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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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#ClimateScam: NIWA accused of faking records to drive ‘climate change’ agenda

Climate Change

An explosive report shows significant flaws in NIWA’s recording of historical weather and climate data.

The report by investigative journalist Ian Wishart titled Too Hot to Handle: NIWA’s misleading temperature records was published today on The Centrist.

‘A spot audit of NIWA’s 2023 flagship Annual Climate Summary report and some of its predecessors over the past five years has uncovered multiple major errors that cumulatively exaggerate the impact of climate change and drive public fear,’ wrote Wishart.

Among the revelations were claims NIWA’s temperature and rainfall records were not ‘real records’ at all, and that the State-funded organisation published false information about Cyclone Gabrielle. They also ‘cherrypicked data to exaggerate the apparent frequency of climate records being broken.’

Read the full report on The Centrist.

Image credit: Neenu Vimalkumar


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  1. The agenda is to get the “useless eaters” locked into 15-minute cities with digital ID’s and vaccine passes so that travel is restricted unless you do exactly what the state wants you to do. They want your complete compliance.

    The 15-minute cities are nothing more than glorified farm paddocks where the “useless eaters” graze on the food given to them (“eat ze bugs”). The vaccine certificates and mandates are the same as when farm animals are corralled at one end of a paddock through a series of steel gates where they are held in place while injected with their vaccines. The digital ID’s is the wire fencing around the paddock that stops the animals from escaping.

    • This will never happen. There will be a few subservient people dependent on the govt for their existence like pensioners and dole bludgers who will happily comply but the rest of us will not. We are many and we are powerful. We will find ways to resist in any form possible. So many people are awake now, every day more and more.

      If you are a bought and paid for corrupt politician or PUBLIC SERVANT in this country, you will be exposed and you will be shamed.

  2. Yep exactly. Scientific fraud funded by the NZ tax payer to serve a nefarious Malthusian globalist political agenda.

    Time to defund NIWA and all the other climate change fraudsters, loons and grifters.

    Btw. Did James Shaw find his degree certificate yet?

  3. Scientific fraud has become the norm with government, no surprises here. December was freezing where i live but no doubt NIWA will call it the hottest summer on record!

  4. NIWA chief executive John Morgan has pocketed a $130,000 pay rise this year – a 31 percent bonus – as state sector workers endure a pay freeze. As the Government puts the squeeze on public spending, Mr Morgan’s salary has risen to more than $550,000, making him one of the highest paid public servants on record.
    One needs only to read their woke mission statement to realise it is all about appearances to appease the last disastrous Governments ideology.
    From what I see NIWA is a quango entirety that wouldn’t be missed if shut down tomorrow.

  5. You can tell it’s fake by their need to constantly remind us. Same as the “pandemic”.

    When there’s a REAL crisis unfolding, it’s obvious. People never need to be reminded.

  6. For the last decade and a half Ian Wishart has theorised that a global warming ‘industry’ is based on a ‘myth’ and that humans are affecting climate change is wrong.
    He rejects evidence supporting such change and the conclusions of all but a very few climatologists who agree that human activity has been a key forcing factor in global heating.
    Rising air and ocean temperatures, melting ice and rising sea levels show that long-term heating is unequivocal.
    In assuming that human-induced climate change is a bogus hypothesis Wishart totally rejects the controlled observations and experiments supporting such change and the consensus opinion of climate scientists.
    In The Centrist article, the comparison Wishart makes between Cyclone Gabrielle and the great storm of 1936 is superficially based on statistically insignificant differences in barometric pressure records.
    As for accelerating global heating, if people do not see that as a REAL crisis un-folding they are obviously not looking.
    Flaws in NIWA’s data base cannot be conflated into contrarian climate science denial.

    • Nope, it’s all fake.

      The polar bears haven’t died out, the ice caps are still there, London and New York aren’t under water.

      The models are manipulated, the “experts” are paid liars, and you’re a dumb dumb for believing them.

      Source: I’m a plumber.

    • Douglasr you have fallen for the Covid hoax and the climate change hoax. Do us all a favour – put your face mask on, get your 20th booster, go out into the woods, build yourself a hut, gather your insects to eat, and stay there to await the virus or climate Armageddon, if the sky doesn’t fall on your head first. Leave the rest of us sane intelligent people alone, we’ll get on just fine without you. If you believe there’s a human induced climate catastrophe then why don’t you sell all your assets, say goodbye to your friends and go live like a Stone Age hunter gatherer? Those of us who don’t believe the climate BS, we’ll just live our lives normally thank you

    • I bet douglasr will be lining up to get one of Elon Musk’s new brain chips once the media tell him it will reduce his carbon footprint

  7. People who can’t tell us what the weather will be next Tuesday can tell us what the climate will be like in 100 years?

