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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Serial drink-driver sentenced to Home Detention after new offenses

Raquel Kiwi news
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Raquel Haina Kiwi, previously labelled one of New Zealand’s worst recidivist drink-drivers, has been caught driving under the influence again.

Kiwi, who has over 90 convictions, was found with a breath alcohol level of 746 micrograms per litre, despite being disqualified from driving. The legal limit is 250 micrograms.

Her criminal record includes 11 prior drink-driving convictions and nine for driving while disqualified. The worst incident occurred in 2004, resulting in a crash that killed her 7-month-old son. For her latest offenses, she was sentenced to six months of home detention and a two-year driving disqualification.

Despite a 14-year gap since her last drink-driving charge, reports of Kiwi’s recent court appearance highlighted her continued struggle with the law. Her lawyer argued that Kiwi had not intended to drive, but circumstances led her to do so. Judge Thomas Ingram, while acknowledging her efforts at reform, denied her request for name suppression. He noted the opportunity for Kiwi to use her situation as a lesson for her grandchildren. Kiwi, who is actively involved in their care and pursuing a business certificate, received a reduced sentence due to her guilty pleas and the significant time lapse since her last driving-related offenses.

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  1. This is a clear case of an very high incompetency of our JUDGES and jury system where innocent people get put away and criminal get home detention providing you have the wright colour and gander. Judges are very quick to direct armed thugs to put someone in a cage, for weeks, months, or years just for showing contempt for the judge.


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