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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Petition demands release of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ contract

Tauranga lawyer Kirsten Murfitt has initiated a parliamentary petition calling for the public release of the Pfizer/BioNTech contract for the supply of COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ in New Zealand.

The petition, which Murfitt is urging New Zealanders to sign, seeks transparency regarding the terms and conditions under which the vaccines were procured, including any indemnities granted by the New Zealand government to Pfizer/BioNTech.

The novel mRNA gene therapy was marketed to the public as a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’.

In a tweet on X Murfitt argued that taxpayers, who funded the ‘vaccine’ purchase, have the right to know the specifics of the contract, especially since the vaccines were not tested for their ability to stop transmission prior to their rollout.

Murfitt said repeated attempts to access the contract through the Official Information Act have been denied, with bureaucrats citing “commercial interests.”

Even the Ombudsman and the courts have refused to release the contract, which Murfitt says has significantly contributed to national debt.

The petition aims to send a strong message to Parliament about the public’s right to transparency in government dealings, especially those with profound impacts on health and socio-economic concerns.

New Zealanders can sign the petition online at this link.

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  1. The whole process in gaining access to what should be public information, tells you everything you need to know about mainstream political party’s in New Zealand.


  2. There is no virus nor variants which is the whole crux of the matter
    So what was the ‘vaccine’ supposed to be guarding transmission against?
    What was the PCR Test looking for and why were the numbers of those being diagnosed as having ‘covid’ many being asymptomatic and showing no signs false positives?
    This could be interpreted as an exercise in propaganda simply by posturing the claim unchallenged to authenticate that a virus does in fact exist which has never been proven
    This could be interpreted as disinformation whether deliberately intended or not
    The whole thing is a fraud

  3. Ardern attended the Communist-laden Demoncrat Convention in Chicongo…what in the hell is a New Zealander doing participating in another nation’s (s)election????
    She also went and gave a speech in…(wait for it…) NORTH KOREA!!!!!
    Ardern needs to be arrested upon re-entering NZ on a number of charges which have already been addressed, but not acted on by the current Uni-Party Government.
    Same goes for her ilk still in Parliament. After all, Chippy threatened to hunt down mine and other families down and force-inject us all, which BTW, in the WHO Global Plandemic ‘Guidelines’ for NZ that were revealed by Infowars, Natural health News, & most alternative media websites.
    This proves that “The Council’ that Infowars reported on yesterday is in fact the Deep (Global) State that we are all suffering under. (USMC Colonel & Naval Officer publish dossier on what / who the Deep State really is / are).
    Also, sign NZDSOS’s petition as well. That can be found on-line in their newsletter.
    With World War Three getting warmer by going from regional wars orchestrated by the Deep State / Council, it may be a good idea to look for other petitions that mention New Zealand becoming a Neutral Nation / Non-Player in the scope of world political, social, and economic events, and also for petitions that call for an account of responsibility of those (s)elected and non-(s)elected who pushed a known bio-weapon onto the populations.
    Remember always- the Globalist Zio-led Deep State WEF / WHO Government has killed a number of us thru wars, vaccines, Holodomor, and induced diseases, and are now upping the ante with the new WHO ‘Contracted Agreement’.
    Do YOU still trust the bastards?

  4. I wish them well in their endeavour, but highly unlikely it will ever see the light of day. Yet I will be happy to be proven wrong in this case.

    Good luck.. 🤞🍀

    Remember; Jabby’s net worth now is $45 Million, even though the PM Salary was $860K per year.
    Where is the other $40 Million come from?
    & let’s not forget about the MSM, Siouxie, Ashley and Mikey B’s participations and net worth gains at the lives of bio-weapon vaccine victims!
    Remember- these people KNEW that the vaccine were from Pfizer’s OWN REPORTING OF THE SAME as dangerous and unsafe, yet they continued administering the jabs, mandates, and the manslaughter of their countrymen while destroying the island economy of NZ.
    And,…in typical whiney, whingy fashion, when the populations demand accountability, these people then play the victims and claim that ‘Hate Speech’ is ruining their lives…!

  6. Public money used, the product, vaccine, gene therapy was administered to the public. Absolutely release the Pfizer contract. It is public concern. If it is not released then I call crimes against humanity

  7. Just signed. The count of the number of people who have signed is not yet 4,000. These petitions are not well advertised, but even if they were I doubt people are aware enough of what has been done to them, or energetic enough to do their part in finding out. Most just don’t care. Or can’t read English well enough – and that’s the native born, not just new arrivals.
    Perhaps if it was put on Tik tok?

  8. They know what they did.

    We know what they did.

    They know that we know what they did.

    They don’t care. The media and the entire state apparatus will continue to work in lockstep to perpetuate the charade and protect those “commercial interests” they keep referring to.

    What incentive do the “elites” have to admit their wrongdoing and try to make amends? Zero. They all got their exemptions, AS WELL AS their payouts. Dream on.

    I’m an admirer of Kirsten Murfitt, but this petition will be ignored like her last one was. It’s simply wasted energy. They got away with it, it’s over. Let this one go already. If you were smart enough not to fall for the lies, you survived. Simple Darwinism.

    FAR more important to focus on “the next one”, especially their new “modernised” GMO regulations and their attempt to make vaccination through police force a reality. THAT is where the real fight is. We need to get ahead of it very urgently. THAT is what we should be talking, petitioning and protesting about.

    • The issue with the “next one”is how many more have gone before.
      I would be interested in the indemnity agreements across All vaccines, current and historic used in New Zealand. How many years have we been functioning under the ‘safe and effective’ narrative with our Authorities using similar parameters and indemnities in relation to all vaccines?
      Many this needs a deep dive!

  9. All good and well, however as is most likely if the do release something it will be more misinformation and disinformation as these people lie and will continue to lie so that the globalist agenda does not stop.

  10. Is already available and has been for over 5 months. South African Government released a downloadable copy. Just got to look properly – so they say

  11. Grant Robertson offered, and Pfizer accepted his offer to be personally liable for all damages caused by all pharmaceutical company’s MRNA vaccines. The following is from the Summary statement of New Zealand COVID-19 vaccine procurement process and contracts with suppliers Publication date: 18 September 2023″: The New Zealand Government, through the Minister of Finance, (Grant Robertson) granted indemnities to the pharmaceutical companies to enable them to progress accelerated clinical trials and respond to the urgent need to develop safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines quickly. The need to grant these indemnities partly arose from supplier-inability to secure insurance for the COVID-19 vaccines in the context of the broader pandemic and the speed at which the vaccine products were being developed”.

    • Maybe Mr Robertson was offered (hmmm wonder what he would fall for) a deal? In order for him to “offer” or grant indemnity.

  12. It would seem that these companies profiting from the manufacture and marketing of the genetically engineered toxic serums are in clear breach of both the Consumer Guarantees Act and the Fair Trading Act.

    Would this be correct?

    • I wonder if ……I signed to allow indemnity for an untested “therapeutic” to the manufacturer/marketer would the authorities turn a blind eye?
      If that “therapeutic” then caused harms and deaths, would I be out and about with said “therapeutic” still available to the public.
      Why are the perpetrators not being held accountable when the rest of us would be hauled over the coals? And hauled over the coals by the likes of the current perpetrators.
      Yet …..here we are

      • Maybe this is the approach Kirsten could take?

        It would be far more effective than a petition…

        Statutes and case law are binding, powerful and cannot be contracted out of.


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