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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Thiel considers permanent move to NZ amid California’s tax woes

Billionaire Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir Technologies, is contemplating leaving California permanently due to its high taxation, with New Zealand emerging as a possible destination.

Thiel, who became a New Zealand citizen in 2011 despite minimal time spent in the country, discussed his options on Joe Rogan’s podcast, expressing dissatisfaction with California’s “confiscatory taxation” and uncertainty about whether to move out of the state or the country entirely. Though he mentioned Florida and Costa Rica as alternatives, Thiel indicated a strong preference for New Zealand, citing its alignment with his views on the future and its attractiveness in the tech sector compared to Australia.

Thiel’s New Zealand citizenship has been controversial, particularly after it was revealed in 2017 that he gained it after spending just 12 days in the country.

Despite this, Thiel has maintained his affinity for New Zealand, contrasting it with Australia, which he criticised for its reliance on commodity exports to China and a perceived ‘lack of effort’ from its talented individuals. The potential move could solidify Thiel’s connection to New Zealand, a country he sees as more promising in the tech space than its neighboring Australia.

Palantir’s involvement in sensitive and often controversial areas like surveillance, immigration enforcement, and military operations has made it a lightning rod for criticism from privacy advocates, civil liberties groups, and those concerned about the ethical implications of big data and AI in society. The company is said to operate with a high level of secrecy, both in terms of its contracts and the specifics of how its technology is used.

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  1. How can we stop this known globalist assassin from infesting our country?
    The demonic cultist govt is inviting their mates over to party here now that their own countries have been trashed by their greed.
    I don’t want these satanic pedophiles setting up here.
    8 million children go missing each year already.
    Sold for sex ritual sacrifice to the wealthy. Satanists.
    I thought NZ was a Christian nation not a satanic one.


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