Belgrade was warned in advance about a plot to storm government buildings, the Serbian president has said.
Pro-Western demonstrators have attempted to break into government buildings in Belgrade in what Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has called an attempted “colour revolution.” Vucic claims he was tipped off about the plot beforehand.
Thousands of opposition protesters gathered outside the Belgrade City Assembly on Sunday to protest the victory of Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) over the pro-EU Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition in parliamentary elections last week. The protest turned violent with a group of demonstrators attempting to batter down the doors of the building, until they were dispersed by police.
“There is no revolution underway,” Vucic said in a public address. “Nothing will go their way,” he continued, referring to the protesters. “Those who swear to fight against violence have shown that they are real thugs.”
The SPN coalition emerged out of anti-government protests following a pair of mass shootings in May. While the protest movement initially demanded the resignations of Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and intelligence chief Aleksandar Vulin, it soon called for the fall of Vucic’s government.
Vucic claimed that the protest was sponsored by Western powers who wanted him removed from office over his cordial relations with Russia and refusal to abandon Serbia’s claim to Kosovo, citing reports from foreign intelligence services.
He reiterated these allegations in Sunday’s address, thanking unnamed “foreign services” for letting his security services “know exactly what the thugs were preparing.”
The term ‘colour revolution’ describes a protest movement funded and organized by a Western government – usually the US. Aimed at toppling leaders opposed to US interests, these revolutions are typically backed by American intelligence agencies, and organized by a panoply of US-funded NGOs. While the term became widely known following the 2003 ‘Rose Revolution’ in Georgia, the first successful use of color revolution tactics took place in Yugoslavia in 2000, when a US-backed student movement forced the resignation of Slobodan Milosevic.
The anti-Milosevic movement began with claims that the Yugoslavian leader had engaged in fraud in that year’s election, claims bolstered by Western-funded ‘election monitors’ who were brought in.
“Serbia is fed up with your revolutions,” Vucic said during the initial ‘anti-violence’ protests earlier this year. “Serbia is fed up with the arrival of those under foreign influence and the destruction of everything that is Serbian.”
As Ukraine is now a lost cause it’s time to stir the pot elsewhere and naturally as close as possible to the Russian Federation. So we will be watching the Baltic bloc and other likely contenders with interest.
It is a great travesty to see how stupid America and the West has become since the devolution of the USSR believing they have dibs on the former states. But as long as they’re killing machinery has the promise of continuing employment it will be this way.
When Jesus spoke of a time of sorrows, he knew full well what our modern world would be like, and now we are beginning to wake up to the reality of it. May He have mercy on us all..
Basically it all comes down to protecting the position of the US dollar as the world reserve currency.
Agree with that. And it is now pretty clear they are fighting a rear guard action…
Go back to the early 1990’s when Serbia suffered genocide at the hands of the Bosnians, and the fact that the U.N. was involved in that. (see ‘A Snipers War’ movie online).
Al-Jazeera has excellent coverage of that time frame and what the Zionists are now trying to do in the region; starting another war there!!
I wonder IF Jewess Victoria Nuland and Jewess Avril Haines are going to demand a war in the region just like Nuland did in the Ukraine in 2014…and disregarded the E.U.’s concerns about a war starting with the phrase; ‘F*** the E.U.” over the phone to an embassy ‘colleague’.
You can bet that the Jewish Zionist (who control ALL elements in the U.S. Government now) are fomenting another war…
The US never changes its stripes, its small wonder most of the worlds population hates it…..
Something went wrong years ago. Many of us Americans are victims of our own government.
They murdered Kennedy and got away with it.
Ever since then, it’s pretty much just been that “long train of abuses and usurpations” your Declaration of Independence mentions so eloquently.
Hi Harry-
That is why I got out 20+ years ago- I saw this coming and getting worse, and I was laughed at, ridiculed, and had sarcastic comments made about me.
Since permanently residing in KiwiLand, we have see Obama press the NDAA, the Patriot Act gets renewed every year with liberty-oppressing enhancements, and Veterans like myself are considered to be ‘Potential Domestic Terrorists’.
Now, 20+ years later, those who were informants, who ridiculed, called me paranoid, etc. are having the very same thing happen to them!
Now they’re whinging,,and asking me about how to move to New Zealand…
I never respond, because I don’t want those types of people down here.
There were paid informants, and Alphabet Agencies targeting, mobbing and gaslighting me.
My car was bombed with magnesium thermite device on the illuminati day of Luciferian Worship known as the 4th of July, and the replacement vehicle had been severely vandalised!
The USA is owned, controlled and blackmailed by Zionists and the Mossad.
Check out Scott Ritter, Steve Quayle, Alex Jones and Mike Adams.
Get your FBI File under the FOIA / PA, just as I did. That revealed by location and timing who were involved in the FBI / USSS as recruited / paid informants, and several actually ended-up being ‘besties’, co-workers and siblings!!!!
This is the length the bastards will go to just to make a few extra bucks!!!
I have no plans to go back to the Zionist States of Amerika, and I no longer speak to family living over there. besides,
The place is probably going to get chopped-up and divided or nuked indue course.
Look for a combined alien invasion from the south, east, and a simultaneous Civil War ll that will probably see martial law declared and elections cancelled!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and appreciate not being abused by Israeli-trained Law Enforcement as is happening in the ZSA…