Dr. Sam Bailey, a former TVNZ presenter and prominent New Zealand doctor, has had her medical licence cancelled following a long and contentious battle with the Medical Council of New Zealand.
Bailey, who gained significant attention for her criticism of COVID-19 policies and mainstream virology, was ordered to pay over $148,000 in legal costs after being found guilty of spreading “misleading and inappropriate” information.
The Health Practitioner’s Disciplinary Tribunal, which made the decision in 2023, only released the outcome of the years-long investigation yesterday.
Bailey, known for her critical stance on public health measures and vaccine mandates, has built a substantial online following, with her videos garnering millions of views. In her videos, she openly questioned the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 “vaccines” and challenged the medical industry’s practice of manufacturing epidemics for profit.
Bailey’s legal battle with the Medical Council began when her videos drew attention to the government’s false COVID information, leading to an investigation that she tried unsuccessfully to halt through a judicial review. Despite being summoned to the tribunal hearing in 2023, Bailey did not attend, stating beforehand that the tribunal “does not even pretend to be impartial” and calling it a “kangaroo court.”
In a video titled “Will I Be Struck Off?” in January, she argued that the process was biased from the outset and asserted that being struck off would be a “badge of honour.” She also made it clear that she had no intention of returning to the medical profession, regardless of the outcome.
Bailey’s stance against the prevailing pandemic narrative began as early as 2020 when she posted videos questioning COVID-19 protocols and vaccine policies. Her refusal to align with government messaging led to her being dismissed from her role on TVNZ’s health series The Checkup.
She has since argued that the Medical Council acted not as an impartial regulatory body but as an enforcer of government policy, suppressing dissenting medical opinions. In a striking revelation, Bailey accused Jonathan Coates, a prominent health sector lawyer who had once advised her, of breaching client confidentiality by later leading the prosecution against her. She claimed this violated New Zealand’s Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2008, which states that a lawyer’s duty of confidence to a client is indefinite. Bailey called for an investigation into Coates’ conduct, expressing concern about the lack of accountability in the regulatory process.
Bailey also drew attention to internal communications between the Medical Council and the Ministry of Health from 2020 that labelled her content as a “potential risk to public health.”
She argued that this demonstrated the Council’s willingness to prioritise government narratives over open scientific discourse. She further said that the pursuit of her licence cancellation was part of a broader effort to silence voices questioning official health policies, pointing to financial ties between regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry.
Bailey has maintained that her criticisms were rooted in her medical and scientific education and were driven by a commitment to protecting medical autonomy and informed consent.
Despite the legal and financial consequences, Bailey remains resolute in her mission to challenge mainstream medical narratives. She continues to release videos, write articles, and co-author books aimed at exposing what she sees as corruption within the medical and regulatory establishments.
Bailey encourages public awareness and urges supporters to share her findings widely, insisting that the fight is not just about her personal battle but about preserving the integrity of healthcare decisions for the benefit of the public. She says that the ability to question and critique health policies is fundamental to ensuring that medical practices remain rooted in genuine science rather than being driven by corporate or political agendas.
Samantha is a true ethical doctor of public medicine.
In the dark days of Suxie and Mykill she was a saviour who kept a sanctuary of sanity amidst the hysteria.
The truth must be protected with a narrative of lies
Which when challenged they come after You
When corruption meets quackery.
Obviously we can all safely disregard the self-serving ‘kangaroo court’ decisions made by the disgraceful inept incompetent immoral unethical corrupt NZ Medical Council.
Well done Dr Sam Bailey, the evil b*stards are on the run.
The logo of the Medical Council of NZ tells you all you need to know.
You made the right decision by getting out of the “viper’s nest” Samantha.
Just ignore their order to pay for telling the truth and upholding the Hippocratic oath (first, do no harm) that they ignored and you upheld.
Respect, peace and love to you and yours.
The NZ Medical Council is clearly hellbent on financially destroying it’s critics.
Pure evil on full display from these despicable conniving corrupt scumbags.
The fraudulent big-pharma ‘medical’ fraternity are getting somewhat desperate it appears.
Well done Dr Sam Bailey.
The Medical Council will now be called to account, especially after the turncoat lawyer who represented Samantha became her opposition. Once the population takes to the streets to protest the on-going government actions that were taken against the population of New Zealand, (just as the Turks are now doing to protest Erdogan…) , and those who promoted the vaccines and Covid lock-downs will be eventually called out…whenever that may be..!
