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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Large NZ study claims Pfizer COVID jab is ‘highly effective’ – state media

COVID Vaccination news

A study using health data from over five million New Zealanders claims to show that Covid vaccines, particularly Pfizer’s Comirnaty, allegedly continue to provide significant protection against severe illness and death, despite the virus’s rapid evolution.

The bold claim was reported in an article today in state media by their “digital explainer editor” Katie Kenny. The study revealed that while protection against infection diminishes within months of a booster dose, vaccines remain “highly effective” at preventing hospitalisations and fatalities. With evolving variants, countries are adopting slightly different vaccination strategies: the U.S. targets emerging lineages like KP.2, the UK focuses on the variant behind its last major wave, and New Zealand currently uses an older vaccine targeting a variant last detected in January.

The study claimed it was important to continue vaccination, even with the virus mutations. New Zealand, still relying on older formulations of the jab, has seen relatively low hospitalisations, while countries like the U.S. and the UK grapple with higher Covid activity. New vaccines targeting the JN.1 lineage or its descendants are being introduced in several countries, but “experts” advise that receiving any available vaccine offers better protection than waiting for newer versions. Approval processes for updated vaccines are ongoing in New Zealand, with hopes that “more effective” vaccines will become available soon.

Image credit: Mike Starnes Sr

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  1. I’ve had people tell me ‘some people I know have died unexpectedly, cause unknown, cancer, stoke, heart, too young, but if they hadn’t had ‘their shots’, it would have been worse….’
    They’re scared is all, so avoid facing reality at all costs

    • The population of NZ is remaining static because all of those leaving for Australia, other parts of the world and those that have died from what I wonder what, are being rapidly replaced by the high immigration intake. Replacement migration its called. Nobody is going to tecognise NZ anymore as it used to be in the next 20years.

  2. Great for a free abortion or contraceptive too… Oh.. They might have missed that data…..
    Should we just let the homogenous mass self destruct or do we defend them AND our nation also?
    The deathjabs are certainly safe. Protected by highly funded liars and agents.
    Nobody has been arrested.
    Effective… We all know the effects except those shills, retards and those who OD on hopium.
    Altered DNA IS SAFE.
    Stays in the shot site….
    Safe for pregnant mums.
    Especially Maori and PI mums.
    When numbers are purposefully not counted then there are no numbers, no guilr, no death.

    Using the methods perverted by this foul mob even water can be proven 95% effective at killing virus.
    Anything can be wrought to say anything by these serpent tounged demons.
    I guess NZ is a satanic nation now because the ball kicker mass is really sucking this sht up and protecting the lies.
    Cheers nz 💩

    • Copied and pasted statements from the information given in this article and what we unsubscribed readers can access from the supposedly accurate study.

      “with hopes that “more effective” vaccines will become available soon.”
      “allegedly continue to provide significant protection against severe illness and death, despite the virus’s rapid evolution.”
      “Accurately evaluating vaccine effectiveness (VE) and subsequent VE waning (understanding when VE declines”
      Narrow down to key words …. “With hopes” “allegedly” “subsequent VE waning” “VE declines” very reassuring. Good to know we can trust the experts with statements like these.

  3. Yes, I saw this garbage on RNZ this morning, and was appropriately disgusted. How they can make such claims, promote barefaced lies to a gullible public, is simply wicked. A pox upon them and their houses.

    So, now the cards are on the table and the plans clearly afoot for the next round. One thing is certain. This time we’re ready..!

  4. Lies. The vaccine is mRNA, gene altering drug. Do not take it, or the next one. People have died, children affected (maybe autism). It is dangerous.

    • You are too kind in your description of the ‘Vaccine’. You need to change your wording. Dr David Martin aptly describes it as a man made Gain of Function Bioweaponfull full of Biological Toxins. It is a Depopulation Bioweapon being pushed on to the poplace by a Criminal Cabal of Conspiring, Racketeering, Biological Terrorists for profit at a cost of lives misery and death spearheaded by big Pharma to fulfill the NWOs 2030 Agendas.

    • This retrospective study will not fare at all well. It flies in the face of well established studies (Cleveland Clinic or Fraiman et al.) that demonstrate the negative risk benefit and escalating consequences of serial shots. In point of fact, there is nothing remotely “generalisable” in the shots, which is why some people die straight-up, some die from bafflement awhile later, some tank into autoimmune conditions, while others form clots and thrombose themselves into a stroke or MI or an arrhythmic standstill. Others go on to develop neurodegenerative disorders or rapid sepsis, and yet more topple down with unusual or re-emergent, rapidly metastasising cancers. Since long term/medium term consequences remain concealed, the consequences will devolve brutally down to the simple choice of waiting in line to run a spin of Russian roulette or to live life as one should.

  5. Please show us the Covid 19 Sars Cov 2 isolated and purified sample. as per Kochers 4x Postulates. If not, then this artical is a Fraud. What is Imago Viva Dei mean. In Gods Image, we cannot get a virus. Its one of the Secrets of the Absolute as is, since WW2 we are born into indebted slavery as per the Sumerian Swindle. Enlaved we are… Wake up sheep, …from Commander Steveo White Coats Sovereing Forces. more at steveqmodius bitchute.

  6. The dodgy Govt, Health Dept and morticians were never able to report on the sudden deceased’s vaccination status. Do you not find that strange? A point missed by spreaders of propaganda, the MSM.

  7. Our mainstream media is totally bullshittting us. Well not totally bullshittting everyone thankfully as some of us still have our bullshitt detectors working but as for the fcuking rest, wake up Kiwis before it is too fcuking late!

