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Monday, March 10, 2025

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National midwife shortage: Mandated midwives are ‘the elephant in the room’

Midwife mandates news

Yesterday a Wellington midwife was interviewed on TVNZ about the desperate situation facing birthing whanau across Aotearoa New Zealand.

This was just the latest in a string of media stories highlighting the dire state of maternity services in this country.

The midwife said there is a shortage of 200-300 midwives across the nation and this is putting additional stress on the already overloaded hospital system.

Midwives are working long hours and facing mental health and family issues due to the massive workload they’re carrying.

Mentioned in the interview was the suggestion of employing overseas midwives but that is not a quick fix solution, with midwives having to wait two years for residency.

‘The elephant in the room is the nearly 200 NZ midwives stood down in November last year as a result of the Covid 19 Response Act 2020,’ states a press release from the Aku Huia Kaimanawa Midwives Collective.

‘Mandates have been dropped across the world and for most other sectors in New Zealand.

‘How many mothers and babies must suffer birth injuries before this government reviews their risk/benefit analysis of adverse outcomes versus vaccine mandates. The majority of the midwifery workforce have already had Covid; the need for mandates has passed. It is not safe to continue to deny women access to needed midwifery care.

‘Drop the mandates and immediately increase the safety of the birthing experience for our women and babies across New Zealand.

‘We are close to 200 midwives ready, willing and able to work.’

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  1. Mandating midwives, or any other health care worker for that matter, for a virus which has a 99.99% recovery rate, and where other mandates have been dropped has to be the most stupid policy I’ve ever heard of

  2. This gulliblement is criminally irresponsible. Being the father of 8 children I have a very high appreciation of midwives.

  3. NZ immigration policy encourages pizza delivery workers, taxi drivers and other low quality occupations. Well educated, and experienced professionals avoid NZ given the housing crisis amd mismanagement by jabcinda and her precedessors. There is no effort to fund tertiary education and provide scholarships for shortage occupations so that KIWIS will be trained improving the quality of life of the nation. Globalist agenda completely discourages any long term plans for national interest. Dollar printing, selling assets, import of low quality migrants to increase the demand and create false growth data are the main stratagies under the globalist agenda. Kiwis need to wake up to this scam.

    • Nailed it.

      The damage low quality migration has done to this country will take a long time to fix.

      NZ consistently rates towards to the bottom in OECD when it comes to productivity. Because we are forever trying to build enough houses, fix our deplorable infrastructure to keep with the demand of immigration- all low quality investment. Tax payer money is not used in Science and research, degrees offered in our tertiary institutions don’t correlate to high end productive jobs and most of the smart ones leave.

      The damage this WEF criminals (Vaxcinda and her cohorts) have done to the ordinary folks is truly mind blowing!

    • You are so right.

      As for scholarships, my son has been looking through the available ones to apply for for university next year and said to me.

      “mum it’s hard not to get angry when half the scholarships are only open to people of Maori and Pacific decent. That means I can only apply for 50% of the scholarships because of something I have no control over”

  4. I don’t know where these statistics come from. There was a huge shortage before mandates. Now you are sayin that from the 200-300 midwives short 200 are because of mandates! Mmm!

    • Yes there was a shortage before mandates and the recruitmnet drive has had null effect because of the reduction in the number of nurses who quit the job roughly equalled the new recruits and we are back to the old state. In simple terms, X+300-300=X

  5. Yes it was understaffed but can you not see the mandates have made it much worse.
    Thpusands of qualified nurses, doctors, midwives, firefighters, nursing home workers to name a few, are stll sitting at home.
    mostly perfectly well, because they are unvaccinated.
    Good people thrown out into the dustbin because they would not take an experimental injection or three, or is that four now, who
    can keep up with this madness. That has certainly done nothing to prevent or slow down the scamdemic.

    Supermarkets that were mandated are having the same problem, short staffed but don’t expect an end to this madness anytime soon. Our dictatorial PM, is busy working on more ways to sfuff up the counrty and people just stand by and let her
    do it, mostly with their compliance. To what any thinking person can see is totally insane policies.
    She will be busy now selling off our food overseas, so we can pay more for it, or starve.

  6. In my town, the only two midwives serving a very large remote rural area , were mandated. This was leaving the town with no midwives

  7. The criminal insanity around this .. is what have vaccine mandates achieved (at least amongst those without high risk factors / co-morbidities)?
    Yes, they’re part of a government response that has seen way north of $65 billion spent unwisely .. plunging us into economic debt and social chaos .. and which we can now see has seen us no better off, in the long run.
    Yes, they’ve caused people to lose businesses and jobs, and destroyed careers.
    But vaccinated and unvaccinated seem to get Covid equally.
    The vaccinated don’t seem to get any less sick than the unvaccinated.
    We now know the vaccinated and the unvaccinated spread Covid about equally.
    The risk of getting repeat Covid appears no less amongst the vaccinated.
    If there is a risk of being unvaccinated – it remains only to yourself.
    The unvaccinated are not naughty little schoolchildren, who deserve punishment for their behaviour (which has simply been to stick to “my body, my choice” .. which has always been the rule).
    So .. what are ongoing mandates actually achieving?


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