Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters has hit back at the legacy mainstream media for their headlines and reporting about his speech in Palmerston North on Sunday.
In a tweet today Peters said they had ‘deliberately, deceitfully and ignorantly misrepresented’ what he said and why he said it.
Headlines in state-subisidised legacy media outlets NZ Herald, Stuff and Newshub appeared to show a coordinated effort to focus on Peters’ Nazi Germany comment.
For context Peters tweeted the relevant part of the speech, then compared that to holocaust references made by leftist politicians and media.
Full text of Peters’ Tweet
Many in the mainstream media have taken what was said in New Zealand First’s State of the Nation Speech in Palmerston North on Sunday and deliberately, deceitfully, and ignorantly misrepresented what I said and why I said it.
The headlines and commentary on the news stated that I compared ‘co-governance to the holocaust’. This line has been repeated over again.
The blatant misreporting and subsequent outrage from some journalists is not only a disgraceful example of journalism, but yet another example of blatant political bias.
Here is my full quote referring to the Māori Party Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi’s previous comments about Māori having ‘superior genetics’:
“It was not just ideological theory, it was race-based theory. Where some people’s DNA made them, sadly, according to these people, and condoned by their cultural fellow travellers, their DNA made them somehow better than others.
I’ve seen that sort of philosophy before, I saw it in Nazi Germany, we all did. We have seen it elsewhere in the world in the horrors of history, but right here in our country tolerated by the very people whose job is to keep the system honest.”
There was no mention of co-governance or the holocaust.
The clickbait low-grade journalism being shown by some in our media is an insult to the public of New Zealand and to their very own profession.
The dripping bias and subsequent outrage surrounding their self-determined inference of a comparison to the ‘holocaust’, ‘genocide’, ‘white supremacy’ and ‘dictatorships’ from these journalists, is writ large in their inconsistency when reporting on others.
· Co-Leader of the Māori Party Debbie Ngarewa Packer said this in her maiden speech – “I stand here as descendant of a people who survived a holocaust, a genocide, sponsored by the House and Members of Parliament…”
· The Māori Party shared a screenshot of another users post on Instagram which described the Government parties as ‘white supremacists’.
· The Māori Party described the Government’s repeal of the smokefree reforms as amounting to ‘genocide’.
· RNZ reported on the Posie Parker event quoting the executive director of Auckland Pride saying – “When you look back at Nazi ideology of the 1930’s, those things are very much aligned in terms of eradicating rainbow communities from public life.”
· The former Green MP Gholriz Gahraman posted a photo on social media, whilst attending the Posie Parker event and her accompanying words – “So ready to fight the Nazis” – referring to Posie Parker and the Women’s rights protestors.
Where was the outrage shown by those in the media about these examples of direct and specific comparisons to the ‘holocaust’, ‘genocide’, ‘Nazis’ and ‘Nazi ideology’?
And when did they media rush down to the Synagogue and ask about these statements? Not one of them did.
Not once in my speech did, I mention anything of, nor made comparisons to, the horrific holocaust or genocide, nor did I compare it to co-governance.
I stated a fact that Waititi made public comments about a certain race and ethnicity having superior DNA to other races and ethnicities in our country – and that we had seen that before, knowing that is the seed of division, racism, and the ‘horrors of history’. That statement I made is a fact.
The moment you argue that one race has superior DNA to other races you’re leading to awful racial consequences.
I’m not backing down one iota. I want everybody in this country no matter whether they’re here for 1000 years or here yesterday legally to be treated the same – equally as one people.
I make no apology for that.
Many in the mainstream media have taken what was said in New Zealand First’s State of the Nation Speech in Palmerston North on Sunday and deliberately, deceitfully, and ignorantly misrepresented what I said and why I said it.
The headlines and commentary on the news stated that…
— Winston Peters (@winstonpeters) March 19, 2024
Yes, agree with legacy media bias comment completely, they are their own truth and nothing else, and no one else matters. They stick to the playbook of sensationalism, bad news and fear reporting. It’s bloody appalling.
