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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Teen killer Khanye TeHueHue pleads guilty to manslaughter

Khanye TeHueHue news
The victim, Zion Purukamu.

TeHueHue was 16 years old when he killed Zion Purukamu outside a party in Christchurch on 13 August 2021.

TeHueHue had been charged with murder, but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in the Christchurch High Court today, leading to angry scenes inside the courtroom as members of Purukamu’s family vented their anger at the accused.

Further details of the crime were released in court today.

Purukamu and fiends had attended a birthday party at an address in Medbury Terrace on the night in question. Around 10pm TeHueHue turned up with two associates. An argument broke out between the two groups when Purukamu accused TeHueHue of kissing a drunk girl and told him to leave. When TeHueHue refused a fight started during which TeHueHue stabbed Purukamu in the abdomen and back with a knife, piercing his aorta. He was pronounced dead at the scene when paramedics couldn’t revive him.

TeHueHue was also charged with offences relating to two other teenage victims – one of whom he stabbed in the chest lacerating his spleen, and the other, a 14 year old who was stabbed in the lung.

He will be sentenced in March 2023.

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