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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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State broadcaster TVNZ expected to cut 10% of its workforce

TVNZ news

State broadcaster TVNZ expected to cut jobs as part of an effort to remain sustainable amidst tough economic conditions and structural challenges in the legacy media sector.

This move will affect up to 68 employees across the company, with about 35 of those in the news and current affairs division, impacting top news and current affairs shows, including the potential restructuring of Sunday, Fair Go, and possibly even adjustments to the 6pm news format.

The decision has led to a series of consultation meetings with staff, many of whom have been informed via email without prior direct conversations with bosses, which has said to have caused distress for some workers.

TVNZ’s chief executive, Jodi O’Donnell said there was a need difficult to make difficult choices to ensure the broadcaster’s sustainability in light of declining revenue performance.

News boss Phil O’Sullivan described the proposed cuts as ‘devastating’ indicating a challenging period ahead for the company and its employees.

The news follows closely on the heels of Warner Bros. Discovery’s announcement to shut down Newshub, resulting in approximately 300 job losses.

The layoffs at TVNZ represent almost 10% of its 700-strong workforce.

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  1. TV “licence” fees incoming, just like the brits do 😒👍

    Mark my words: They’ll soon start demanding we all subsidise the propaganda they want to feed us.

    They’re a dying industry, and it’s not because of technology or racism or the changing landscape blah blah blah (or any other BS excuse that’s trendy this week).

    It’s because nobody wants to buy their papers, nobody wants to subscribe to their apps, nobody wants to hit their websites. You can’t be so biased and so arrogant and so out of touch with the general public for so long and still expect them to always be there for you.

    “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it 😏”

    Yeah, messaged received loud and clear guys 👍

    How’s it working out for you?

    And what’s worse is there’s literally never been a more exciting time to be in the news business: Corrupt governments, biolabs, global pandemics, deadly vaccines, Unelected globalist bureaucrats pushing governments closer to censorship and tyranny, a clearly fraudulent climate hoax, immigration crises throughout the western world, the world’s most important election being blatantly stolen, etc etc etc

    So many stories and issues they could be covering, but they don’t. Because they only report what they’re told to report and how they’re told to report it. Meanwhile independent media and citizen journalists are getting the REAL news out to people instantly without any of the prerequisite “thought filters” being applied.

    THAT’S why Dino media is failing, and why more of these cuts will be on the horizon in future. Money doesn’t buy authenticity.

    Enjoy the unemployment line, you weasely hacks. Learn to code 😆🖕

    • Money doesn’t buy authenticity; it buys A.I. generated newscasters…! THAT is why they are trickling out the door!
      & IF licences for TV’s are coming (and I suspect that they are as well…) then we should dictate the programming, ie The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, TLC, Rush, Sky News, Sky Open, TV1 & TV2, Duke, UKTV, BBC, Maori & Parliament TV,
      That’s only 14 channels out of 23, the other 9 useless banter- especially Eden and Bravo, their ‘flagship’ programs being those bantering bitches from ‘The Real (J3wi$h) Housewives’ of their husband’s ill-gotten gains.
      Maybe they’ll add to Bravo the Taylor Swift Channel…and here comes my afternoon bowel movement!!
      The religious channels need to go as well, and since no one has any money post-covid, they can scrap any & all infomercials and shopping channels!

  2. Must be a bit harder with no government 50 million dollar top ups..and after all the lies they spread during COVID people have gone elsewhere for there news… Government don’t care with newshub gone you only have one source of news.what cancerinda wanted

  3. Oh no! Who will tell me when to get my 8th booster shot now? Who will read me a non-English language weather forecast? Who be there to blame all the worlds problems on Putin? How will we all cope.

    • See without MSM you are already out of touch.
      “And without your booster, the Covid you caught would have been much much worse”

      Just so you know, its the 10th booster. Along with the flu. Oh and the measles, because thats coming back. But don’t let that fool you because it’s not a stand alone vaccine, its combined MMR. Did you get your HPV, your TB, are you up to date with your tetanus and don’t forget your shingles vax. Which by the way would not have been an issue had you just got the natural strain of chicken pox and not the vaccine. Sorry that last statement will have to fact check and deleted

  4. It’s the same company that claim they have broadcasting standards yet continue to broadcast “Short on Talent Street”, we don’t need them for anything anymore sell them off tvnz has been useless for decades.

  5. Why stop there?
    Since when has tvnz been about\for NZ?
    Just a dispensary for american grooming product.
    Funny that kevin malloy used to work for publicis groupe, the pr company of WEF.
    Very convenient.
    Connections like that can really open doors.
    Here we see the door between WEF and TVNZ opened wide as the WEF propaganda flows onto our screens like solder.
    Sack the lot.
    All complicit
    All guilty.

  6. They are all being replaced by algo sequencing.
    A.I. is going to take their jobs, and the algos will formulate the binary news, then present it with A.I.-generated newscasters who are NOT real! The Matrix via Blue Beam, Gaslighting and Gangstalking via holographic means are here to stay,…!
    That’s what this is all about,
    The plus side; the morons both in front and behind the cameras who pushed the agendas of the Zionist-owned MSM have now been thrown under the bus! Used & discarded!
    Let’s see how they like living in their cars, vans, and cardboard boxes in about 2 years time…
    The only REAL program that has stood the test of time is Fair Go, but that too will probably go out the door as they revealed problems that showed how corrupt NZ really is in it’s business dealings!

  7. Just stop turning it on. Shave them of your attention. I haven’t turned mine in for 4 years. It’s wonderful 🤩


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