As to the blatant lies about Ukraine and recently, the Russian election they have scaled new heights, if that was even possible. But we know them now. Since the plandemic they promoted, and the Government lies they spoke and printed as gospel, we will never believe another word they say.!
But let’s take a look behind the curtain of lies and misrepresentation.
Look at who owns these lying legacy media filth-pits. In case of NewsHub it is Warner Brothers, one of only six media imperiums firm in the hand of jooish owners.
We see what this cabal has managed in the USA, which used to be a place of journalistic pride, now bog of misreporting and propaganda.
It was never as important as today to spend time to discern ‘journalism’ and research REAL history, including the so-called holocaust.
Yes Uncle Chumbawamba is quite sober in this assessment
Wait until people realise why Hitler did what he did…….and why did Russia ban the Rothschilds from having a bank in Russia…….
I love winnie but he still has a lot of waking up to do. And yes the mainstream media completely misquoted him. I hope he finds a way of defunding those woketards.
Good comment.
Can you pl provide sources for information on the subject of ‘realisation’?
One source is “synagogue of satan’, a superb video on BitChute.
Same with “The Greatest Story Never Told”.
Fall Cabal on Bitchute, also “Europa- the last battle” are good wakeners. Plus “Loose change” about 911 and then there’s Stanley Kubricks interview where he said he was the one who filmed the fake moon landing. Of course we all know Stanley died suddenly a few days after the first screening of “eyes wide shut” where he refused to delete 20 mins of footage. Funny how the 20 minutes was deleted after his death. Nothing to see here right. Then you could have a look at what happened with the JFK and RFK assasinations and the Dulles brothers, the CIA etc etc. Nixon. Then there’s Pizzagate and Hillary’s emails, Podesta, huma Abedin, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Epstein Island….link them all together and it’s clear to see our world runs on blackmail and corruption and there are some common threads…….there’s another good documentary about who owns the world. All can be found on bitchute or rumble.
Once you realise what the common threads are, you begin to understand what drove Adolf Hitler…….
Inside The Nazi Economy_01
This is why every one I know hates the msm
I like many I go completely out of my way not to watch or read any MSM. It makes you less stressed. I recently put my house on the market and decided that I was paying nothing towards any advertising in the local papers as they are owned by NZ Herald. Once all New Zealanders do this then the path to the great unveiling will get to arms length.
I agree. I haven’t turned our TV on since the podium of lies and the communist dictator and her “sustained propoganda”. Remember when she let that slip? That’s 4 years now. I won’t click on stuff or herald unless I really need to read the story which is not often. Hence why I am here at the DTNZ. Thanks DTNZ for providing us the news AND the opportunity to comment about it.
With the Platform doing YouTube livestream why is anyone turning on their TVs to watch those hideous morning TV shows. Just watch the Platform instead if one must have their TV on in the morning.
Shameful media, getting caught parroting the same bs. Now, call them out on the covid narrative, please.
Tomorrow the talking heads will all be predictably clutching their pearls.
1) Spend every waking moment slinging mud over the wall.
2) Cry out in pain whenever some of the mud gets thrown back.
3) Wonder why nobody likes you.
More nauseating disinformation from NZ’s corrupt woke communist MSM.
Same in US, misquoting Trumps “Bloodbath” speach. MSM is a danger to humanity.
As Elon Musk has noted, the MSM is 97% J*****/Zionist-owned!
That explains the ‘Kontrolled Media Bias’…
Trump’s worst enemies are the J3w$ which…unfortunately, is part of his éxtended’ family via the Kushners.
Trump gave son-in-law *Jared Kushner (*worth millions of $’s…!) free reign of the White House and gave Israel everything it wanted.
And yet, just see how the J3wi$h-owned ‘media’has treated him!
Trump even got Kushner’s father off of Federal Racketeering and Felony charges via PDD / EO / Presidential Pardons!
It was said and noted that Mossad Agent Jared Kushner (an UNELECTED person..!) was running the White House, and that Trump and his family were only living there!