Mention Sam if you are going to make the below submission;
The other factor which might be playing into the cancellation is that if I remember correctly, Sam is from the United States, and theOld Boy Provincial Colonial types do not like the Yanks, as many have better qualifications. Tall Poppies in action!!!
Sam Bailey is a hero. Only the ning nongs would believe what any of the government so-called health experts come out with.
May the medical Council and the Lawyers find irrefutable evidence to convince me that contests Sam Bailey’s findings……..waiting thank you.
As I haven’t seen irrefutable evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, employment terminations, mask mandates, quarantine were effective, that the vaccines were safe or effective (and the so called evidence of the virus seems flakey to me). I’m seeing more folk sick from ??? now than before the vaccines were administered.
So you can say “hello” on your morning walk, in the restaurant or bar, or at the airport, these individual members from the medical cuntcil no doubt need our support. To know them is to love them:
Two sides of the same coin
Decent people are routinely persecuted by a utterly corrupt governmental system….
That’ll teach her to stop making sense!
That was the funniest sarc for a long time.
VIVA Sam Bailey!
Medical council is no longer working for the public they need to go along with most councils boards in NZ.
This woman is a hero.
We are governed by CORPORATIONS, but only if you let them:
Cause and Effect, if you cannot provide the Cause ie Covid 19 SarsCov2 as a tangible object via Kochs 4x Postulates, ie the virus is isolated and purified then the virus does not exist. No medical expert in this World has yet provided the isolated and purified Sample. NZ Ministry oF Health has a lot to answer for. NoT one member of the NZMOH can provide the sample. So if the cause cannot be provided, why have a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist? We know why don’t we. p.s. what are the data sets for those injured and dead from the vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist IN NZ or the World. (We are waiting). Don’t expect any answers from NZs Pagan Pollies. Which is ALL OF THEM. RIP NZ.
Doctor Samantha Bailey and others who got the word out early, saved me from getting the bio-weapon covid injections. She should get an award.
As for the ‘jury’ who sat on her tribunal (sounds like the witchcraft tribunals during medieval ages and works exactly like those) and who cancelled her license:
Mr Winston McCarthy from Auckland
Dr Jonathan Coates from Christchurch, working for DENTONS.
Lackeys were Ms A Kinzett,
Dr R Radecki in Christchurch (from USA, should take a hike),
Dr Vanessa Beavis from Auckland,
Assoc Prof J McKenzie,
Ms D Gainey Executive Officer and
Mr F Biggs for the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC).
All these stooges for big pharma Bio-weapon criminals ought to face charges of wilful disinformation and being accessories to manslaughter.
The HPDT (Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal) called three ‘expert’ witnesses; an infectious disease physician, a vaccinologist and an expert in misinformation, three minions who make a living of the covid crime.
The realms of ‘legitimate scientific debate’ are drawn by apparatchiks, wholly immersed in the quagmire of ‘scientific’ exploitation, i.e. scammers.
But what is new in New Zealand’s jurisprudence?
Well, new is what the lot does not comprehend: The Times They Are a-Changin’.
In New Zealand a bit retarded.
I haven’t seen any doctor for 6 years because I have become more suspicious of all doctors. I didn’t take any covid jabs and didn’t get sick.
But I need a doctor and this Dr Sam Bailey is the kind of doctor I want to see. Someone who puts the patient first.
How do I find a similar doctor locally? Where would I look? Is there a list of doctors who have withdrawn from the Medical Council?
Try Voices For Freedom.
And doctors who have been cancelled by the med-fascists are still doctors. They might not be able to operate publicly and cannot write prescriptions. But they still can advise you privately and they have colleagues who can write prescriptions if that is necessary.
However, the best doctor is yourself. Live healthy, eat unprocessed food, maintain a garden and enjoy life among people with your mind-set. You are not alone.
I too do not trust the doctors who espouse the current government ideology. The best doctors are those who have been forced to retire or have been struck off by the totalitarian Medical Council.
Wow! Nice lawfare we have in NZ. Maybe instead of acting like the mafia, actually debate Sam. Give evidence of her misinformation instead of dancing around it.
This sends a message to other health professionals to stay in their lane. Don’t have an alternative to the official narrative.
If Sams advice is harmful to public health, then what is recommending and enforcing a novel medicine, whose type of delivery was known to have the issues now seen in its recipients?