  8. They want us all dead.
    The simple truth is they are willing to tell the biggest lies to make it happen.
    They forget we have seem the harm done.
    Shots have a 100 percent death rate, tick tock…
    Highly effective bioweapon.

  9. Valneva produced a traditional vaccine from dead virus and tested it here in NZ. There were 300 lucky recipients in the test program and unfortunately, I wasn’t one of them. According to one of the recipients, there was no side effects, and he has not had Covid despite being in situations where he may have caught it. Pfizer subsequently bought something like 8% of the shares of Valneva and shut it down.
    It is only about money. There are no ethics in the modern pharma industry

  10. Perhaps they haven’t read the peer reviewed paper produced by South Korea & Japan?
    Self assembling nano structures found in Pfizer & Moderna formulas.

  11. These people should be sued for misinformation. Furthermore, all the jab injured should take a class action out against the government for allowing an untested unsafe dangerous product to be inflicted on the population.

  12. Dear Ministers of the Crown,

    I never took the injection. There were too many yellow flags. Turned out to be red ones too. Isolated from my family was the fee. Being unable to work with my team-mates had its financial penalties along with it.

    Ignoring the excess deaths and data from Sir Barry Young. The blood clots from the embalmers.

    Race against race, religion against religion, family against family. Allowing thugs to enter a country, take over property, to be given property to live in, hotels to live in. To be paid by the taxpayer. To attack the local people, steal, assault, rape, and murder the citizens who reside there for thousands of years. To turn around and imprison the locals for hate speech on social media and protests.

    Looking back over these past few years, I am convinced the vast majority realise the deception, the outcome these owners of everything intend to achieve. Digital currency that can be limited to certain products, location, amount of produce, turned off and on. Face ID, 15 minute cities to curb the violence the elite caused.

    This time round, there has been a very slow uptake in injections. We are not going to see people in their thousands lining up at the local mall to receive the random poison. The attitude now has shifted from compliance to defensive. Some call it pushback. Everyone is aware, especially the elite. Elon Musk is right. The UK are very, very close to civil war. That civil war will spread across Europe and the very well armed United States citizen. Those guys have been trained for war.

    A civil war across Europe and the west is likely to come to Australia and NZ.

    The alternative is to accept unchecked thuggery and rape of your family while the locals pay for the government to shit all over them.

    If NZ requires forced injections, the nation will take whatever is necessary to defend our rights by the same force as the UK and Europe is engaged in.

    My advice to the government is to listen to this nation and not the elite. The elite are the enemy. They are not fit nor proper to live in society. They must be imprisoned. Eradicated from society for the crimes they have committed. Continue to commit.

    Play your cards right ministers.

    My message to the police is. Step up and police with the Peelian principles. You are employed and paid by the government, but you serve the people. If you compromise your legitimacy. If police are not legitimately conducting themselves, the public have the sovereign right to immediate take action. If the police physically assault you by holding you down for the injection, you have the right to take reasonable force to defend yourself.


  13. I just thought of an idea for a film. I’m going to call it “Alien: Vaccine”.

    The storyline is that a doctor is chasing you around inside a large spacecraft that looks like the Nostromo, and the doctor is trying to inject you. I wonder if it would be scary enough?

  14. Official media hype. People recover from covid without the vaccine. Look at the real stats like the numbers of deaths recorded each year and the numbers of cancers diagnosed since 2018. The latter stats are increasing every year. Every citizen that survives the vaccine that didn’t work, didn’t stop passing on Covid and caused thousands of heart attacks besides being responsible for a compromised immune system, is being insulted by this report. Need further confirmation? Why is the Health Department struggling to keep up with hospitalisations, cancers, myocarditis and pericarditis and why are hundreds dying of kidney and stomach cancers?

  15. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider ‘s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.

    • As the master of propaganda once stated, ‘if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the Political, economic and or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State’. ‘unquote’. (Joseph Goebbels)

  16. Interesting, I saw the head line and laughed. Was this a new fairy tale book for kiddies who were presumably counted in the 5 million ! Didn’t bother reading the story as it would be a waste of energy. My cancer specialist (and I got cancer not long after the second jab) told me on first day of treatment not to take the booster. Didn’t take the flu jab either.
    I remember years ago – I’m not sure how true this – that the CIA created the aids disease and injected it into a family of monkeys in Africa. This was so Big Pharma could make a lot of money sell vaccines etc. There might be some parallels with Covid.

  17. …”Highly Effective”…at killing, maiming and being part and participle of a massive genocide, holocaust, holodomor, and in lock-step with the Deagel 2025 forecast in population reductions.

    • You have been… but not by DTNZ.
      These comments and the verve displayed give me joy and hope.
      Ive been shouting for nearly 5 years and now i hear many others shouting also.
      We are not constricted to obey a broken contract.
      The treaty is voided by fraud. Utter, premeditated and historic treasonous fraud.
      Contract broken. Voided by crown.
      We are free.

      The deception is over and we are the clean up crew.

      Time to put the rubbish out and sweep away all the crap.
      Every globalist policy annulled.
      Every fraudulent contract anulled.
      Every cent of this wrought and cooerced debt based on fraud… Annulled.
      We have ALL been groomed and abused and raped and imprisoned with lies.
      The truth has set us free.
      We all now see the deception and we can now act to defend ourselves and our nation against this enemy infestation posing as legal and elected government.
      Nothing more than implaced patsies cowtowing to foreign corporate parasites.
      Papercuts… Glue in the machine, “accidents” happen… Think of those they murdered… Think of your nation, your freedom.
      We must defend ourselves against tbis parasitic infestation.
      Reparation day is here.
      We will give them the 15 minute city they always wanted.

  18. Its highly effective at maiming and killing people. I know someone personally, who has been harmed by the so called safe and effective jab.


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