    Pull me another one! 😂😂😂 shut these Grifters at NIWA down already.

  8. It is right. Polar bears haven’t died out and the polar ice caps are still there, but polar bears depend on Arctic sea ice for most important aspects of their lives – including hunting, mating and resting. As such, sea ice is crucial for polar bears to survive.
    Temperatures in the Arctic are rising nearly four times as fast as the global average, and Arctic sea ice extent has declined since 1979 for every month of the year. These are measured facts and cannot be denied.
    There are 19 recognised polar bear sub-populations inhabiting the circumpolar Arctic within four distinct sea ice habitats—or ecoregions—that have been recognized as differing in sea ice freeze-up, break-up, and drift patterns.
    Polar bears rely on the sea ice to access their seal prey.
    Anthropogenic climate change influences are definitely affecting the global polar bear population.
    Both London and New York have implemented resilience programmes, including recognition of sea level rise, in response to global heating.
    There is the New York City Panel on Climate Change which reports to the Mayor’s office.
    Britain is accelerating plans to protect London from flooding caused by a warming climate and rising sea levels, bringing forward its scheme of work to protect the city centre by 15 years.
    As for climate modelling, a 2019 paper by Zeke Hausfather of the University of California, Berkeley, Henri Drake, and Tristan Abbott of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Gavin Schmidt of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies analysed 17 models dating back to the 1970s and found that 14 accurately predicted the relationship between global temperatures as greenhouse gases increased. (The estimates of two were too high, and one was too low.)
    To assert that climate models are manipulated by expert paid liars is an outrageous slander.

    • TLDR:

      🦆: the polar bears aren’t extinct.

      Doug: Experts say Polar bears need ice.

      🦆: the ice caps are still there.

      Doug: experts say the Arctic is too hot.

      🦆: London and New York aren’t under water.

      Doug: the experts in London and New York are very worried about flooding.

      🦆: The experts are liars.

      Doug: how DARE you 👧

      • I DARE to respond.
        Unquaccinated, do you actually read comments preceding your own responses?
        I confirmed that polar bears aren’t extinct and that they need ice but that is not ice cap ice but sea ice which is the environment where polar bear food exists. That sea ice is retreating rapidly year on year is a measurable fact.
        Of course, the ice caps are still there, but the Greenland ice cap is melting rapidly from global heating at the estimated rate of 30 million tonnes per hour according to an 18 January 2024 article in the prestigious science journal Nature.
        Nearly every glacier in Greenland has thinned or retreated over the past few decades leading to glacier acceleration and increased rates of sea-level rise and climate impacts.
        Dr Chad Greene, at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory led the research.
        Some scientists are concerned that this additional source of fresh water pouring into the north Atlantic might mean the collapse of ocean currents important to the climate stability in several parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
        As for claiming that climate scientists are liars, that implies a significant absence of determined research of scientific sources or wilful ignorance.
        I sadly suspect that wilful ignorance will prevail in Unquaccinated’s contributions to all debates in these columns including those on COVID-19.
        I suggest reading Hotez, Peter J. MD, PhD, ‘The deadly rise of Anti-Science – A Scientist’s Warning’, John Hopkins University Press , 2023 and take note..
        Otherwise thoughtless and unresearched responses to clearly scientific questions will be ignored.

    • Douglasr you are so far down the climate rabbit hole. What are you doing about it? Go live like a hermit bushman if you really believe it. Sell everything you have and go squat naked in the forest, eat bugs and wipe your butt with a leaf. Unless you reject modern life in totality and adopt one akin to a caveman, you are nothing but a double standard hypocrite

  9. Again, no discussion of scientific fact but instead a mindless rave against the person.
    If these sorts of comments are the height of your intellectual acuity, continuing to make them will keep downgrading the value of this newspaper.
    I’m surprised they get past the “respectful, civil and constructive” rule.

    • Your ‘scientific fact’ is quackery. Hundreds of client experts dismiss the man made narrative. If you believe it thats your choice, but stop the hypocrisy and preaching to those who reject it. Practically everything in your house and the relative wealth you enjoy comes from fossil fuels. Stop the preaching, walk the talk, and go live in the bush

  10. Science is never settled. Science is a school of thought based around experimentation to prove or disprove theories about the nature and the mechanics of life. Science had become the emperor with no clothes on his back, believing the charlatan ‘tailors’ who recycle the same, old, tired, obsequious and smarmy compliments and assurances of his magnificence and infallibility whilst pocketing trillions in gold, bitcoin, research grants and dividends. In one way we may thank Jacinda Ardern for highlighting the malicious absurdity of kow towing to the pharmaceutical companies’ rorts. Back to reality, everyone puts petrol in their lawnmower and diesel in their ute, including Niwa.


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