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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Michael Baker advises kiwis to mask up while Xmas shopping

Mask news

Ministry of Health figures ‘confirm’ there were around 40,000 cases of COVID in the country last week.

Epidemiologist Michael Baker wants Kiwis to wear masks while out Christmas shopping. He advised picking a quieter time to do it, and also recommended using a respiratory mask, such as the N95.

Baker told the NZHerald that anyone infected this weekend would likely miss out on Christmas. ‘It means you will miss out on Christmas because you will either be at home isolating or you will unknowingly have the virus and be infecting loved ones.’

‘We know the virus is more prevalent right now and the more people you share an indoor environment with the higher the risk.

‘If you are with 10 other people there is a 20 per cent chance of someone there having the virus. It is quite a significant risk,’ he said.

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  1. So he recommends masking up before christmas shopping just like the rest of the ram raiders. Is the man brain dead. Has he not seen where people of higher intelligence than he are calling for the cessation of the vaccine?

  2. 40000 CASES of the sniffles. People I work withseem to test themselves more in the hope of a week off, not because outwardly they seem to worry about anyone else getting sick.

    Masks will stop that transmission though, right Michael? Worked a treat in Australia earlier this year where the mask nazis were enforcing them everywhere. Oh, hang on no. Worked a treat earlier this year in NZ, you didn’t see any locations of interest on domestic flights or public transport. Oh, wait hang on yes there were lots of them.

    Keep flogging that horse doc

  3. This sh*th*le liar has to repeat the lie in order to save his a***. Simple. What science? A masked person can smell the fart of a person, jabbed or not.

    • The idiots are making everyone else sick. I know of several mask wearing vaxholes who have nasty lingering coughs. Doesn’t sound good at all.

      • Nasty lingering coughs for the rest of their lives they deserve it .You see wearing masks limits your oxygen supply and you breathe in more carbon diovide and a little carbon monoxide. It also causes anxiety which makes you take deeper breaths. The most dangerous mask wearing idiots are the ones driving cars with the windows up. Is their air con turned on to bringing in outside fresh air, recirculation mode or just off ? If it is either of the latter two that could be the reason for a lot of unexplained single car crashes on highways. Another weapon in the NWOs kill arsenal. They dont have to go out and especially find idiots there are heaps of brain washed ones everywhere.

  4. I cannot believe this latest ridiculousness. This man either is compleately stupid, or is just a mouthpiece paid to babble this nonsense.

  5. “It means you will miss out on Xmas”Baker uses a crystal ball for all his recommendations. No science at all! He “wants” everyone to wear a mask, sorry sometimes we don’t get what we want. f*** off Baker you irrelevant phoney! No one’s going to fall for your s*** this time round. Nobody’s buying your fear mongering and misinformation! Nobody’s going to isolate, we’ve all had colds before. Xmas is gunna suck at your place… just saying

  6. Good grief, this guy doesn’t give up, he’s a twat. Intelligence and wisdom do not necessarily go hand in hand.
    Whats the old classic if his mask works i don’t need to wear one, if masks don’t work i don’t need to wear one.
    Never got the jab, had covid who cares, maybe he needs another shot.

  7. The comments here are freakin awesome! Love it to bits. So true too. People are so sick of these bald face liars, frauds and sock puppets.
    Screw your covid death cult, not a member, will never be.
    Still see morons wearing masks driving in their cars all by themselves, walking their dog with no one else anywhere around them with their mask on. Maybe they are worried about the covid monster jumping out from behind a bush and getting them!!

    • 😂🤣 as soon as the only source of truth says that Covid hovers about 4 ft off the ground we will all get to see them crawling on their guts. To fly under the radar so to speak, and because she told them that Covid hunts out the unvaccinated (knows our addresses) they can never be sure if they are walking in the vicinity of unvaccinated people or past our houses that Covid has our address to. You gotta love their cute paranoid selves.

      • WHAT!!.. covid has my address! Really!!! So I need to barricade my home to stop it from getting inside? Maybe I should board up all the windows to so it can’t smash a window to get inside! And what about when I’m driving. How fast do I need to go so the covid monster won’t catch me? 100Kph, 150?? 180?
        Hey, I have an idea, maybe I should zip tie a plastic bag over my head so it can’t get in!! Yea!
        I wonder, does it have my phone number too? What about my email?

  8. Get stuffed you irrelevant little twerp. We gave up listening to you over 2 years ago.

    How much funding do you get from big pharma and the bill and Melinda gates foundation you little govt mouthpiece? Shame on you for all your disinformation. Just STFU and leave us alone.

  9. Someone should send him a gaint body sized mask for Xmas, he can get right into it and someone can tie the
    two loops together and put it out with the trash.
    When the people are calling for all restrictions to be removed, masks and jabs to be halted and this prat keeps
    spouting government dribble based on lies and disinformation, you can clearly see it is all about the money that
    he is doing this for.

    Because it makes no other sense.

    A traitor to his own people, a disgrace to this country like so many of the cultist leaders and Liebore crowd .
    They will support and commit crimes against humanity until they take their last breaths.

    Sold his soul for $$$$$$$

  10. On second thoughts, I think this guy is a parody- he’s actually just having us on isn’t he? I mean it’s all so ridiculous! Give the guy a job in Hollywood for that poker face!

  11. Michael Baker…just another professional A*** expert. Corrupt, no soul, certainly no free life and NO remorse. Innat the definition of PSYCHOPATH?


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