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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Tauranga Council votes to fluoridate water amid controversy over health concerns

Tauranga Council news

In a contentious decision on October 14, the Tauranga City Council voted to comply with a directive from the Director-General of Health, Diana Sarfati, to fluoridate the city’s water supply.

The move has sparked criticism from advocacy group Fluoride Free NZ (FFNZ) who say the decision will expose future generations of Tauranga children to harmful neurotoxins.

While a majority of the council supported the directive, Mayor Drysdale and councillors Glen Crowther and Marten Rozenboom opposed fluoridation, citing potential health risks.

FFNZ commended these councillors for their efforts to prevent the introduction of fluoride into the water system.

The group expressed concerns that the other councillors were swayed by what they believe was flawed legal advice, leading them to fear legal repercussions if they resisted the directive.

In a press release (below) FFNZ asserted that following due legal process would not place councillors at personal or financial risk, calling for the release of the legal advice given to council members for transparency.

FFNZ also criticised the Director-General of Health Dr Diana Sarfati, accusing her of ignoring recent scientific studies that question the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing tooth decay and highlight potential health dangers. The group drew parallels to other health controversies in New Zealand’s history, such as the delayed action on lead in petrol and mercury in dental fillings, warning that the fluoride debate could follow a similar path.

Despite the vote, FFNZ insists that councillors still have the legal means to challenge the directive, urging them to seek better legal counsel and reconsider their decision.

Full text of FFNZ press release

On 14 October the Tauranga City Council voted by majority to add a developmental neurotoxin to Tauranga’s water supply, permanently damaging the brains of the next generation of the children to be born in Tauranga. They did so because they voted to follow, rather than challenge, the directive from the Director-General of Health, Diana Sarfati, to fluoridate the city’s water supply.

We applaud Mayor Drysdale and councillors Glen Crowther and Marten Rozenboom for doing their utmost to prevent fluoridation from starting.

However, from the discussion it was clear that councillors had received seriously false legal advice which led to the other councillors being too afraid to take a stand.

Councillors were clearly under the misbelief that even if they applied for and received an interim injunction against the directive, they could still be breaking the law. This is not the case They also seemed to believe that the Council, and perhaps themselves personally, could be fined under these circumstances.

They seemed to have been led to believe that following due legal process put them in the same category as residents who refused to pay rates without going through such a legal process. It does not.

The privilege in the legal advice received belongs to the elected members, not the executive. Therefore, we call on the elected members to release the legal advice they received, in the spirit of open democracy.

The real culprit here is the Director-General of Health. She has refused repeatedly to look at the latest science that shows, without any real doubt, that fluoridation is not only ineffective in reducing tooth decay but is seriously damaging health. This has been known since at least 2006. Instead, she quotes a WHO decision (from thirty years ago), and New Zealand reviews that were cursory in nature and contain serious flaws. The 2014 Chief Science Advisor’s Report contains a serious error where it claims the 7 IQ point loss from higher fluoride (described as “less than one standard deviation”) as “of no functional significance”. The 2021 follow-up review carried on the misconception.

To put this in perspective, the Ministry of Health kept insisting that Lead -in petrol and paint was safe for 20 years after the rest of the world had stopped it. The Ministry has never admitted that 245T (which it endorsed) caused cancer. The Ministry continues to proclaim Mercury amalgam tooth fillings are safe when Sweden (for example) banned it in the 1990s, and the rest of the world is about to ban it, and our Food safety Authority tells us not to eat more than 250gm of fish a week due to ovoid overexposure to Mercury. The Ministry continues to support the poisoning of our forests with 1080 when the rest of the world has banned it.

Councillors have the legal means to push back– they just need sound (rather than unsound) legal advice and the moral fortitude to do so.

Image credit: Imani

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  1. The decision makers are under manipulative influences. Will the state warden of authority on this decision have their signature on the authorizing document? If so then they can be held personally responsible for any harms caused. With the proof of harm that the flouride that is added to drinking water causes verifiably documented, anyone authorizing flouridating water supplies must have their neck on the line.

    • “I just followed orders” has not, is not and will not be an excuse for manslaughter.
      ‘Neck on the line’ is an interesting pun.

  2. New Zealand is becoming an archaic, backwater, well behind world standards or worse still, ignoring them under both Labour and now National. Time to stop voting for both.

    Fluoride is dangerous to peoples health so why the hell put it in our water? Just as genetic meddling in our food was banned for 30+ years for the same reason. Sane, civilised nations like Italy, Russia and China don’t allow these things.

  3. Proof that the corporate state wants us dumb, sick or dead. Corporate Britain is pushing to have this poison added to its school milk program.
    Evil forces at work eh?

    • I totally concur.
      It is the central tyranny decreed by a narcissist pawn like Diana Sarfati. Who the hell does she think she is ordering drinking water to be laced with poison?
      Diana Sarfati shall be on notice to be held liable for any harm done to a man/woman/boy/girl in Godzone due to her megalomanic intrusion into anyone’s bodily sovereignty.

      • yes indeed, this psychopathic marxist Diana Sarfati should be put on notice that she will be held liable for any harm caused by breaching individuals autonomy over their own bodies. As the Director General of Health Diana, you should know that Flouride is poison and should recognise “Body Autonomy”, you know:
        “Autonomy over one’s own body refers to the right to make decisions about one’s physical and mental well-being without external influence or coercion. This fundamental concept is rooted in the idea that individuals have sovereignty over their own bodies, allowing them to govern their own lives and choices.”
        And Bodily Integrity:
        “Bodily integrity is the inviolability of the physical body and emphasizes the importance of personal autonomy, self-ownership, and self-determination of human beings over their own bodies. In the field of human rights, violation of the bodily integrity of another is regarded as an unethical infringement, intrusive, and possibly criminal”

  4. Fluoride is an industrial waste buy product that is hard to dispose of
    Bluff aluminum smelter
    Chem trails barium strontium aluminum
    Problem reaction in solution

  5. The NZ Ministry of Health and the NZ Human Rights Commission…where the hell are they?
    Which lawyer will volunteer to do pro-bono work to overturn the fluoridation in Tauranga?
    Also- where’s Winston Peters? After all, this is his ‘(s)electorate, and he has the information regarding the health hazards of fluoride in water supplies. He has the information because I SENT IT TO HIM!!!!

  6. A good question would be HOW the council advised that the councillors themselves would be liable for any fines ?
    Did that influence the vote, yeah quite likely!
    Does this mean the CEO and others are liable for the $30M failure of a parking building and ALL other disasters they have created ?
    The only reason they voted for it was ITS THE LAW and in the background they are liable was the advice.

  7. Politicians don’t do anything for free. Who is making political donations?
    It’ll be hard to find the info because they’re experts of deception, but it’s there somewhere 🤔.


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