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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Nearly $245,000 to be forfeited to Crown following Christchurch investigation

Daren Standen news

The Christchurch High Court has ordered the forfeiture of nearly $245,000 following an investigation into the drug-related business dealings of Daren Standen.

  • Standen, aged 60, initially came to Police attention after officers were called to a family harm incident in Christchurch on 25 December 2020.
  • While investigating that matter, Police found $226,785 cash in the back of a car, along with 35.85 grams of methamphetamine and utensils.

Standen was arrested and charged, before later pleading guilty to two counts of possession of methamphetamine for supply. He was sentenced to home detention.

The cash was seized at the time of Standen’s arrest and restrained under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009.

On 16 May 2022 Justice Nation ruled the forfeiture of the cash and a 2003 Audi Quattro car – a total value of $244,065.00.

“It is important that criminals are denied the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of offending which causes so much harm within our communities,” says Detective Sergeant Brendan Patten, Southern Asset Recovery Unit.

“This ruling is a great result as these funds will now be used to support initiatives that help reduce this harm.”

Police continue to encourage the public to report suspicious financial activity, including information about people who appear to be acquiring property or living a lifestyle that is inconsistent with their means.

Police are yet to locate the blue-coloured 2003 Audi Quattro, registration number MPK920 and welcome any information as to its whereabouts.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Police on 105, or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. Goes to show how thick these crims truly are. Deeply involved in criminal activity, leaving money and paraphernalia lying around, and then gets involved in domestic dispute.

    Makes me wonder how come the Police haven’t arrested them all by now with this level of stupidity. Maybe we can get crims to arrest themselves, and then we can do without needing the police as they don’t seem to do much prevention of crime these days


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