Police have had an active presence in the Porirua region today monitoring a funeral in the area to ensure behaviour did not impact other members of the public.
Around 100 vehicles were involved in a procession from Tawa and gathered at the Whenua Tapu Cemetery.
Over the course of the day, one vehicle was impounded, and one non-operation order was issued.
A further 12 infringement notices were issued for driving behaviour.
Further enforcement action is likely.

No significant issues were reported during the gathering and those involved have now dispersed.
‘Everyone should be safe and feel safe when out in the community and Police will continue to enforce our clear expectations on motorists’ behaviour on our roads,’ said police in a statement.
Great to see police are keeping it all lawful. No gangs blocking traffic illegally etc. time for the gangs to be held to the same laws we are. Police have their hands full but greatly appreciated. They lay charges in the past but last government did not want to punish the guilty. Hope our new government will hold the criminals accountable and they will be punished like we would be. 90% of all gang members in Nz are from one race. Scary
Invoice the mugs for wasting police and taxpayer reources
De-bank the gangs and their members, The BNZ is trying to de-bank Gloria vale because there values do align with the banks, how many accounts does the BNZ operate on behalf of the gangs?