This year on my Absentee Ballot, I will be writing-in Vlad Putin’s name for U.S. President. (if only to make a statement!)
America was never free; it has had only liberty, and NOT freedom.
American is NOT a Çhristian Nation’ either; it was founded by and for Freemasons’, and Luciferianism!
America ceased being America in 1913 with the formation of the J3wi$h-owned ‘Federal Reserve Bank’ which is a deceptive title!
(NOTE- several Banksters who opposed the J3wi$h take-over of America’s wealth and banking system were headed to New York to stop the vote that implemented the Federal Reserve. They were on board the Titanic. The theory is that Ismael deliberately ordered the ship to move at high speed in an ice field, hoping that either there would be an iceberg collision resulting in a delay to ássess damage’ or mechanical failure for holding a high speed for an extended period of time, thus causing a delay in the Banksters arriving in New York and going by train to Jekyll Island, Georgia.).
In all of this shit, it’s important to follow Jim Traficant’s philosophy of ‘Who benefits form the actions’.
It’s always seemingly the small hat wearers and bagel biters!
And- Shaun Hannity is a Zioonist shill as noted below;
Why the surprise?
The media has been screwing the news for its agendist owners since…. Forever….
Glad to see these treasonous agencies implode.
The collapse of their medium will not save them from facing justice for their complicity in pre meditated mass murder by injection.
Utterly foul agents.
“Headlines in state-subisidised jooish-owned state-bribed lying legacy media propaganda outlets NZ Herald, Stuff and Newshub…”
See, fixed it for you 😉
The NZ MSM are simply the enemy within.
A woeful collective of communists, cowards, perverts and morons,
NZ woke MSM media are a bunch of indoctrinated retarded communist ar*eholes.
On the the plus side they’re all on their 7th booster jab.
Tick tock.
Sean plunkett was right, Tova Obrien is the Typhoid Mary of the media. I am tired of these childless people giving us their narcissistic view of the world.
Looks like the MSM is winding Winnie up
And getting results
He needs to downplay this
John Key and the Panama Papers. Remember the Wine Box Affair? Ron Brierley. Michael Fay. The Serious Fraud Office which needed to be investigated itself. Winston faced up day after day to every one of those cackling shouting so called Honourables in the debating chamber and won. Media tried to black it out and for some reason have hated him ever since. They know we know but they still believe they can keep telling the big lies. Corruption in this country became more apparent with the sudden death of Norman Kirk and now the place is brim full of dirty players. Winston is right. NZ was a good little place to live in once. Get rid of the commie media and poisonous little Hipkins it may become good again. I’m not holding my breath.
The politicians who wear the bright blue suits – are they the globalist puppets?
Nuclear New Zealand – Greg Hallett and Spymaster
Remember the Lunch Affair with J***** Zionist PM John Key, when a reporter áccidently’left behind his recording device, and recorded Key’s words and what he thought about NZ’s Senior Citizens?
Winnie made a point of making Key’s comments known to the elderly population with “This is what John Key thinks of you!”
Whale Oil and the former leader of that (who is now a host over at RCR) has never been and should never be trusted, as well as one of the women there. Both are J3wi$h, and this is how Zionism creeps into alternative platforms; get into position in these organisations, then take control of the biased narratives and employ deflective actions, just like what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank!
Who owns the media people? Who owns the media? Same people who own the banks and the big pharma companies, the military ammunitions companies, the tech companies and the big fast food (ultra processed) food companies. Everything is designed to make us poorer and poorer until we submit. Well don’t ever submit people. Don’t let others control you. Say no.
Our PM and his party are gutless globalists. I would like to think they weren’t compromised in any way but I don’t hold out much hope such is my trust for government.
Everyone just wake up, and if you’re already awake, then wake up as many others as you can. Together we are mighty.
Good Mr Peters, then perhaps its worth NZF looking into rumours members of the coalition govt, want to keep the co-governance aspect of Three Waters? (assuming you are not doing so already?).
MSM agents cannot handle the truth in the empire of lies.