saying that she wanted a two-tier society of the vaccinated at the top and the unvaccinated who cannot go anywhere, and Hipkins wanting to hunt down the unvaccinated, and people being charged and jailed for, basically, walking outdoors on the planet that they were born on, what you have is a tyranny.

    I am waiting to see justice for what was done to us, the people, by the government. I’m not holding my breath, however.

  5. Great timing for BtK and Eastwood to know this before celebrating Christmas with their family and friends.

    There are two courageous men right there- and Billy and Vinny, I salute you for your stand. The world is a better place because you stood tall. Thank you

  6. Two courageous men? that’s how the Court sees it, no it was their passage of right to oppose tyranny. Remember when the Govt. screamed ‘get vaccinated’ to keep everybody safe? well, it’s turned out it was we the populace that needed to be kept safe from a bribed corrupt criminal Govt. Not only that, but the Govt. knew the danger of pushing the untested jabs but still mandated them anyway to appease those who they were beholding to. Will justice one day prevail? well that is when ‘we the people’ say we have suffered enough and say and do ‘enough’. The jabs have and will cause more deaths in NZ than it has endured in all the wars it has fought in. NZs biggest ever perpetrated mass genocide. Let that sink in for a minute. Population not decreasing? immigration has increased to make up any noticeable shortfall catering to a more servient population via the charter agreements NZ has with the UN. Wake up peoples you are being replaced, look at what is currently happening on the southern US border. NZ is just a small country in the NWOs great scheme of things, but their tyrannical agendas lead to all the Politicians being just bribed puppets. When was the last time any NZ Politician made a Declaration, the world took notice of or abided by? Remember us ‘antivaxxers’ us ‘conspiracy theorists’ the whistle blowers that were locked out of Cafes and ostracized? well, we told you so 4 years ago nobody listened then and nobody is listening now.

  7. Next? Get Ardern and Bloomfield front and centre and how about a list of all the doctors and health workers who had secret exemptions? I’d like to see that one…. over 100 doctors opted out in Northland alone…. I did not think Northland had 100 doctors…. who are they? Will they come forward so we can get answers from these people… because WE ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER…. So when 2 brave men and a handful of protestors stood up to protest, these little groups were hiding behind secrecy yet again…. given by Ardern’s government. Also all travelling on diplomatic passports were excempt from needing a vax. WHO in our current parliament have been exempted? I bet all of them, except the newly elected and Winston…. Arden and Bloomfield and Michael Baker need to be put behind bars…

  8. Great news!

    Obviously Judge Peter Winter now needs to be investigated for his grossly unfair, ****** and ******** conduct.

    I’d imagine dismissal from the judiciary and six months imprisonment should set him on the straight and narrow.

  9. Judge Peter Winter should be ashamed of himself, not to mention arrested and charged ********* ***** *********,

    We do not want incompetent ********** ******* judges thanks very much.

  10. Vinny has been nominated for ‘New Zealander of the Year’ on several occasions for exposing truths .
    Those entities sponsoring that contest won’t even acknowledge the submission of Vinny being nominated!
    We now have the Nazional ( Zionist) Government in place as opposed to a Communist Government (Labour)., and this will see the NZ Dollar hit record highs again just as it did in 2009 when the Nazional (Zionist) Party and J3wi$h Bankster John Key were in …’power’…and the exporters will once again be more heavily damaged due to the high dollar AND a ‘Post-Covid Global Economy’…that the PTB caused!
    Those who destroyed New Zealand are now on the other side of the debating chamber in Parliament, and will probably never be charged, as many Nazional Party members were just as guilty.
    Result; J**dicial and legal stalemates!
    February 2022 certainly brought to light that this Goverment, and the Governments of the past are NOT representative of anyone here except for the WEF / WHO / NWO goons.
    One ‘Goonette’ resides within the walls of Harvard University, a fitting environment for such a creature…!
    Other Goons will never face a court of any level, nor any inquest or inquiries.
    And with regard to the Doctors being exempt for Covid vaccines? This was well known. How did we know?
    By a medical specialist in Welly who was always insistent throughout their :15 minute patient appointments demanding that their patients take the untested vaccines, spending :13 minutes on their coercions of the same, and :03 minutes on the patient’s medical appointment.
    It was noted that a certain Rheumo specialist was doing just that! He knew who was medically blacklisted, and sought to speed up their death via the known-lethality of the ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Bio-Weapon!
    We changed specialists, and told him to f*^k-off!
    These ‘Medical Doctors & Specialists’ obviously had monetary gain by promoting the Covid Bio-Weapon vaccine, either thru pay-outs, dividends, stock holdings, etc…all of which were probably in accounts offshore, like most of them are…!

    • Good on you. I had a dreadful problem and went to see a rheumatologist. He ended up medicating me and totally F’ing me up. I asked him about tetracycline antibiotics to treat autoimmune conditions and he scoffed at the idea. Have a look at the Road Back foundation and get ‘specialists’ and grifters off your back and get off their drugs. You can cure your condition with simple antibiotics and other natural treatments such as supplements and acupuncture. 3 years ago I was borderline cripple, could hardly walk down the street, now I am almost pain free and back to walking and biking.

      Why don’t these ‘specialists’ want to cure you with cheap generic drugs? Because then they don’t get the kickbacks from the drug companies.

      Take your life back and research Dr Thomas McPherson Brown and the Road back website. That man cured people from arthritis and autoimmune diseases with his simple protocols and he was discredited and shut down, and now we know why.

      All the best.


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