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Friday, February 7, 2025

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Ghahraman pleads guilty to all charges

Former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman pleaded guilty to all charges in the Auckland District Court, admitting to shoplifting approximately $10,000 worth of goods in four separate incidents.

The incidents include stealing clothing from Scotties Boutique and other stores in Auckland and Wellington.

Judge Maria Pecotic remanded Ghahraman without conviction until her sentencing on June 24.

Ghahraman, who resigned from Parliament in January, cited ‘extreme stress’ and previously unrecognised trauma as factors for her actions and is seeking help from mental health professionals in statements made after the charges were first laid.

The charges against her carry varying maximum penalties, with the most severe being up to seven years in prison for the Auckland charges. Ghahraman’s court case has attracted media attention, and while there was opposition to filming in court, the judge granted media requests.

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    • I’d think it more believable if she pled insanity. Her membership to the Greens makes a strong case for it.

    • In other words “I’m guilty, but it’s ok because I’m completely bonkers”.

      No doubt our idiotic corrupt communist judiciary will buy it.

    • I read that the judge is an old mate and has already stated their extreme sympathy to Ghahraman. Like the 21 year old man viscously assaulting a 70 year old woman, she will get off because she has the correct chosen political standing.

  1. So Gorliz is pleading guilty to theft caused by insanity.

    Ok fair enough, we’ve all known for years she’s completely barking mad.

    200 hours of public toilet cleaning might possibly sort out her ‘mental health issues’.

  2. A deranged eco-communist MP gets caught stealing expensive fashion items and then claims insanity.

    Ha ha ha ha hah hah ha.


    It can’t possibly get any funnier than this.


  3. disgusting piece of scum – any joe public would be locked up with the key thrown away – Greens should be tossed out of parliament period, they have a co leader who incited abuse of a 70 yo causing a broken jaw by another 21 yo piece of scum whose daddy is part of the UN – is that why he got off o no thats right he shouldn’t be anywhere in the public as he has mental issues, a thief , an alcoholic trying to tell us how to live but have no standards of their own. what numpties vote for these derelicts hahhaha


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