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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Government to ‘focus on getting people into work’

Work news

The coalition government will refocus employment efforts and the welfare system so that supporting people who can work into jobs is the number one priority, Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says.

“Of concern in the labour market statistics released by Stats NZ today was the number of youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET), which rose by 3,000 people over the December quarter. The rate for young women also increased to 14 percent, up from 12.5 per cent. Young people are disproportionately impacted by tightening economic conditions.

“It is also worrying that 40,000 people under the age of 25 are currently on a Jobseeker benefit, an increase of 66 per cent compared to six years ago.

“Today’s figures confirm there is plenty of work ahead for the coalition government to repair the damage done by the previous government and restore confidence for businesses to employ more staff, and for more hours.

“Part of our plan is to refocus the welfare system so that it incentivises people to work while providing support to those who need it most.

“The coalition government plans to do this by initially focusing on:

  • Early interventions to get people into work or training and prevent them from entering the benefit system
  • Refocusing the benefit system so that it reduces dependency by making sure those who can work are preparing for and finding jobs

“We will intervene early and prioritise people who need the most support to help them find work. We are committed to using an evidence-based approach to understand what works, and for whom.

“We will use community providers and offer a broader range of tools to support jobseekers, giving young job seekers a job coach and a proper plan for addressing what’s holding them back from finding suitable work.

“To realign the welfare system towards employment. We will introduce a new traffic light system for sanctions that will provide clarity on what job seekers need to do to prepare for or find work, and increase consequences to ensure people do their bit.

“This government understands that for those who are able to work, employment is the best way out of hardship. It provides individuals and families with greater independence, choice, and opportunity.”

Image credit: Umit Yidirim

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  1. No one should be getting a benefit and not doing something in return unless they are severely disabled. I know of 2 long term unemployed people who are seriously living the life. One just spends money on drugs and alcohol and steals from their own family, the other spends most of their time at the beach. Meanwhile I have spent 5 years nearly disabled, I only earn about $150 a week and am extremely frugal. So these dole bludgers are getting more money than me for doing absolutely nothing! The difference is I have some personal dignity and pride. It also helps I have spent my entire life working so have a mortgage free house, but honestly these grifters need to be put to work, whether it’s picking up rubbish, reading to elderly, picking fruit WHATEVER. Just make the lazy feckers DO something.

  2. Just as Labour brought 250,000 new migrants into NZ under the guise of Labour shortages to make themselves look good in an election year?
    On the back of an economy already slipping into what possibly might be a world wide depression
    And fast approaching WW3 which in reality has already started
    How does this affect housing rents mortgages that were already buckling under immense pressures
    Most of these people are liable to be low educated low skilled people destined for the dole queue
    How is this sudden influx going to affect the health system already overburdened and fracturing thanks to a fake pandemic lies and political posturing
    This spells more misery and suffering to exasperate an already advanced stage of societal collapse
    Winston Peters signed NZ up to GLOBAL Migration Compact
    Supposedly a wide-ranging accord to try and ensure safe and orderly migration between nations but in effect opening up the back door to uncontrolled unfettered mass migration
    And now is to be Our savior?
    More likely having been the author of our misfortune and demise
    Winston is a political fence dweller opportunist party animal who knew where the votes were and how to cash in on peoples fears and emotions
    Get real
    Wake up smell that coffee

  3. What is being done to actively guide those with autism (ranging from Aspergers Level One to Severely Non-Verbal as defined by DSM V) into school using Special Needs support, or even into work???
    The stats repeatedly show that those on the Autism Spectrum or ‘Neuro-Diverse’ are unemployed, underemployed, or have no scholastic support whatsoever.
    87% of those on the Autism Spectrum are chronically unemployed, and will remain so. No employer wants them, despite the qualifications some may have ie Uni Degrees, Trade Qualifications, or On-The-Job Training.
    The other 13% are employed in underpaid positions engaged in repetitive work, or if one is fortunate enough, employed in the ‘family business’…
    I remember a relative of mine repeating a line from ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ where Rush said that those on Food Stamps, Welfare, Social Security Disability should always turn to the shoppers in the grocery stores and thank the tax-paying shoppers for supporting their benefit.
    THAT pissed me off!
    My reply to the relative was this: “What about the disabled who have had their case hearings pending for Permanent Disability indefinitely delayed, and are on *Food Stamps (*just another form of currency), Emergency County Relief or Temporary Workman’s Compensation??? What about the Disabled Veterans who have had their claims repeatedly denied, and are on Welfare and Food Stamps while they continue their appeal to the Department of Veterans Affairs denials, unless they can afford a lawyer?”
    The relative (a J3wi$h convert, I might add…) had no comeback for that…as the relative knew that the Zionist / Masonic influences in the U.S. had totally corrupted the system via “Social and Economic Profiling”.
    22 (twenty-two) Veterans a day kill themselves in the parking lots of Federal Department of Veterans Affairs Clinics, Hospitals, and Vet Centers due to denial of benefits, health care, or are run out of the facilities by the DVA Federal Police! (Cops in a Veterans Facility confirms the expanded Police State…) that use Facial Recognition.
    The latter should be a warning for us all!

  4. Hal Turner has divulged that WW3 which is now in progress could go nuclear by May 5th
    Ukraine is being supplied with f-16 fighter jets which will be piloted by Ukrainian pilots who have been under intense training
    Which will be nuclear capable and will feature the latest German missile technology capable of 500 + kilometer distances
    These aircraft are to be fueled armed and maintained from NATO bases inside Poland
    Russia has stated categorically that this is unacceptable and will be met with decisive action
    Turner in dialogue with former intel contacts has stated there may be a false flag attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in order to produce a radiation leak as justification for a first strike
    Civilian aircraft in the top North East of Poland have been instructed to stay in contact with ground control at all times in light of possible unplanned military events
    Biden has threatened veto the outcome of the latest Ukraine – US Border – Israel funding package which has failed
    And which must be kept alive for obvious reasons

  5. Same old crap as before. Cut peoples benefits making them apply for jobs that either don’t exist or they have no chance of getting.If they were serious they would be cutting immigration and strengthening employment laws, so one person doesn’t end up doing the job of two. Just another bunch of globalist bullshitters.


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