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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Chinese Premier Li Qiang to visit NZ for bilateral talks

Li Qiang news

Chinese Premier Li Qiang is set to visit New Zealand this week, marking the first visit by a Chinese premier since 2017.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced that the visit includes bilateral talks, an official dinner, and engagements in both Auckland and Wellington, focusing on innovative business, agri-tech, education, and people-to-people connections.

The visit will also commemorate the 10th anniversary of the New Zealand-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Speaking to media today Luxon emphasised the significance of the relationship between the two nations, noting the importance of frank and constructive dialogue on areas of cooperation and differences.

Luxon also highlighted the potential for growth in trade with China, New Zealand’s largest trading partner, as part of the government’s goal to double the value of exports in the next decade.

Luxon also announced his upcoming visit to Japan, accompanied by a senior business delegation, his wife Amanda Luxon, and Minister for Trade Todd McClay.

The visit aims to promote New Zealand as a destination for Japanese investors, tourists, and students, and to strengthen cooperation in defense and security. Japan, being New Zealand’s fourth-largest export destination, is seen as a natural strategic partner, crucial for maximising New Zealand’s economic growth and achieving its export goals.

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  1. Whatever happens don’t mention the appalling human rights violations, Wuhan lab leak, Taiwan or organ harvesting.

  2. Even more of a reason to be declared a Neutral Nation and NOT abide by the rules that other countries levy on us all!


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