The Board is currently deliberating a potential name change for the Lower Hutt suburb of Petone.
Pito One was once a fortified village of the local iwi Te Āti Awa, however the name was has allegedly been misspelled since the early days of European settlement.
Last year, the Hutt City Council voted in favour of reverting to the suburb’s original name and submitted an application to the New Zealand Geographic Board, which serves as the country’s authority on place naming.
Wendy Shaw, the board’s secretary, told state media the proposal would be under the board’s consideration, with a decision on whether to proceed to public consultation forthcoming. Any proposal announcement, including the decision regarding public consultation, would occur within a month to allow ample time for notifying key stakeholders.
Sounds like a brand of laxative…blocked up, try “Pito One”……
Suffice to say, yet more woke revisionism……..
Now WTF makes money here of us hard working rate payers (serfs)?
I was thinking the same. How many are employed on this board and what actually do they do?
When will they reverse their policy on gaslighting those who reveal pre maori occupation evidence?
Where is the Coburg stump.?
Lets have a big investigation into where it went and why it is so controversial .
How can it be miss-spelled when there was no written language until after the Europeans arrived.
If you saw a sign for Auckland written Oakland, wouldn’t you be wanting it corrected?
Yes, but I am pretty sure it wouldn’t have to go through a NZ geographic board. That is just common sense
Only if the Oaklanders get to take down their buildings, remove the water pipes, rip up the roads and leave that area exactly how they found it (ie a “fortified village”).
If we’re rejecting the horrors of colonialism, let’s commit fully. Yes?
How can Maori claim Petone be misspelt when at the time Maori couldn’t spell? Another load of costly nonsense to try and demonstrate there is some leverage, influence, right or privilege from Maori that no other race would not even think of it.