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Monday, October 14, 2024

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OIA request reveals breakdown of COVID jab exemptions for health workers

Vaccine exemption OIA news

In response to an Official Information Act request by lawyer Sue Grey, Health New Zealand has released details on COVID-19 vaccination exemptions within the health system.

The data, requested on September 24, 2024, provides a breakdown of exemptions granted to medical personnel and administration staff under vaccine mandates and internal policies.

The response reveals that a significant number of exemptions were granted to medical and non-medical staff, with a total of 1,984 exemptions issued to nurses and midwives, 1,103 to care and support staff, 992 to administrative and management staff, 787 to allied health, technical, and science personnel, and 350 exemptions to doctors, surgeons, and other medical officers.

The exemptions were categorised by District Health Boards (DHBs) and non-DHB entities, with the latter accounting for a notable portion of care and support staff exemptions.

The five most common reasons for exemptions, as per previous releases, were not detailed in this response, though an appendix provided earlier was referenced for further specifics.

The released information has caused outrage on social media. Writing a year ago on DTNZ, Dr. Guy Hatchard noted, “Even people severely injured by their first Covid vaccine were routinely denied an exemption by the then Director General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield.

“Hipkins’ centralised process appeared to be a system designed to deny vaccine exemptions to almost everyone applying other than 11,000 privileged Ministry of Health employees. Simultaneously the General Medical Council was cracking down on any doctors informing the public of vaccine risks and threatening them with suspension and disbarment. The media were repeatedly reprinting the false safe and effective narrative derived not from research but from PR hype. Jacinda Ardern was firming up her policy aim to create a two tier society—vaccinated and unvaccinated. Under this kind of pressure, families were being torn apart by what is now known to be calculated disinformation.”

Publicist and mother of a COVID mRNA-injured son Aly Cook shared the OIA response on X, tweeting “Health NZ and Ashley Bloomfield gave themselves exemptions whilst they forced everyone they “could do without” to get jabbed or loose their job!”

A similar sentiment was prevalent in other social media reaction:

What a ****ing disgrace. Thanks for sharing.

It’s just revolting what these medical people did. Save their own skin by getting a vaccination exemption then help maim the NZ public with this dangerous gene therapy. All of them need prosecuting. Actual human scum.

The lies were obvious (from 2019) and that it was a deliberate terror campaign for a reason. It only took some logical reasoning to see (with all the topic censoring and de-platforming) and it was obvious by mid 2020 that we were in deep s*** and going to be poisoned. Fear, fear

Names to be provided for each of those exemptions. We need to know who these people are and their connections for acquiring exemptions.

Health NZ has absolutely NO credibility all heads must be dismissed. Mismanagement, wasting $$, stubbornly pushing shots in spite of mainstream warnings, hounding whistleblowers & now this! What a putrid bunch!

Why so many exemptions if so safe and effective? My dad went into heart failure after his first.. declined exemption and told to have 2nd in the hospital. Absolutely disgusted.

The full OIA response can be downloaded here.

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  1. Hopefully Sue Grey will let us all know how to sue for loosing our jobs and all other circumstances relating whether financial or psychological. The utter c**** who worked in Waikato hospitals referral center who deserved being smashed in their faces for their sneers and whispering. Usually I would make a death threat and carry it out at the first opportunity but I will reserve my commitment to this for the time being.
    Ashley I think you should be s****ing yourself right now.

    • Time for huge class actions for job losses, vaccine injuries for starters, then discrimination based on race, suppression of freedom of speech and fluoride.


  2. They will try this sh**t again, because we never hung them for this sh**t , this time around.
    This Phsycotic behavior by officials deserves retribution.

  3. It’s a shame people put their trust in NZ1st. Winstone Peters had always been deceitful in the past why would he change. Cassey Costello is a dead loss.
    Little miss freedom movement indeed.

    Winston Peters has just signed up his promised increase to the health budget for mRNA jabs and to supply Karatane too. Un effing believable.

    I tell you this govt. is turning out to be full of more parasites and blame shifters too. re: Judith Collins trying to invoke the misogynist mantra. Like we haven’t heard that one before eh?

  4. So there were nearly 4000 for care workers and nearly 2000 for nurses and midwives.

    Primary carers looking out for their own health, but in getting an exemption they have their silence bought, so they can’t campaign for people who chose not to get the jab.

    Has anybody heard from/know anyone who got an exemption?

    • I’d say there were probably gag orders for those who did, so anyone who got an exemption would be pretty tight lipped about it, and most likely lie.

  5. Maybe we should get the exemption now with their families and give them 3 each and the adviser to the government including the covid commission with 5 each. I think that would be a good start to do justice?
    Onlooker, I am on your side you cane not trust Winston – unfortunate RCR put all their faith into him.

  6. My GP applied for an exemption due to adverse reactions to other vaccines. The request was declined and I remain (to this day) unvaccinated for Covid.
    I would be keen to know if the Covid vaccine was trialled on those with known immunodeficiency’s or immunocompromised prior to rollout? If not, why not? What was the protective antibody level establishing efficacy and protection of those patients (immunodeficient or immunocompromised) and were there adverse reactions attributable to these groups?
    It appears that maybe a few more OIA requests may be helpful to unravel the depth and seriousness of the issues ultimately being the ‘only way forward’ in unravelling the truth!


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