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Gun law reforms: Luxon vows not to introduce any new firearms

Gun reform news

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has vowed not to introduce new firearms into New Zealand ahead of gun law reforms.

Luxon told media he had been engaging with victims and families affected by the Christchurch mosque terror attacks on the five-year anniversary of the incident this week.

The government plans to overhaul the Arms Act on the basis it is outdated and in need of reform. Luxon told legacy media his commitment to not adding new firearms was designed to ‘enhance public safety’ and compliance with the law. The reform aims to incorporate recommendations from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the mosque attacks, with Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee leading a transparent process of drafting the new legislation. Judith Collins, the Lead Coordination Minister of the Royal Commission is reviewing the inquiry’s recommendations, with progress reported on 23 of the 44 suggestions.

A key finding of the inquiry was that the vetting process by which the perpetrator of the attacks Australian citizen Brenton Tarrant, obtained his firearms was lax. Tarrant provided references from online acquaintances rather than individuals he knew in person in New Zealand, and these references were not adequately vetted by the police. Moreover, there were criticisms of how the police conducted their background checks and assessed the suitability of applicants for owning firearms.

The incident led to significant changes in New Zealand’s gun laws, including a ban on most semi-automatic firearms and stricter controls on gun ownership.

Luxon told media McKee, ‘wants to take on board fully the royal commission of inquiry recommendations. She wants to make that a fully transparent and open process when she’s ready to talk about the proposals for the rewrite of that legislation, but it’s all too premature at this point.’

While he did not offer a timeframe he promised to progress the issue and ‘give people the yes or no answers they need’.

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  1. Mona Alexis Pressley, Does Max Igan have it right? Was the Christchurch shooting real?
    Toy replica air guns are incapable of discharging real life rounds
    Thereby incapable of causing injury nor death
    Which is why the CGI fake video not streamed Live on Facebook was banned
    Which was a blatant attempt to authenticate such as being real and that had happened
    Is there some plausible explanation?
    Christchurch is a complete fabrication and fraud from start to finish like the illusory yet to be elucidated ‘covid’

  2. Make no mistake- the Christchurch Mosque mass murders DID occur. This was evidenced by the Ambulatory Care at the CDHB Christchurch Hospital, and the funerals that followed.
    Unless one was there at the time and witnessed this criminal act, or followed behind Tarrant watching what he was doing, the deaths cannot be faked or False Flagged. That is a given.
    AND- Tarrant had been training with elements of the Israeli Defence Forces, and was most likely a Mossad asset who was Project Mockingbird’d to do what he did!
    Plus, there was more than one shooter- the other got away to Israel.
    There were also certain high-visibility personalities who also scooted off to Israel at the same time. One is now hosting an alternative radio show here in NZ…
    Now- last night while at The Bog, an aquaintance of ours said that she had contacted Winston Peters, David Seymour, Christopher Luxon, Nicole McKee, and the NRA of NZ, plus the Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand regarding the NZ Firearms Registry, inquiring IF the current government is going to abolish the Firearms Registration due to the millions of dollar it would cost, and also the leak factors revealing the addresses where the firearms are secured in leading to burglary / theft of the same.
    There have been leaks before…
    Many have yet to register their firearms based on the promise that the current Coalition Government would abolish the Firearms Registry. So far, that hasn’t happened, but it comes as no surprise as David Seymour deliberately delayed going to Parliament to cast a vote of ‘Nay’ when it came to banning Semi-Auto Firearms.
    Traditionally, every one knows that when a Firearms Registry is enacted, what follows next is Firearms Confiscations, as noted in
    1. China;
    2. The former Soviet Union;
    3. Fascist Italy;
    4. Nazi Germany;
    5. Lesser-known third world nations where bloody coups occur all of the time in order to install a ‘Big Daddy Bobo’ into power.
    Once confiscations happen, and in in ALL cases relating to the above countries, then genocides, murders, holocausts, holodomors and instigated wars ALWAYS FOLLOWED!
    I doubt that ANY of these ‘elected’ people involved in banning semi-autos, their parts and large-capacity magazines understand this.
    New Zealand needs to become a Nation of Armed Neutrality, with a previously-trained Civilian Militia consisting of former Police, Veterans, former Cadet Forces members, and properly-vetted qualified persons licenced to have firearms.
    As a Nation of Armed Neutrality, while the world wages war, New Zealand can and should wage business…
    BTW, I know for a fact that Luxon, Peters, and the rest of Parliament are well-aware of the studies accomplished by Massey University into the feasibility of Armed Neutrality, as I know the Professor that sent them the same!
    The reasoning here is;
    We will need Semi-Auto MSSA Assault Rifles and Semi-Auto Pistols to deter an invading, hostile enemy, as well as a Citizens Militia / Home Guard to fight alongside the Territorials and regular NZDF members.
    So, the Firearms Registry, the restrictions on MSSA Rifles, Pistols and High-Capacity Shotguns, and the Firearms Licence holders being inconvenienced with yet more testing, character references every time a renewal comes up, and increased Firearms Licencing Fees are just an attempt to violate one’s Human and Civil Right to Protection with Firearms under the ‘United Nations Right to Self-Defence Under Chapter 7, Article 51 which INCLUDES the INDIVIDUAL! Such demands are employed to DISCOURAGE FIREARMS OWNERSHIP UNDER INTERNATIONAL HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS!
    Noteworthy is that NZ signed-up to this UN Agreement, and yet does NOT incorporate the same into Domestic Law.
    That may be changing soon.
    & BTW- I DO NOT trust the bald-headed one, as his actions speak louder than his parroting that even the defunct MSM would be proud of!
    So far, the only ones who possess Semi-Auto Firearms are the gangs…but that gets under-reported and over-looked by the Parliament for some strange, related reason.
    & remember- the Cabinet always has Armed Protection- we don’t. Let’s work to get this changed sooner than later so that we can PROTECT OURSELVES!!!
    If one doesn’t think so, remember the recent atrocities of Rwanda, Serbia, Myanmar, and now Gaza and the West Bank.
    Noteworthy is that in the U.S., almost all of those in their Congress who oppose the Second Amendment and Firearms Ownership are 88% Jewish!
    The end result of that we see on Al-Jazeera at any given time!

    • It was a False Flag Psyop contrived event as proven by forensic examination and analysis
      You have conveniently side stepped and disregarded all the presented evidence
      Including the Video on 153 News
      Which You have replaced with hear say
      The irregularities are too numerous to list here
      You present no evidence
      But only a distraction

  3. Don’t mean any disrespect, those guns are mostly hunting rifles 🤔
    I hardly EVER see anything worth grabbing 😕

  4. And come to think of it where is Tarrant in jail anyway?
    The MSM has not slipped us a periodical subliminal recently to investiture and reassure us of such
    Why would he be in jail?
    He didn’t do anything
    He was a crisis actor and that is all
    He is not in jail I know it You know it

  5. One must remember Hillary & Podesta (Pizzagate) was in NZ a month before the F/F collecting 25 million for the Clinton foundation ? The foundation that ‘benefits kiddies’ (Haiti) . I believe this was the Go ahead with the F/F set up , Why do all these mass shootings always have another exercise going on nearby & the Israelis & there van arrested in the Ch Ch earthquake , The Israel PM ringing J Key 5 times in the night to get them released > What was in the Van , Where is the Van ? Tenants base was in Israel > It’s always Israel involved in these horrendous acts = 911 ? ….. DEEPSTATE


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